Hidden: Episode 1 - 11 : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Hidden – Episode 5

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I don’t want popularity


A short story


Author Sherry


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Episode 5






#Shin_Park’s POV






I carried her to my bedroom and placed her gently on my bed, I don’t even know why I’m doing this.


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I can just ask my maids to pour water on her face and get her out but here I am tending to her.


After a while of tending to her, she finally stirs awake. Thank God she didn’t die in my house.


‘hey are you okay?’ I asked.


She opened her eyes and looked around my room, “What happened?”


“You fainted and you’re in my room”


She sat up, “I’m so sorry Oppa… I didn’t mean to inconvenience you” I smiled. ‘It’s okay… I hope you’re good now’ even though I meant I hope you can get out of my bed now.


‘I just can’t believe it’s you Oppa’


‘You said you wanted a day with me… Will you delete my number after?’ I asked.


‘Why are you so eager to chase me out?!’ she started crying.


Oh God what is this?


‘Hey it’s okay… I’m not chasing you okay? I just want you to…. Never mind. Are


you hungry?’ she nodded and I left.


I ordered the maids to prepare something for her while I quickly went to check on my studio. I went back upstairs some minutes later and saw her staring at my mirror.


‘The maids are soon going to bring your food’ I said and she looked at me with a


straight face.


‘You’re Shin Park’


‘I am Shin Park’ I said obviously.


‘You’re the one in my school… I know it’s you Shin Park! That’s why you said those horrible words to me!’ she yelled her eyes getting watery.


Has she really found out? I should just pretend I don’t understand her.


‘What are you talking about miss? First you almost got me killed, then you trouble me with threats and now this? I should have just had you thrown out’ I yelled.


‘I finally know your secret whether you deny it or not, and I’m telling everyone in school about you!’ she said walking away.


I dragged her back and our lips touched again, why does this keep happening? ‘Let me go! Or are you going to kill me for this, I have proof. Your band, your voice and even your eyes say it all’


‘Fine… You found me, please don’t tell anyone’ I surrender.


She smirked and fell on my bed, ‘I always knew something was off about you… I must tell everyone at school’


‘Sun Nim please don’t tell anyone’ I begged.


‘Wow you called my name again… So cute’ she said making a face.


‘You have to tell me why you’re hiding or I’m telling everyone and don’t think about arguing with me’


I sighed, ‘because I don’t want any trouble with girls again… You know my history’ ‘What really happened to your girlfriend?’


Why is she suddenly a detective asking me personal question? I palmed my face. ‘She took a whole bottle of sleeping pills… She wrote me a letter saying I broke her heart by leaving her for a female idol that kissed me at a concert. She was rushed to the hospital but she never made it. You know about other female idols who fought and some committed suicide because of me’


Tears were streaming down my face, I feel so hurt and guilty. I loved her so much, she had issues with depression.


She never wanted me to leave her, I never did but she misunderstood everything and left me.

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‘I can’t go to school just because of things like this, I’m cursed okay? What do you think would have happened if I went with my real face?’ She stared at me dumbfounded, ‘I’m sorry’






#Sun_Nim’s POV






‘I’m sorry’ I said to him sincerely.


For the first time I’m actually regretting my actions, the poor thing didn’t want to remember that horrible incident.


He sat on the floor with his palm on his face, I sit beside him and pat his back. ‘I’m sorry’ I said again, ‘I won’t tell anyone I promise’


He looked shocked, well I’m not big at keeping secrets but I will control myself.


‘Really?’ he asked and I nod.


He hugged me immediately, that was unexpected. He pulled away and apologized, a maid brought a tray of food.


She dropped it on the eating table in the room and bowed, I rushed to the food immediately she left.


Nothing like having good food.


I ate hungrily forgetting about him, I wiped the plates and cups. Then I relaxed, I saw him staring at me. My heart skipped a beat.


Oppa is the weird guy at school, I suddenly feel so shy and good around him.


When he left, I quickly checked out his room.


That’s how I found his school fake ID on his bedside table, I guess he wasn’t expecting that I will come here.


And the fainting was fake, but I made it so real he believed me.


‘Are you okay?’ he asked.


‘Yeah… I want to ask you something?’


‘Since I now know… Will you please be nicer to me from now on?’ ‘I’ll try’ he said.


‘Can you help with my homework?’


He stared at me for a while before gesturing me to bring it, I quickly brought it from my backpack.


He started explaining to me when a call came through his phone, he picked up. ‘Eva… ‘


Who’s that? I know one Eva and she’s Lucy’s older sister.


‘You’re here right now… ‘





I will drop one more in the evening…




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Your crazy author



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