Mariana: Episode 1 -- 28 (Season 2)???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Mariana Season 2 Episode 22

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EPISODE 2 ⃣2 ⃣












“The test came back positive. Which means Aria is your flesh and blood Congratulations, you found your daughter..” The doctor announced.


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I felt like screaming out of happiness but I couldn’t. I still have to pretend.


The room went silent than necessary. I looked at the faces of the people in the room and they all bore astonish looks.


I began to think that our plan has failed until I heard Paula’s squeals.


“Oh my God! She’s my baby.” She walked to where Aria was and hugged her affectionately.


“Pablo we found our daughter finally. I can’t explain how happy I am.” She got up and pulled Aria along, together they hugged Aria.


“Welcome once again to your very own family princess!.” Pablo exclaimed and picked her up as she bubbled with giggles.


“Now I can rest peacefully.” Granny stood up and walked to them.”Put her down Pablo. I will like to embrace my great granddaughter.”


They placed her down and granny embraced gladly as tears of joy spilled from her eyes.


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I just sat and watched as i plan how I was going to celebrate this victory of mine.


“Come give grandpa a hug Ari.” Nicholas stood up.


Granny let her go and she hugged Nicholas.


Megan hissed loudly and walked out. Everything ceased as everyone stared at the back of the teenager.


“Ari dear, don’t mind him, he’ll soon come around, right Dan?” Amy asked.


“Yeah, I will talk to him.” Dan replied and followed him.


I looked at Pearl and there was no doubt that, she was happy for her friend.


“Wow Aria. I can’t explain how happy I am for you at this moment.” Pearl walked with a huge smile and hugged Aria as well.


Soon they’ll began chattering so happily and I used that opportunity to leave the place when I heard Pearl say something. I stopped and turned to listen.


“It’s was nice being with you all. You have been so sweet to me and I can’t thank you less. Now that everything is fine and you have your daughter, I think it’s time for me to leave…”


“You ain’t going no where!” Marion shouted from where he had sat all this while.


“Yes you’re not leaving Pearl.” Dan said as he came back inside.


“Thanks uncle for supporting me this time.” Marion said.


“Mum, Dad? Are you all blind? How can you take a stranger to be your daughter which will make her my sister based on some baseless test? I don’t accept her mum. She’s nothing like my sister. Pearl is my sister can’t you see?” The small kid yelled.



“Marion dear, you’re too young to understand certain things. Aria is really your sister and it’s been proven. Pearl is not your sister and the faster you accept it the better it will be.” Paula explained with an arm around Aria.


“Uncle, I don’t know what’s wrong with my parents but I believe you support me.


You’re aware that Pearl is my sister right?” He turned to Daniel.


“No Marion, I’m not supporting you. I just don’t want Pearl to leave yet. There will be a party tonight and I will like for her to stay to celebrate with us.”


A party?


“What!” Marion exclaimed.”You can all accept her but I won’t.” He said and ran upstairs to his room probably.


“Am sorry for causing any sort of misunderstanding in your family.


I think it’s my cue to leave.” Pearl apologized.


“Yes you will, but after tonight. This party is specially organized in your friends honour and she needs you today.” Pablo added.


Pearl looked at Aria who was smiling happily and agreed.


“Alright.” Pearl agreed.


“Thanks Pearl.” Aria managed to say.


“Today is a big day for my family and we’ve made preparations towards it. We’ve been planning this for God knows how long. Am going to take care of all the arrangements while you guys prepare along.” Paula anounced happily.


I looked down sadly and ran upstairs to my room making sure that my heels made noise on the stairs.


Now they are going to think that am upset because i lost a daughter to them. They will feel guilty and ran after me in order to console me.









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After spending close to a week with this family, i got to know that their good and humble people despite their riches.


They accepted Aria with open arms and am really glad things went this way for Aria. Despite that, I still feel really bad for Mrs Miles. Poor thing, she must be crying her eyes out by now.


Am also excited about this whole party, I mean I haven’t attended rich people’s party before and this is the first. I can’t wait to see how it’s going be.


I can’t wait to narrate everything to Betsy when I get back home tomorrow.


I’m having a good time here and I wish I wouldn’t have to leave but there’s always an end to everything.


I opened my door but closed it back. Maybe I should go and speak to Mrs Miles, it’s might calm her down a little.


I took a left turn which leads to another stairs. I ascended the stairs to Simonica’s door.


What if she needed some space? I wouldn’t like to disturb her. Maybe I should just go freshen up and check on her later.


I was turning to leave when I heard Aria’s voice in there.


I hate eavesdropping since it was a bad habit. I decided to go.


I descended the stairs and took a left to my door. I took gentle steps as I wouldn’t like to stain the neat tiled floor under my feet and this was how I’ve always walked for the past five days.


When I reached my door and opened it, there was a number of ladies in my room.



What’s going on here?


“Welcome madam. Don’t freak out, we’re here to dress you up for the function.”


“Don’t worry, I can dress myself. Thank you.” I answered and walked in.


“We were paid to do this so please let’s us do our job in peace.” The one who looked like their leader said.


“Paid? By who?”


“Anonymous.” The leader stated.


Alright but am sure your boss didn’t tell you to watch me bath as well?”


“Not at all.”


