Mariana: Episode 1 -- 28 (Season 2)???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Mariana Season 2 Episode 4

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Episode 4 ⃣






I stared at the helpless face of my friend and thought of ways to help her answer the question. I know she won’t be able to answer it because she was not in school when we started this topic.


I wrote the formula on a piece of paper and whistled lowly for her to turn but she didn’t. I think she didn’t hear me.


I tried to call her again when the teacher glared at me.


I stopped immediately and hid the paper.


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I looked at Pearl once more and she was busy chewing the inside of her mouth like someone in thought but I think she was really thinking because her next action shocked me and I believe not me alone but the class and our teacher as well.


She spoke,


“To find the surface area of a cylinder, add the surface area of each end plus the surface area of the side.


Each end is a circle so the surface area of each end is π * r2 , where r is the radius of the end.


There are two ends so their combinded surface area is 2 π * r2 .


The surface area of the side is the circumference times the height or 2 π * r * h, where r is the radius and h is the height of the side.


The entire formula for the surface area of a cylinder is 2 π r2 + 2 π r h. ”


She paused and looked around,” I think that’s the answer.”


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Before she could finish, the whole class was upstanding again as the room sounded with thunderous applouds.


I stood as well. I was amazed. How come? How did she know? Even what I copied on the piece of paper was wrong. She gave out the best answer.


I looked at Aria but but she was sitting with a gum in her mouth. She didn’t seem to care a bit.


“That’s correct Pearl, you really amazed me today. Tell me, have you perhaps got a special tutor at home?” Mr Dickson our maths teacher asked.


She shook her head.

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I stared at the back of her head in thought. Until today, Quinnie doesn’t answer questions not even when she’s threatened with punishment.


And I’ve always wondered how she manages to pass her exams but not anymore.


I’m going to ask her today and i must get my answer.


“Aria, are you not surprised at all?” I whispered.


“Not at all. Pearl is a mysterious girl and this is what should be expected of her. Imagine someone who doesn’t come to school but always manage to excel than we the ones who are always in school. Until now, all I thought was that she has been sneaking foreign materials in the exams hall but I thought wrong. She does things like the way she appeared at this countryside.” She said and brought a nail file from her purse.


“Well, I don’t think she’s mysterious. She’s just smart and wise that’s why I call her Quinn.”


“That’s great, am impressed. Okay class let’s continue.” Mr Dickson said shutting Aria up from whatever she was about to say.


The teaching went on as we move from one formula to the other. Mensuration is just full of formulas and I hate it.


The moment the bell rang signifying the end of maths class, I grabbed Pearl’s wrist and we walked out of the class.


“How did you do it Quinn?.” I asked when we got to our lockers.


“What did I do?”


“Don’t act dumb Pearl.” I flared.


“Easy Betsy. All I did was to learn. I learned it Betsy.” She said opening her locker.


“That’s a fat lie Pearl. I’ve never seen you learning before so how did you know the formula.”


“You’re impossible Betsy, how do you expect me to know the answer if I don’t learn? I’m not a magician who works wonders, I’m I ?”


“You might not be a magician but I’m starting to see one in you.”



“That’s great.” She replied grinning at me. “Don’t worry, I will teach you my technique when we close from school today. It’s really magical!”


“I would also like to learn from you.” Aria said and came to stand in front of us.


“Sure” Pearl agreed and pulled her cheeks.


“Alright, let’s got to class now.” Pearl said.


“The whole school has been asked to assemble at the assembly hall by the principal and it’s compulsory.” Aria said and walked out.


I looked at Pearl who was feeling reluctant to follow us and pulled her along.


“Let’s hurry up guys. I don’t want to miss the front seat.” Aria said and took fast steps.


When we got to the hall, it was almost full up.


There was one seat left at the front so Aria quickly bounced on it.


Pearl and I went to the back, found a comfortable chair and sat.


Soon the principal arrived at the stage with a microphone in hand.


“Good morning, Colleagues and my dear students. Am sure you must be wondering why I called for all of you on such a short notice.


We have gathered here to meet a very important personality today. I’m sure most of you had heard a lot about him.


Our school has been given the grand honour of having the best student in Australia in our midst. He’s here to share his experience with us as well as to encourage and inspire.



