Love Affairs: Episode 1 -- 32 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES

Love Affairs – Season 2 Episode 22

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Episode 22




Thelda responded, “I’m fine. There’s something I’ll like to discuss with you.” The IG brightened up, “Feel free madam, I’m listening.”


Her voice became flat, “You remember what happened after I became pregnant?” The IG said, “I don’t remember. What happened, please?”


Thelda said, “You advised me to keep thepregnancy from my husband.” “That’s right. Is there any problem?”


“I think there’s.” She said slowly, “That particular baby you made me keep from my


husband has become a problem.”


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The IG was confused, “I don’t understand, how do you mean?”


“Stella is coming to your apartment and her remaining alive is very risky.” She drained her tea cup.


“What’re you talking about? Stella is dead and_”


Thelda interrupted, “That was what it supposed to be but many things went wrong along the line.”


“I don’t understand.”


“Honestly, I wish I’ve the time to explain but unfortunately, I can’t do that now. I suppose


she’s already on her way to your apartment.


All I want you to do is to kill her once she steps into your house and if she has got company, take her into custody. I’ll explain everything to you later.” The IG thundered, “What the hell are you talking about?”


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Thelda smiled, “What I’m talking about is that you made me keep something that’s against the law from my late husband. In addition, you slept with me while you claimed to be Williams’ best friend. Believe it or not, I videoed us enjoying ourselves that very sunny afternoon.” She smiled, “You know the implication if I show the world how callous


you’ve been. You betrayed your best friend and made me hide everything from my husband. I can even claim it contributed to his death. What I want is very simple. Since I



couldn’t abort her when she was still a fetus, I think I can get rid of her now. I told you I


can’t have the child but you insisted. If you neglect what I’ve asked you, then we both will be facing criminal charges very soon. You know the law and its stipulations more than I


do. Most importantly, the reputation you’ve already built is at stake. No citizen will believe you could do such a thing and I won’t want you to get down. I know you won’t like such situation. I’m sorry.”


The IG stammered, “You’re planning to blackmail me?” But Thelda had hung up.






She got to the sitting room and hurried to a stool at the side of a two-seater sofa, bent


and picked The Nation, one of the national dailies she had bought, and started skimming through the pages. She turned to page 59, moved his eyes down and found what she was looking for. She ran a finger


slowly from the name: Dennis, and shifted the finger rightwards to a phone number. Her heart was beating fast as she took out her phone and dialed the number. She placed the phone against her ear and waited for him to pick up. He didn’t pick and she became nervous and dialed him again. As she listened to the ringing of her phone, her throat constricted so tightly that she could hardly breathe. She shut her eyes and prayed he


picked. After some seconds which seemed to her an eternity, a voice came from the other end,


“Who’s this?”You can also read some interesting stories from


Anabel opened her eyes immediately and said quickly, “Benita.” She decided it was not yet time to give her true identity. That would be when Thelda must have been taken care of, “I picked this number from The Nation.


Please am I speaking with Agent Dennis?” Dennis said, “Yes and how can I help you?”


Anabel found her thoughts not coordinated but managed to pull herself together and said,


“I have information which will help you in your investigation.” He said, “I’m listening.”


She inhaled quickly and said, “The late president’s daughter is still alive but is in danger.”


“What do you mean? What’re you talking about?”



“I’ll tell you everything when you’ve saved her from the danger which she will be probably stepping into in few minutes. But at the moment, you’ve to know that Thelda Bruno, the late president’s wife is heavily connected with everything that has happened; starting from the stadium incident to the failed assassination plot of Williams’ daughter.


Stella is still alive but will be in danger soon if something is not done immediately.”


“What the hell are you speaking about?”


Dennis shouted, “Are you sure you have the right_”


“Just listen to me.” She broke in quickly, “As we speak, Stella is heading to the Inspector


General’s apartment. I can’t tell, but he might act silly.


I don’t know what Thelda has in mind but I suggest you move to the Inspector General’s apartment right now.” Sweat was pouring off her and she was now stammering every word, “There are many things you’ll get to find out but that’s after you’ve saved her life. If you seriously want to put a permanent end to this, then do as I just said.” She paused


to wipe away her sweat and Dennis cashed in on her silence.



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