If The Ring Fits: Episode 1 - 15???? : TOPSTER STORIES

If The Ring Fits – Episode 10

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Prince Nicholas

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The next morning, I woke up finding her in a towel wrapped around her chest and towel wrapped around her hair.


She stared at me, “You are awake. Good morning”


“Good morning… “,I replied softly. She took some clothes from her bag and went to the dressing room.


I just sat there lost in thought. So Daisy was planning to stay there with her forever.


She came back tying her hair in a bun.


“Where are you from?”,I asked and her green eyes met mine.



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Oklahoma? How can a little girl like her travel all the way from Oklahoma.


“I know that look. You must be thinking how I came here. It’s simple. All you have yo do is to cry as if your mother is dead.. roll on the floor and everyone feels pity.. So I just went to see the mange of the airport and cried to him and viola..I was in board. That’s it ”


I just sat on the bed staring at her, “why did you come here?”


“Because I was searching for my dad..and that’s you. Mom had said nice things about you and that’s why I was dying to see you. I was curious to know if you were a true Prince. And I miss you. You don’t know how much I want a dad over the years. Friends bullied me because of that”, Her eyes watered abd I opened my arms making her crawl in them.


I wrapped my arms around her..


“I have some videos of my mom when she was pregnant.Would you like to watch”


“Yes princess…”,I said softly stroking her hair.


“I’m Ariel… ”


“That’s a beautiful name your mom gave you”


She stared at me with her green eyes, “Do you love me?”,She asked and i smiled.


“Who wouldn’t love a beautiful cute girl like you. I love you so much”,I said holding her tighter against my bare chest while her tiny hands moved around me.


“I have a confession to make”,she pulled away moving backwards.


“What is it ?”,I asked.


“Promise me, you won’t get mad”


“I won’t”



“Actually the ring didn’t fit… I lied. I just had a ring. Here is the real ring.


Actually, I just don’t want you to get married. I just want you and mom together.


That’s why I ran here”, she placed the ring in my hand.


“You mean, you ran from home”


“Yes I did. It was her fault anyway… but let’s forget about that. I want to spend time with you”


“Okay… “,I stood up wearing my t-shirt, “Let’s go for breakfast”


“Can I cook for you”,She asked which actually surprise me.


“Yes…”,she held my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.


The maids have already prepared breakfast. I had no choice but to allow them to excuse us.


I sat down staring at her.


“I’m going to prepare some coffee and egg with bread”


I raised a brow, “okay.. ”


She moved to the fridge taking some eggs and bread..


She turned on the fire as the placed the fried pan on it..


I watched her as she poured some oil, then onions.. . then tomatoes, cucumber, carrots , then spring onions, sardines and pepper. She mixed and add some eggs… then she add some salt.


Wow….that’s a good start. Then she made some coffee and served me.


And poured the vegetables in a plate.


She hand me the fork and I gladly taste it smiling… it’s so good.


“How did you learn this”


“I learnt on internet yesterday when I was in the plane… and i just had to surprise you. Hope you like it”


“Yes… I do like it. This is incredible”, I chewed.


She smiled and my phone vibrates.


“I had to go to a meeting.. hope you will be fine here”


“No I won’t. I want to go with you and I promise, I won’t disturb…”


“Okay…”,I carried her in my arms as she giggled. We entered the car while the guards drove us to my company.. Her head was outside the window the whole time.


“Woah… is this your company?”,she asked.


“Yes.. it’s mine”


“It’s so beautiful..I make money here”,she murmured under her breathe and I shook my head.


This girl is really wierd.


We reached the office and she looked around. My secretary, Trina came in.


“Good morning your majesty”,she said and i nodded.


“You have a meeting in 3mins…”


“Okay…i will be right there”,I said and she nods moving ..


“Baby.. . I need to do something.. can you excuse me for 5mins”,I said and moved away.


I tugged in my shirt.. and wore my coat.


I went to the meeting department and saw my little girl on the floor as she wipes the shoes of the directors and executives.. what an embarrassment.


“That would be 10 dollars sir”,she smirked as the young man, place the money in her hand.


People were in queue as she I watched her clean their shoes.


“What are you doing?”,I asked after she clean the last person shoes.


“Making money…”,she smiled. She knelt down cleaning my shoes.


“That will be 100 dollars”,she stretched her palm.


“Why 100 dollars?”


“Because you are a royalty…”


I smirked, removing the money from pocket handing it to her. She opened the door and sat on my chair… crossing her legs folding her arms.. “Are we ready…”,she asked while everyone stared at us.










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