It is my pleasure and privilege to extend a cordial welcome to our guest, Megan Dante the award winning talented musician who’s ruling over the music industry with his amazing voice, The son of our very own singer Amy Rockxon and Daniel Dante the best Prosecutor in Australia.


It’s a great achievement of Megan to have attained such a positive recognition at such a young age of 15.


The government of this country has chosen our school among the few for this young student to give us an inspiration


Indeed, Megan, the world, this country, the Government and this fortunate school is proud of you.


I pray and hope that before you leave here, there will be a drastic change among my students especially Miss Pearl Darvis.” The principal said, looked at where Pearl and I sat and saluted her.


The whole school bursted into a fit of laughter.


What kind of embarrassment is this? I thought and looked at Pearl.


My eyes widened as I watch her laugh along with the other students. Her laughter was even the loudest.


I hit her From under the desk when she was still laughing while everyone has kept quiet.


She stopped and glared at me before starting to laugh again.


I used my hand to cover her mouth to keep her quiet.


“Focus Pearl, everyone is looking at you.” I told her and faced front.


“As I was saying, Megan had straight As in all his subjects with a distinction. Despite being an artist, a runway model and the youngest rich boy in Australia, he



still manages to focus on his studies. This is one thing everyone must learn from him.


No matter how wealthy you’re, you must not think education is useless and therefore a waste of time.


Without much I do, help me as i make welcome Megan Dante with a thunderous applouds.”


We all stood up and clapped wildly.


Then just like the celebrity that he was, he emerged from the backstage with a graceful catwalk.


“Do well to ask him a few questions. after his speech.” The principal, Mr Arquette added before evacuating the stage.


He was wearing an expensive Tuxedo. His stylish hair shimmered as the sun from our glass window shined on it. On his wrist was an expensive watch and a diamond stone on his ear.


He smiled widely at us and I couldn’t help falling thousand times. His smile was so mesmerizing and intoxicating that it weakened my knees.


Get a grip on yourself Betsy. He’s your junior brother.


But there’s no age barrier when it comes to love right?


He looked older than his age, by the look of his stature he looks like an 18year old guy.


I looked at Pearl to see if Megan’s charm was having effect on her as well but the damn girl was sleeping.


Can you imagine? She’s sleeping.


“Pearl?” I tapped her awake.


“What?” She asked.


“Have a look at our guest, he’s here.” I whispered.


I won’t.” “Why?”


“Because I already saw him in the morning.” She said. “Oh really?” I asked


“Yeah. So let me be.” She placed her head on the desk again. I let her be and focused on the demigod in front of me.


And when he spoke, his voice was like music to my ears.


Thank you Mr Arquette. To be frank, I consider myself fortunate and honored to be called upon to share my experiences with y’all.


To commence with, it’s all about hard work determination and being dedicated. I would like to speech on the importance of education which is must to know by all of us. Education plays a great role in the life of everyone all through the life…”




I heard a camera sound and turned to see the girls at my back snapping pictures. I looked forward and continued the drooling session.


He continued.


“Knowledge is love, light and vision,” a quote by Helen Keller. With this broad


vision in mind, we the students need to glide above the textual matter and think critically along with human concern.



The more knowledge we get, we grow and develop more in the life. Being well educated never only means to earn certificates and good salary from the recognized and reputed organisation companies or institutions however it also means to be a good and social person in the life. It helps us to determine whether something is good or bad for us and other persons related to us.


In such a competitive world, education has become a necessity for human beings after food, clothe and shelter. It is able to provide solutions to all problems; it promotes good habits and awareness about corruption, terrorism, and other social issues among us.


Education is the most important tool offers inner and outer strength to a person. Education is the fundamental rights of everyone and capable of bringing any desired change and upliftment in the human mind and society.


Also, I’d like every student to know how to read, to read deeply, and to truly understand each word. By reading, we can improve our knowledge. I speak from my own experience in studying online. If you can read, you can learn to do anything.


Reading is the first step to good writing. In order to learn social studies, science, and math, you need to know how to read. Reading is the gateway to all knowledge.


Thank you.”


We all clapped again, after that, we were allowed to ask questions.


I got furious when I heard the questions those foolish girls were asking.


