Farida: Episode 1 - 15 (Season 2)???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Must Read: Farida – Episode 27

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Farida was on the bed asleep with her phone in her hand. It was evident she waited up for her. Monica quietly took a shower and then took to her bed. She was still had a hangover. She closed her eyes and before she drifted off her last thought was, “Will I ever find someone to love me the way people love Farida? Will a guy be as loyal to me as Wale?”




The next morning, Farida woke up to find Monica in bed. She was glad she came back safe and sound. She picked her phone to charge when she noticed she had a message. It was from Wale,



“Hey, I saw your missed calls. It was loud at the club and I had to monitor Monica. I believe you were calling to check on her. You must have seen her by now. Take care.”



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She didn’t respond. She charged her phone and Monica’s. She went to get ready for work. She made the food they would take to work. As she worked, she thought about Monica and Sam. Why was Monica upset about the bracelet? It actually skipped her mind as it was not the highlight of the day. It was because of Monica she refused to give Sam an answer. Sam had been pushing for dinner but she refused knowing Monica will not be happy about it. So, why was she acting up because of the bracelet? She should know her by now.




When she was ready, she woke Monica up.




“You must have had a wild night. There is work today. I think you should wake up and prepare”




“I have a bad headache. Go to work, I will report sick”



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“You have a hangover; take coffee and you will feel better. Go to work”




“Why are you acting all righteous? Leave me alone and go. I will decide what to do”




“Why are you talking like this? What is wrong?”




“You don’t know who loves and values you when you see him. You are going after someone who will use and dump you. You are no different from the others. Please leave me alone, I have a headache”




Farida was running late for work as it was. She had a penchant for being in time. She left for work while still pondering. She tried to communicate with Monica all through the day but she didn’t pick up her calls. She called Wale. She asked what happened the night before and Wale said nothing happened. Monica just wanted to have fun and they did. She had a little too much to drink but she was fine.




“Her attitude towards me has changed and I blame it on you. Why did you talk about her brother in her presence?”




“I don’t think I have any blame here. You should have told your best friend what happened between you and her brother. It escaped you, I agree and I believe you but you should expect her to be hurt. It will pass after a few days. Just let her be”




“I am not used to this behaviour from her and I really don’t know how to handle it. She is angry at me; for what? I haven’t worn the bracelet. I forgot about it. Why is she making me feel like I did something extremely dreadful?”




“She thinks you are dating her brother. That’s the problem”




“Why would I date Sam when she doesn’t want me to?”




“That’s what both of you will iron out when the time is right”




“Hmmmm. She is the only friend I have here. I am surviving on her goodwill. I don’t want to be stranded. She is being irrational; she can ask me to leave. Where would I go?”



“You will never be stranded while I am alive. She won’t even do that, she likes you. Try this strategy of just ignoring her tantrums completely since your conscience is clear and watch her come back to you. Then, do not allow her dictate to you whom you can have a relationship with; it is entirely your personal business. Think about it”




“I advise her on other things and she accepts that’s why I listen to her when she talks about things she is more knowledgeable about. She knows her brother better.”




“Do you like her brother?”




“He is ok as a friend and nothing more”




“Do you find him attractive?”




“He is attractive physically. You saw him. I would have gotten to know him more but for Monica to say some really terrible things about her brother, I had to be cautious. He likes most of the things I like. I love nature and he does too. He studied Economics just like I did. But he seems to be daring and I can’t take certain risks”




“Maybe you should get to know him yourself if you like him”




“I didn’t say I liked him; we just have some things in common”




“But he is a heart breaker. He has left his trail of broken hearts. Do you want to be one of them? Farida, you can do better. It’s about time you have some experience in terms of relationship. You need to understand guys and how they think. You know what Monica’s brother wants. Get someone who will respect you and your values”




Farida was silent. He was right about everything. She needed to talk to her mother about the issues. She valued her friendship with Monica and wouldn’t want anything to spoil it. If Sam was a problem then she would tell her anything he says or does.




“Do you know what, both you and Monica need to start dating. I will come with a few eligible bachelors who are responsible. You can have your pick from there. I am sure you will like one of them. Let me know your spec, what do you like?”




“I just want someone who will love and respect me. He shares the same values with me. He has to have money, a big house, cars …..”




“Do you want to marry an older guy or be a second wife? No young guy now would have all you are asking for. You will look like a gold digger. You, Farida, may have all these things you have pointed out before the guy with the way you pursue money. Why not take it a step at a time? Meet the guy and both of you work together at achieving something”




“Ok. Monica will be happy to hear I am ready to date”




“She will be. Saturday evening, there is a party by the poolside of a hotel. Most of my guys will be there. It is a good opportunity without being obvious. I will let you know what I know about each of the guys that approach you”




“That’s fine. Monica would be glad to attend. I must have bored her. I will do it if it will make her happy”




Their conversation lightened her mood. As the anxiety she had earlier began to evaporate. Twenty minutes of relaxation and her mood was spoilt again. She



received a call from a number not on her phone contact, as she picked it up, she heard




“Are you a child? Can’t you keep a secret? Why did you tell Monica about the bracelet? It was between both of us. Why did you have to?”




