Love Affairs – Season 2 Episode 17
Episode 17
The senator turned off the television and walked joyfully to the wine rack. He picked a
bottle of champagne with a glass and hastened to the rail. As he strode up the stairs, a flush of enthusiasm raced through him that he ran up the remaining steps. He entered the room, placed the wine on a stool and bent the bottle as he filled the glass. He took a sip, smiled and took his phone. He found Tanzanki on the call log and dialed him.
When he picked, he said, “Congratulations my dear, I’ve finally heard what I want.” He took another sip and smiled, “Thanks for the success. Why not come over, it’s time for the
plan B.” He smiled, hung up and dialed
Thelda. When she picked up, he said, “I feel horny. I think I can now hear why you killed
my daughter. Come over to my apartment in thirty minutes. Don’t keep me waiting. Put on
that pink blouse that makes me crazy.” He hung up, excited.