Mariana: Episode 1 - 42 (Season 1)???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Mariana Episode 7

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“You? Hope everything is fine?” I asked looking at him.


He scoffed and stepped away from me. Instantly, I missed his warmth.


He wasn’t smiling. I dropped my gaze on the floor unable to look at him.


I didn’t really tell him about the party. It didn’t happened anyway.


I followed behind as he strolled lackadaisically into my flat.


Oh…I guess his been here for a while.


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But why the attitude? I’ve had enough drama for today. I have no strength to start another one.


“Nevertheless, I tried again.” Pablo talk to me.”


He ignored and went to sit down.


I looked around. Why are the lights off?


I went over to switch it on.




“Any why ?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest defensively.


“Because I say so” he replied lazily.


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I strolled towards where he was sitting, I stared at him as I was removing my jacket and the boots.


“Stop staring” he chided rolling his eyes.


I chuckled.


“Where have you been?”


“Amy’s place.”


“He raised a brow,” Really?”




“Care to explain ?” He asked curiously.


“Nothing really…I just went visiting”


“Mmmmh he nodded and mumbled queitly but enough for me to hear. “Good try”


What’s even the point in lying? I thought.


“Well…I went over for a ….”

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I nodded quietly fiddling with the herm of my singlet.


He looked at me and scooped me into his arms.


“It’s okay. I know the party didn’t come on, well it did but you weren’t there with Amy. Why?”


I snapped out of his arms ,” How did you know?”


“Let’s say, I happened to be there and I also knew Amy will talk you into coming since it was her boyfriend Jude who also happened to be an old friend of mine organized it. Why didn’t you guys come?”


I contemplated whether or not to tell him. He knows nothing about Jude’s attempted rape or his interest in me.


I haven’t told him because it all happened before I met him. And I don’t think I will tell him now either at least not today. Is not really necessary right? I thought.



Instead I asked,” I never mentioned that he was Amy’s boyfriend. How did you know?” I asked dumbly.


He frowned a little,” I just said he is an old friend of mine, I met both of them at the mall too. Besides, Amy is Famous the world knows that she is dating Jude.” He explained.


“Oh” was all I was able to say.


That means Amy was back with Jude for a while now. But why did she hide it from me? I mean we’re friends right?


“So what brings you here this late?” I asked him.


“Let’s say, I wanted to surprise you with something” he drawled running his hands in my hair.


I arched a brow” And what is that?”


“Some other time”.


“Whatever” I stood up and went to the kitchen. I’m really starving. I checked the time and it was 10:20pm. It’s late. Cornflakes will do.


I took a bowl and poured an amount of cornflakes in it then some ice cubes. Then I poured a tin of milk on top. I took a spoon and stirs it.


I took a spoonful, ‘yummy’


I walked back to where he sat with the bowl of cornflakes in my hand.


“I won’t give you some. So don’t ask”. I said scooping some into my mouth again.


He rolled his eyes ,” I didn’t want to. But since you mentioned it I will” he said and opened his mouth widely.


I ignored and continued eating like a greedy dog.


“Feed me already. My jaw is hurting” he complained.


I fed him a spoonful full.


He closed his eyes savouring the taste. “No sugar”.


“Yeah” I replied.


” I Don’t take it with sugar”


“Give me another” he asked.


I nodded and gave him.


He quickly opened his mouth again. Did he swallow?


I put in another. He closed his eyes again and swallow.


He opened up again.


“That’s enough,” I whined.


“Last one”


I gave him and quickly stood up from the couch.


“Greedy that much?” He chuckled, standing up as well.


I placed the bowl on my lips when I saw him coming closer.


I gulped half of it.


He came closer and pulled the bowl from my lips.


I laughed as I saw the face he made when he peeped into the bowl.



continue to munch the remaining flakes in my mouth and didn’t notice when he came to stand in front of me.


He placed both arms on my shoulder and looked at me intensely. He dipped his head and claimed my lips. I deepened the kiss and threw my arms around his neck. He placed both hands on my waist and lifted me up. My legs came around his waist. I moaned as I felt a bulge. He kissed me roughly yet pasionately as he carried me to the couch.


Hovering above me, he struggled to get my jeans off soon he was done. I encircled my legs around his waist again and pulled him closer. He resumed the kiss as he carresed in between my thighs.


I reach to unbutton his shirt. He unlocked from the kiss and rolled us over that I was now on top of him.


“Not like this babe” he said


I nodded and placed my head on his chest. So comforting. After a long horrible day, I think I deserve this a bit.


Here in Pablo’s arms.


His heartbeat turned into luluby and I didn’t know when I drifted off to Dreamland.


I felt his lips on my forehead. And that was it. Sleep got me.




Thanks so much for reading.





✓ Against all odds ✓



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