“Megan please do you have a girlfriend?” A girl asked.


“If you really have a girlfriend then tell us who she is.” Another girl asked.


“And how do you balance your relationship with studies?”


And that was the questions being asked poor Megan.


After we left the assembly hall, we went for lunch then back to our classes.


The time went by quickly and soon we closed. We took the bus and alighted at our junction.


Aria, Pearl and I walked the same path as we chatted along.


When we got to the route to the children’s home, Pearl covered her face with her bag and started walking fast.


“What’s wrong Pearl?” I asked.


“I promised the kids a treat today but I’ve got no money.” She said in a haste.


Aria whistled lowly in mockery.


“Why promise something you can’t afford Pearl.” Aria teased.


“I thought I will get money for those jellies.” She replied.Kindly share out more interesting stories from using the floating social media icon buttons below


From the corner of my eyes, I saw the children running to catch up with us.


“Stop running Pearl, the kids are already here.” I told her and she stopped.


“Pearly Pearly, your heart is so pure like a pearl.” The kids chorused her name happily .


Pearl stopped on her track and turned around.


She went to the children and squatted to their level.


“How are you all my honey bunnies.” She said kissing them each on the cheeks.


The kids were about 10 in number and they’re all between the ages of 5 and 8. They’re the needy children in our small town with a home for all of them but they


are not taken care of properly so Pearl took it upon herself to always feed them anytime she had money.



She has been doing this for quite a while now and the children love her a lot for her generosity.


Pearl will really make a good philanthropist.


“Alright cuties, I promised to take y’all on a special treat but I have postponed it to tomorrow.” She said and looked at how the kids face dropped sadly.


“Hey but don’t worry, I’ve got something for you all.” She told them happily and deepened her hand in her bag.


She brought out a lot of coins then started sharing them among the kids.


Is that not the money she’s been saving for her grandfather’s medication?


“Yay. Thank you.” The kids said.


They gave her a kiss on the cheeks one after the other after taking the coin.


She was smiling so widely. She look so happy. Soon all the coins got finished.


“Alright kids, go and have something sweet to eat with this.” She said and straighten up.


“Thank you sister Pearl.” They chanted.


“Okay, bye” Pearl said waving them.


“Can we go now madam philanthropist?” Aria asked already leading the way.


The kids left jumping all the way happily.


“How could you Pearl? Why did you just gave them your meagre savings knowing very well that your grandfather needs the money for his medication.” I slurred.



“Didn’t you see the happy faces of those kids? It’s good to make kids happy and as for grandfather, I will work hard and earned the money back.” She explained selflessly.


“And what of the treat you promised them tomorrow? Where will you get the money?” I asked.


“You’ll see.” She stated and we started walking.




Then I remembered what Pearl said she will teach us.


Aria has already taken a seat in front of the path she will walk on to her house.


“Hurry up Pearl, I can’t wait for you to teach us your magic.” Aria yelled from where she sat.


She just said what I was thinking.


We got to her and sat.


Pearl took my bag and brought out a science textbook.


She gave it to me and told me to open any topic.


I took it and opened to any page.


I placed it on her lap.


“Good, force and motion is the topic you opened. Have you treated it yet?”


“No.” Aria replied shaking her head.


“Okay. Watch what am going to do now. I’m about to study this topic and keep all the definitions off head right now. Set your time, I will be using 10 minutes. She said and concentrated on the opened topic, flipping the pages over at each second.


She stared at each page carefully without blinking.


Then she closed the book and closed her eyes.


Five minutes was already gone when I checked the time.


She opened the book again and stared in it, flipping the pages and nodding her head.


We just watched her keenly.


“Am done.” She announced and handed the book over to me.


“Okay you both will look into the textbook and tell me what I left out after reciting everything.” She said.


Aria and I exchanged looks.


Then like a joke, she started saying everything in the book word for word. She had all the definitions and everything right.


We flipped the pages and she continued saying everything.


I was marvelled.


I looked at Aria and her jaw was almost dropping to the floor. What the heck? She said everything till the topic ended. “What are you Pearl?”


“A witch!” Aria exclaimed.




To me? She’s a genius.


What of you?



Is our Megan handsome or naa?


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