Living With Guys: Episode 1 - 35???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Living With Guys – Epilogue

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Written By: Wilfred Bright

Story description

Bright Amos never planned on getting kidnapped, the only thing she ever planned on was to go back to Nigeria, her home country and write the god-damned exam (waec) but what happens when life decides to rip off your plans and throw them away then make a new plan for you, I’ll tell you what happens, you get kidnapped by four handsome thieves and get forced to live with them in the same house.

1 Mansion, 4 freaking hot guys, 1 Girl, what could possibly go wrong, a lot of things could go wrong, especially if you start having feelings for the leader of the group who kidnapped you.


Henry didn’t plan to kidnap a girl he just broke into her house for safety, infact kidnapping was never in the plan, all he had to do was steal the money along with his crew member and then go back home and share the loot but what happens when life says, nope I don’t like your plan I’ve got a better plan made for you, I’ll tell you what happen, you get chased by the police and then break into a girl’s apartment in the middle of the night and then use her as an hostage to get away from the police, but wait Henry had another plan, use the girl as an escape route and when his free from the police, dump her sleeping body in the forest and hopes she finds her way back home the next day. but of course things never go as planned, the foolish girl just had to wake up and see the faces of the thieves and now the only choice Henry has is to take her back to his mansion were he stays with his crew member to live with them.

1 Mansion, 4 freaking hot guys, 1 Girl, what could possibly go wrong, a lot of things could go wrong, especially if you start having feelings for the same girl you forced to live with you.

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