K - Pop Maid: Episode 1 -- 13 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES

K – Pop Maid – Season 2 Episode 3

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Season 2(chapter 3)


(she is back)



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‘Ma’ m’ my P. A said


‘what do you want’ I asked focused on a newspaper


‘she is back’ she said


I stop focusing on the newspaper and fixed my eyes on her




‘yes Ma’ m’


‘leave’ I said as she turns her back and walked away

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So my dear sister is in Seoul again


This is going to be fun




I returned home that night and walked into my room


The whole room was decorated with romantic candle and red rose pastels


‘what the heck is this’ i shouted


Mina walked out of the bathroom wearing a sexy red lingerie exposing her cleavage and thighs


‘do you like the surprise’ she said as she spoke seductuvely and moved close to me


‘what this for’ I asked

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‘don’t you remember it our wedding Anniversary and right now I just want my dear husband to make love to me’ she said as she slowly unbuttons my shirt



I held her by the wrist stopping her from doing whatever she is doing ‘let me remind my you that four years ago when I married you, I told you that you are my wife to the public but no matter what I will never accept you as my wife’ I said as I pushed her away and wanted to walk away but she hugged me tight from the back again


‘will you stop this madness’ I shouted as I pushed her away


‘madness, you are the real mad one because even after four years you refuse to forget about her, you are the mad one not me, tell me do you still love her, do you love her more than you wife, come on answer me do you’ she aksed


‘what is there to answer in that question, you and i both know that I will never be able to love anyone else’ I said as I walked out of the room


I went to the Trisha room and sat down on the sofa


She was asleep


I opened my wallet and brought out a picture of jina in it


Where are you jina


Life without You is sad


I know you must hate me a lot now


But please forgive me


I just have to stay away




‘welcome ma’ m’ the maid said as I walked into my sister and I mansion


‘where is she’ I asked


‘upstairs’ she answered


I walked up the stairs and there she is


The beauty queen


Alot tougher now


But still with the very innocent look


‘hello jina’ I said


She looked at me and smirked


‘my dear sister’ she said


‘I must say you looking beautiful as usual’ I said


‘ummm… That just me, always looking beautiful’ she said in a very proud tone


That who we are now








And strict


The former nice fatty and jina died four years ago


Now this is who we are


Talk with class


Smile with pride



Walk with arrogance


We are much different now


They made us who we are today


Most especially jina


She is not the former jina anymore I don’t even know who she is anymore ‘Ohhhh jina’ I said as I sat down on the couch next to her This girl looks like a real doll


We were both very pretty but with different looks


I look bold, daring, and extremely hot while she looks innocent, proud, classy and extremely beautiful her skin, her slim curvy body , everything about her make sense… One can never tell that she was once a mother


Yes jina was once a mother


I know the doctor told us she loosed the pregnancy that day but that was all a lie We found out she was still pregnant when we got to USA Why the doctor lied we did not know


But immediately she gave birth to the baby, we were told that she is dead


But for some reason jina still won’t believe the fact that her baby is dead


Loosing her baby is what turned her to the person she is today


‘have you heard the news, Jin-Hyuk is back with his family’ i said


She smirked and Said


‘oh really, after all this years they finally came back’ she said as she took a sip from her wine ‘well no problem, I will make each and everyone of them suffer, but first I will start with mina and her mother’ she said and I smirked




After all this years am back in Seoul


Back in the place that reminds me of the past pains


Back in the place that makes me resent mina, Jin-Hyuk and Mrs Eun so much


I must also look for my child


I must look for my daughter


They told me she is dead but I know she is not


How is my child dead


She was the only thing that kept me living till today


I know she is still alive


I am a mother and I can feel it


If not for mina, Mrs Eun and Jin-Hyuk I will not be separated from her


I must make them suffer


I must




The next day my mum and I were sitted In the best and classiest restaurant in Seoul


‘no mum, I tried all my best but he is just too sturborn’ I said



‘maybe you should just try harder’ she said


‘don’t you get it , he will never agree he is still in love with that classless cheap girls from the slumbs’ i said


‘where is she now’ my mum asked


‘who knows, you were the one who saw her last in USA’ I said


‘but I have not seen her ever since then, she and her fat friend’ she said


‘am sure their somewhere wallowing in poverty,or who knows she might have committed suicide unable to bare all the tribulations we made her face’ i said like it was nothing


‘Ma’ m you are gonna have to leave the restaurant now ‘a waiter said


but why ‘I asked


a very important person just booked this restaurant all to herself, she wants some privacy ‘he said


what, do you know who I am, am also capable of booking this restaurant if I want to, get out of here ‘I said and he walked away


stupid ‘my mum said


Few mins later somebody walked inside followed by men in black


I could not see the person face but then some of her guards walked towards me and wanted to throw me out


what, how dare you, let me see your boss ‘I said.


Ma’m leave now ‘he said



“am not leaving til I see your boss, how dare she, do you all know who I am’ she said


‘Pleas ma’ m leave or we will throw you out ‘she said


are you crazy where is your boss, i must see her ‘i shouted


yes who d hell does she think she is’ my mum said


‘let them see me’ the woman they where guarding said They slowly let go of me and moved out of my way


She was sitted like rota9with her legs crossed while she was going through her phone


Dressed in black sexy dress and red shoes Who the hell is she


‘hey you, look at me’ I shouted


She slowly raised her head and at first I did not recognize her but when I did I almost died


My mum was beyond shocked


What the heck


It can’t be her


Maybe this is her look alike


This can’t be her


No no no no no I refuse to believe this.


How can the ugly and classless jina be this girl


No this is her look alike


This is not her


Am going crazy this can’t be


She looked at my mum and I like we were nothing but a slave before her


oh so you are the wild dog ‘ she said with such class, pride and arrogance… She was looking so proud and cold


‘what your name again, please remind me’ she said ‘m… M… M… Mina’ I stammered


I do not know why I answered or stammered but she was looking so intimidating ‘oh mina, nice to see you again’ she said in a very proud and unfriendly way My mum has still not recovered from the shock


Forget my mum am also going to die any moment from now Who is she


She can’t be jina


……………… To be continued………….















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