“Unfortunately, other people saw you give it to me and they thought we were an item. They mentioned it in the presence of Monica. And by the way, if it had not skipped my memory, I would have told her after you gave me. She’s upset with me for not telling. Now you are also upset she knows. I don’t know what you both want. Please sort yourselves out. I am not interested in sibling rivalry and it shouldn’t be over me”




“Is this your defence? I don’t even know what I am doing talking to you. Grow up, Monica shouldn’t know everything. There are many things she does you don’t know about. You should keep our relationship a secret. You don’t have……”




“Hold it. Which relationship? We don’t have a relationship. Is it my accepting the bracelet that is causing the confusion for you? I can return it. Apart from when you wore it on my wrist, I haven’t worn it again. I am not interested in a relationship with you. Bye.” And Farida ended the call.




When she got back home, she was angry. Why did Monica have to call Sam about it? Both siblings were immature and she didn’t want to be caught in their middle.




When she got back from work, she didn’t say a word to Monica who was lying on the couch in the small parlour. She went to the room to have a shower and change then she went to get something to eat. She completely ignored a shocked Monica and went back into room.



This continued for two days.Monica could no longer bear it so she reached out to her. She shocked at Farida’s response.




“I can’t put up with your attitude anymore. I apologized for not telling you about the bracelet. I honestly forgot. You then confronted Sam about it making me look like a child. Monica we will be 22 soon, why can’t we act maturely? I am not dating or hiding to date Sam. Why you had to confront him about it is what I don’t understand. I am not an object both siblings are fighting for. Sam and I have a lot in common which could have made us friends but I didn’t explore that possibility because it will hurt you. Haven’t I been fair enough?”




Monica looked at Farida. This was strange; Farida never spoke to her as though she was scolding her before. This must have really hurt her. She apologized for her behavior and asked her to also forgive her.




“I am ready to compromise a bit for you. Wale has invited us to a poolside party on Saturday and I have accepted to attend with you. He has promised me we will meet responsible guys there. Any guy who isn’t worth our time; he will point out to us”




“We? He wants to introduce you to guys? Is Wale ok?”




“Yes. Why did you ask if Wale was ok?”




“Are you blind? Wale likes you”




“He likes me but not in the way you are envisaging. We are friends and will always be”





“You are both blind and funny. It’s him I blame”






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They went back to being close friends. Farida had learnt a lesson; she could stand up for herself even with close friends. She didn’t have to hurt anyone’s feelings in the process and she didn’t have to get hurt herself. She had caged Monica and that wasn’t being a good friend. She would live a little but within safe boundaries. Her mother had also asked her if she was seeing anybody. There seemed to be pressure on her to date but she wanted a relationship that would lead to marriage. Her mother told her it was while relating with the person she would know whether she could spend the rest of her life with him or not. She will give it her best shot.




Monica started canvassing for their outfits for the party. Their consignment had just arrived so Monica was searching for what they would wear. Farida had planned to wear jeans trousers and a tshirt but Monica won’t hear of it. She selected their outfits and left them at the boutique.




Before Wale arrived to pick them up, Monica got dressed for her customers to see her outfit. She wore a pair of multi colored shorts and paired them with a white see through lacy top. She had on flat slip on. She looked cute. Farida refused to wear what Monica picked for her. Monica convinced her to showcase it to the customers before trying something else. The customer loved her shorts denim dungarees which she wore with a white bodysuit. She wore a slip on with raffia sole. When she stepped out, everyone wanted the outfit. She went back in and changed into a white and black stripped short still paired with the bodysuit. Lastly, she wore a brown leather skirt that was a bit above the knees, an ivory colored tank top and a white shirt which was left open and tied around waist. She paired them with a pair of low calf and low heel boots. The leather skirts in the store finished.




‘I liked the dungarees better if you ask me” Wale announced loudly. That was when they noticed he was in the room. Farida wished the ground would open and swallow her. The dungarees were quite short for her and not for the view of a guy.




“She will never agree to wear them” Monica mentioned as she welcomed Wale. “This is too serious for where we are heading to. Wear the shorts or ……”




“I will choose what to wear. You don’t have my height so we can’t dress alike” Farida went in and wore the lavender almost off the shoulder straight cotton gown which was above the knee paired with black slip on she had selected. The gown just hugged her hips a bit. She packed up her hair into a bun and wore stud earrings.




Wale smiled when she stepped in. “I like this. You look effortlessly hot”




“I think I should change then, that wasn’t the idea” Farida replied.




“You look hot in whatever you wear. I love the colour against your skin. You have good eyes for fashion” Wale replied.




They left as customers were looking at the different colours of the dress Farida wore.



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