“Well, in that case then will you please excuse me?” I asked. My intention was to lock the door the instant they get out and throw the keys somewhere.


“Sure.” They chorused and got out one after the other.


I took I a deep breath and closed the door and threw the key somewhere.


I went to the bed and laid down, before I knew it, I was already fast asleep.


This bed is so magical, I don’t need a luluby in order to sleep. With this bed, sleep comes naturally.


I wonder if everyone in this house falls asleep anytime they lie down on their beds.













Life has been so good to mum and I these few days. Living with this people is so heavenly.


I’m being showered with so much love and gifts that I’m starting to wish that I was born into this family for real.


I hate the fact that I was born into a middle class family.


Now that am a part of this family, and not only that, am the first child of the second richest family in California and Australia which makes me the sole heir, I can’t wait to start exercising my powers.


Am the heir to all this wealth and I really can’t wait for it to be declared at the party this evening am sure that’s the reason why the party is being organized.


How lucky!


But there’s still one bussiness left to be unfinished. Pearl.


Right now, am seated in front of my dressing mirror after Paula…I mean mum Paula escorted me to my room after the doctor’s report was read.


When I came in, there was a beautiful yellow gown on the bed with matching high heel shoe.


There was a note attached to it that says I should dress in them.


Not to forget that, I was given a brand new phone and a car. Isn’t it wonderful?


Mum Paula also suggested to do my makeup and hair hair for me after I am done dressing up.


My phone started ringing, when I looked at the screen, it’s was my real mum calling.


“Hi mum, alright. I’m on my way.” I hanged up and flipped my hair before running off to my mum’s room.



I’m going to give her a big kiss when I get in, she’s so wonderful. I don’t what would’ve happened if not for her help.


I turned her doornob and got in. And there was mum dressed beautifully in a red gown with two glasses of wine in hand.



“Cheers to the best mum alive.” I picked one of the wine glass.


We cheered and drank.


“Thanks mum. I love you so so much. I’m fortunate to have a mum like you.” I hugged her tightly.


“Am also fortunate to have an extremely intelligent daughter like you.”


“Alright mum. We’ll continue this later for now I have to go prepare for my party. You also need to get..” I stopped and withdraw from the hug as I looked at her outfit closely.


“I can see you’re already dressed and you look exquisite.” I complemented.


“Is that so?”


“Yes mum, now bye. We’ll meet downstairs.”


I rushed out before she even had the chance to reply.












I woke up suddenly and the whole room was dark.



I switched on the the light on the night stand and looked at the clock which says the time was 6:23pm.


Gosh, I can’t believe I’ve slept for so long.


But wait! Why did I sleep so deeply?Kindly share out more interesting stories from using the floating social media icon buttons below


I know this bed is comfy but why do I tend to sleep anytime I lay on it.?


And this has been taking place ever since i arrived here. What could be the cause?


I just don’t understand.


“Finally the queen is awake!” I heard a familiar voice.


“Who’s there?” I asked and the lights came on.


It’s was the leader of the same ladies who were here earlier. How did she get in anyway?


I didn’t bother arguing with her so I went into the bathroom.


I came out few minutes later after bathing. I made sure to wear my undies.


“You’ll have to wear this madam.”


They showed me a gown when I was going to take a dress in the closet.


I looked at the gown and it’s was really breathtaking am sure I’m gonna end up looking like a real princess in a Disneyland after wearing it. It’s was pink Lacy gown with short sleeves.


‘It’s too gorgeous and looks expensive. I can’t wear it’. I thought.


“Is it compulsory?” I asked.


“No but..”


“Then am not wearing it.”



“But this is what everyone is wearing for the party and if you don’t wear it, you’re gonna be left out which will leave you embarrassed…”


“That’s enough.” I snatched the dress and tried putting it on.


It’s fitted perfectly. Just as i thought, I looked like Cinderella.


“Can we leave now?” I asked and tried to leave.


“Not yet madam.” She brought a chair forward. “Sit.”


I sat without arguing .


She clapped and the rest of the girls came in.


They removed the towel I didn’t know I was having on my head and started pulling and twisting my hair and added some stuffs in it. After some minutes there were done.


The leader came in front of me and started applying somethings on my face, my eyebrows and eyelashes. He then drew some line on my eyelids and brushed my eyelashes with a small brush. Then they applied a lipstick. She did a final polishing and signaled for one of her assistant to bring something.


She came and kneeled beside my feet and slipped something on my feet then the second one. It’s was a heel.


The leader gave an exasperated sign and rubbed her two palms.


She then stretched her hand forth. “Here, let me help you up.”


I ignored the hand and tried to stand but I almost fell, she quickly helped me to stand properly.


“Thanks.” I said silently.


“You don’t have to worry.” She said kindly.


I nodded and tried to walk on the heels.


“Look here ” She held my shoulders and turned me to face the mirror. Wow! I looked unrecognizable! I looked like those movie stars. “You look like one of Victoria’s secret Model’s Pearl.” “It’s a lie.” I said and looked away from the mirror.


“Stating facts sweetheart.”


“Listen, has the party started already?” I asked Changing the topic.


“Long time. C’mon, let’s go. Everyone is waiting for you downstairs.”




“Yes dear.”















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