Flora: Episode 1 - 20 : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Flora – Episode 1

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(I’m in love with an housemaid)






Chapter 1



She knocked on the door and waited for a response but unfortunately,there was none.


She knocked again and then leaned on the door… .DOOR? Opps! Oh no!..

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”Ouch..”She exclaimed while she fell down…


The door was opened already and Mrs Benson was just right in front of her.


“I’m…Flora Daves”she quickily introduced herself somewhat in a scared stammer.


“Come on in” She finally beckoned her in after staring at her for a while.


Then, she slammed the door.


The sitting room looked like an hall.Should i call it a small hall?



It was painted in blue and pink stripes.The painter must have done a great job or perhaps he’s a professional.


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There were beautiful arm-chairs, a circular but made of glass centre table,three small pink stools and some other furnitures having same or almost the same colour with the wall.


Also,there was an edited family picture that was glued to the wall.


There was also a television and below are the Cd players,the video Players,Game players and two Potable speakers.


Flora engrossingly stared at nearly all that were present in the sitting room not until she mistakely fell on an arm chair.


“Sit”Mrs Benson ordered.


She quickily sat on the chair she fell on.


“You’re here to work as an housemaid right?”She asked.


“Yes ma’am”Flora replied trying to avoid eye-contact with the woman.


“How old are you?” Mrs Benson asked.


“I’m 19years ma’am”




“Yes ma’am”


“Will you be able to work here as an housemaid?”She asked


“Err..ma’am, i’ll just try my best”Flora replied scratching her head as if it was itching.


“You wanna try your best?I thought you were a professional”Mrs Benson said.


Flora was dumbfounded.


How dare she?


How could she expect her to be a professional in a job that is more or less a slave?


It shouldn’t even be called a Job.It’s an over-statement.


“I’ll do my best ma’am”Flora quickly said before she might be rebuked.


She just wanted to earn some amount to take good care of herself and her mom. She wanted to complete her education most especially ‘cos she was done with secondary school already.She needed to register and take an exam that will take her to an higher institution.


“I’m expecting you to do your best and not to try your best”Mrs Benson said.


“Alright ma’am”Flora said wondering what the difference between doing my best and trying my best is.


“Good.You’re employed”She finally said.


Flora sighed.Atlas!


“Thank you so much ma’am


“Now listen,I do travel most sundays and then return on the next saturday.”Mrs Benson told her.


“Really?” Flora exclaimed.


“Why that exclaimation?” She quaried.


“Errm,I’m sorry,i was just surprised” She quickly apologized.


“You had better cut off that Amusement or I cut it off better for you.Besides,what amusing?” she questioned.


“I am sorry ma’am” flora apologised again.


“You’d better be”




She’s so mean,so harsh,so strict.. she’s not even caring. I wonder if she’ll like me.


“So,like I said,I would not be around for a week and when I return,I will give you your pay. Let’s talk about that now.How much do want to receive weekly?”


“200bucks” Flora said.


“200bucks?…That’s too much.I’m paying you 50bucks”


“But ma’am, 50bucks is… “She wanted to complain.


“I’m paying you 50bucks weekly”Mrs benson added.


She got calm.


Yes, weekly,i thought it was a monthly pay. She sighed. Afterall,50bucks weekly pay makes 200bucks monthly pay. It okay.


“If 50bucks is too small, then i’m withdrawing the Job from you”She said burrowing into her eyes in as much as Flora is avoiding hers.


“No ma’am. It OK”


“Better. Let’s move on..,My hubby has travelled but he’ll return next two month. I live alone….”


Flora interrupted;


“Alone?.. but who is he? “She asked pointing at the young guy in the family picture.


They were actually three in the picture.The other should be her husband but who is this young one yet she said she lives alone..Flora wondered.



“Flora!”Mrs Benson screamed angrily.


Why must she interrupt her?


She’s so disrespectful and way too forward!




Flora’s POV.


“Flora!!! ” She shouted at me.


“Ma’am” i replied.


“Why are you too eager to know everything and i don’t like it” Mrs benson said with some sort of angry look.


“Ma’am,I’m so sorry” I apologized instantly.


“He!”she resumed referring to the third person in the picture.


“He’s my son, his name is Peter”


Just immediately,


Peter came in with a Laptop bag hung on his shoulder.


“Hi mom” Peter said as he hugged his mom while she kissed him on the cheek.


“Talk of the devil! How are you baby?” She asked.


“I’m good mom”He then glared at me;”Who is she? ” He asked.


“Flora aren’t you suppose to collect the bag from him? ” Mrs Benson said.


I just wanted to but he withdrew.


“It’s Okay”Peter said; “Is she the maid? “He asked his mom.


“Yes dear”She replied smiling at her son hoping she already satisfied him.


“I’m Peter”He introduced himself by letting out his hand for an handshake.


“And I’m Flora, Flora daves”I replied back receiving his handshake.


“Peter Benson”He added.


Mrs Benson cut in; “C’mon dear, go and have a shower, I’m sure you’re very tired,go ahead and rest”


“Alright mom, I’ll do that right away”He obeyed without hesitating.


I stared as he rushed up the stairs.


He’s cute




What’s he up to?


Is he still a student?


Is he working?


No,i don’t think so.He’s still young. But how old is he? I kept on asking myself some rhetorical questions..


I didn’t even know when Mrs Benson received a phone call and then left.












Flora’s POV.


“Hey Flora”A voice called,followed by a tap on my shoulder.


I guess it was Mom but why is she waking me up when i can sleep as much as i want to..


“Mom”I muttered and yawned. Then began to stretch my hands.


“Good morning mom”I said rubbing my eyes.



“Mom? ”


Now the voice doesn’t even sound like my Mom’s..


It was a Muscular voice! What? Who could that be?.. The voice wasn’t even familiar.I didn’t bother opening my eyes. I locked it.


“Flora”The muscular voice called again.


I finally opened one eye and then i opened the second.I almost screamed but he close my mouth with his palm when he observed that i wanted to.. Then i remembered where i was.


“I’m so sorry” I said removing his palm away from my mouth.


He chuckled;”I understand. Just go and prepare breakfast”He ordered and then left my room.


My room?


Yes, My room.


The Housemaid’s room.










I knocked on his door.


“Come on in”He responded.


I opened the door and entered.




The room was more than i expected,it was bigger than mine and it painted in purple colour.The colour of the curtin was Purple, his wardrobe was furnished with purple even the bed spread was colour purple.I then guessed that his best colour is purple. That’s fantastic. I smiled.


“Are you just going to stand there? “Peter said.


Just then,i realized that i was still standing in front of the door.


“Ohh..”I rushed in.


“There”He pointed at a small stool. I dropped the tray on it.


“What did you prepare?” He asked.


“I fried potatoes and i fried egg”I replied.


“Are you a good cook,is it Delicious? ”


“Yes, it is”I replied smiling.


“Alright”He suspended what he was doing on his Laptop then drew the stool closer.


“Good morning” I said because i just remembered to.


“Morning to you too”He replied though i thought he wouldn’t.


“I’m so sorry for what happened earlier this morning.I had totally forgotten that i wasn’t at home”I apologized.


“I already told you that i understood”He said then sipped half of his drink.


“And i’m sorry for preparing breakfast quite late,henceforth,i’ll adjust”I said.


Apology Accepted ” He said and stopped eating. “How about Mrs Bryant?” I asked.


“Mom travelled”


“Ohh yeah, she told me she will”I said.


“so, can you leave now? ” He asked kinda feeling uncomfortable.


I guessed i was being loquacious or rather i’m just too inquisitive .


“Sure”I manage to smile then i hurriedly left.









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