My First Foolishness: Episode 1 - 10 : TOPSTER STORIES

My First Foolishness – Episode 10

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Episode 10 (Final Episode)


It was my beautiful daughter’s tenth birthday and Chijioke had planned a big birthday party for our daughter in his family house and of course I was included in the birthday plans. Chijioke got alot of gifts for Catherine.


Catherine had invited all her friends. The party had started like 2 hours ago and Catherine’s favorite music was playing, every one were dancing happily, eating and drinking. It was a fun-filled party.


Chijioke even invited his friends and I did the same too.


I was busy attending to my guest, when Catherine came and said “Mom, My daddy is calling you”.


I smiled faintly, because I saw how much Catherine had bonded already with his father in just one year. It was as if she knew Chijioke her entire life. “Where is your daddy?” I asked calmly


“He is sitting beside the swimming pool and he asked me to call you” Catherine said


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“Ok, tell him I will be with him shortly” I entered and Catherine left.


In five minutes, I left the party and headed to the swimming pool, located inside the huge compound, I didn’t see anyone when I got to the pool, I almost concluded that Catherine had just pulled a prank on me because she was good at pulling my legs. I was about to return to the party. When a familiar voice said ” Juliet please wait”


I turned around and saw it was Chijioke, my heart skipped a beat.


Even though I had gained a new friend in Andrew, I was still madly in love with my Chijioke.


Chijioke walked closer and held my hands.


I suddenly grew mute.


“My love, have you moved on? It’s has been 12 months we found each other again and you haven’t said a word about us and about our love” he told me

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“See who is talking, I had thought in the same direction, ever since you returned, you had been seriously bonding with Catherine and you forgot all about me, I felt

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shattered because I never expected you could move on so quickly” I entered at once.


“Moved on with who? I only got to spend a year with our daughter but you have spent 10 years with her already, is it wrong to bond with my own child?, Juliet how could I move on when my heart still beat for you, all through my stay in the United States, I have never been committed to anyone, yes I dated few girls but I didn’t feel anything for them, you are my love, my first and last love, I love you” Chijioke said calmly and held my waist.


And I was surprised, I wondered why I always assumed the worst, At first I thought Chijioke abandoned me and when he returned, I assumed he was no longer interested in our love.


“I’m sorry” I said in tears.


He wiped my tears and looked into my eyes.


“Juliet do you still love me? Does your heart still beat for me? “He asked and I nodded “yes”


“Chijioke I had always been in love with you and I am still in love with you, you are my everything, how can I stop loving you?” I responded.


He kissed me and then my mischievous Daughter walked in on us. “Dad, I told you that mom loves you so much” Catherine said in smiles. Chijioke and I smiled faintly because we were embarrassed. I never knew Catherine and her Father was up to something.


“Dad, this is the right time” Catherine added


“Right time for what Catherine? You better return to your party, your friends will be looking everywhere for you” I said at once.


I was still talking to Catherine, when Chijioke knelt down on one knee and Catherine gave him a small shimmering box, I almost had an heart attack when Chijioke took out a beautiful lovely engagement ring from the small box and proposed to me.

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“My love will you marry me?” He asked so lovingly, tears of Joy was falling from my eyes and then I screamed a big yes. Chijioke stood up, kissed me and embraced me so tight.


‘i don’t want to be far away from you, never again, Juliet I love you so much” he whispered in my ears.



It didn’t take long, we got married, we had a nice wedding, we spent our honeymoon in the US and I got pregnant again, this time Chijioke was always there for me as he wants to make up for his absence during my first pregnancy with Catherine and in a few months time, I had a baby boy who we named God’s will.Kindly share out stories from using the floating social media icon buttons on the bottom of the screen



Before we assume, we should learn the facts. Before we conclude find out the real story. Don’t jump into conclusion so quickly.


It doesn’t matter if people pushed you or pulled you down, drained you or fueled you, loved you or left you, hurt you or helped you, what matters is that they were part of your growth and you have to thank them or even forgive them.


Don’t give up on yourself, even when everyone had written you off, dust yourself up and start from somewhere and help yourself. You may lose your way but never lose Hope.


Carrying a child for 9 months doesn’t make you a good mother, dropping everything in your life to make sure your child has a good life makes you a Good Mother.


True love conquers all. Be patient, don’t rush, your time will come and God’s will would be done.


Never give up on someone you love.


The End







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