Married Twice – Episode 36
Chapter Thirty Six
She can’t take this anymore
It’s getting too much
“Dad?……dad?”, she shouted on the phone
“Dad you there? I can’t take this anymore, I……”
“You are getting married to Priceley soon, it’s for everyone’s good”, he interrupted
“Dad, this is the height of it, I can’t take this”, she fumed
“It’s final”, and he ended the call
“Daddy?”, she shouted
Then she realized he had cut the call
What nonsense?
Even though she loves Priceley now, it doesn’t mean he should decide for her
She tried calling him, but he wasn’t picking it up
What she gonna do now?
Then she called her mom
She picked up almost immediately
“Hello Mom”, she said
“Hey daughter, how are you doing?”, she asked
“Mom, I’m not okay. I’m not fine”
“What’s the problem? Tell me dora?”
She sniffed
“It’s dad, I just got off the phone with him, he said my marriage is three weeks away, and I don’t want that. I don’t”, she shouted
Her mom flinched
“Calm down okay? I will talk to him right away”
“Even if we gonna get married, I should be the one to tell myself, not him”, she fumed
“You are right. Don’t worry, I will talk to him straight away ok?”
“Please do”
“Don’t do anything stupid. I have some customers to attend to, give me time”
“Okay. Thanks”, the call ended
She walked up to a tree and placed her head on it’s trunk and sobbed
Why was life cruel?
Why was her world crumbling?
She had waited a lotta time for him to come, he hadn’t
What if he isn’t gonna come?
What if he comes, and it was already late?
No, she can’t imagine another lady in his arms
Ohh God!
She whimpered
Soon, she felt a hand on her shoulders
She raised her head and turned, it was Priceley
“Oh my! Princess, why you crying? What’s it?”, he cleaned her tears
She sobbed the more
“I……. I just got off the phone with my dad”, she said
“What did he say?”
She sniffed, she opened her mouth to talk but she couldn’t
“Talk to me princess”, he nudged her
“Marriage…..he talked about marriage”, was all she could say
“Is that why you are crying? This is serious. Come on, you should be happy”
“I have a fiance”, she snapped
“Where is he?”, he hit her weak point.
That was it, she doesn’t know his whereabouts, and waiting for him was like waiting for eternity
Eternity was even better, because you know it would surely come But Kesmanee, she wasn’t sure
She opened her mouth to speak but tears came out instead
Then Priceley carried her to a stronger branch and made her sit
“Come on Runa”, he softly said, “I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise to always be there for you, trust me. You won’t feel the impact of lost someone anymore, I love you. Okay?”
She nodded, sniffing
“It’s okay. Stop crying”, he cleaned her tears with his thumb
“Let’s go in”, and he carried her inside
Just a week away now, the marriage would be done
Her mom had tried talking to Dr Sujit and he had listened
But to everybody’s surprise, she had agreed to the marriage
What else could she do?
Kesmanee doesn’t seem to be forthcoming, moreover, Priceley was a nice guy every girl dream to have
Though she still hope for him to come soon, before it becomes late
She walked up to the French windows and placed her hands on the protector, overlooking the environment
She was lost in thought
Then she felt a hand on her waist, she closed her eyes
“Thinking about him again?”, the owner of the hands said
She thought it was Kesmanee, she hoped it was Kesmanee
Then she turned and no, it was Priceley
She closed her eyes as tears ran down
“Princess?”, Priceley called, “it’s high time you stop this okay?”
He brought his head down to her lips, their tongues rolled against each other
She kept crying
He sighed
“I know I’m not supposed to ask this at all. What’s even his name?”
She brought her head down, opened her mouth to talk
His phone interrupted
It was ringing from the sitting room
“Shit! I have to get my phone sweetie, excuse me”, he pecked her and left for the sitting room
He picked the phone from the dining table and looked into it
It was an unknown number
He shrugged and answered it
“Hello”, he said
“Hello Mr Priceley”, the person from the other line said
“Yeah, who is this please?”, he demanded
“This is Dr Hugo, All Saints Hospital, Mexico City
“Yeah doc. Anything?”
“Called to inform you that Mr Kesmanee is now fit to go home now”
“Oh my goodness, you can’t be serious”.
Ndozi Nuellitta
To Be Continued
Love y’all