I Will Wait: Episode 1 - 40 : TOPSTER STORIES

I Will Wait – Episode 37

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The months that followed were perfect for Corny and Yolanta, the wedding preparations were going just fine and the groom unlike others was of great help. Wane being the maid of honor, her sister couldn’t be more grateful and her father’s health seemed to be stable for a while. Marriage had never been on her mind but being with Cornelius had made her see life from a different angle, she now saw the world through his eyes and it was a beautiful place; a place she didn’t want to stop being in.


‘You have been quiet?’ he asked as he kissed her forehead lightly


‘I have been thinking.’ She said in a low tone biting on his finger tips ‘Babe stop it, you know that tickles me.’ He said pulling away


She stood up and sat on him.


‘Babe.’ He said


‘Shii.’ She responded placing her index finger on his lips


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She kissed his ear lobes softly, cycling it with her tongue. Then she went down his jaw, teasing him with light kisses. He couldn’t take it anymore so he lifted her till she was now beneath him, he made sure to kiss her hungrily as if marking his territory.


‘Babe, we need to stop.’ He said as she fidgeted with his buttons ‘I want this.’ She responded


He could tell from her eyes that her mind had already been made up, this was not part of the plan but he wanted her as much as she did him.


He took time removing her denim top and unstrapping her bra, the sight of her bare skin making him want for the moment to last a little longer. Moving his lips from hers to her neck making her moan a little, he was enjoying punishing her. Taking his time he moved his lips to her nipples making her dig her nails into his skin, it felt good to know he could do that to her. She was begging for him to make this stop but he wanted to do this to her, he moved down to her vulvar. Opening her legs he dug his tongue inside her, making certain that she felt him. He could feel her legs trembling, she was getting weak and he loved it.


Without warning she lifted her body up and unzipped his jeans, he gave her a mischievous look and placed her hands around his waist as he removed his pants. The sight of his bare organ made her swallow hard, a little fear crept through her but then again she was excited to have a feel of him.


He held her by the head and directed her mouth to feel him up, he let out little sounds. She had not done this before but if it made him feel good she was willing to do it. With his hand still on the back of her head he directed her to fill him – in and out. Almost choking on him but she liked the experience. Like a wave rushing through he pulled her away and came on her upper body, this was all new but she liked it.


He held her by the legs and turned her around, making her behind face him. She was ready for him and he placed himself gently inside her.


‘Ouch.’ She screamed dropping to the bed ‘No way.’ He responded


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She was covering her face with her hands, what had she been thinking giving her innocence to him when she planned on waiting till their wedding night. He sat on the bed, crimson towel wrapped around his waist.More interesting stories available on Topster Stories App


‘I am sorry.’ He said


‘It isn’t your fault.’ She whispered removing her hands from her face ‘I didn’t know.’


‘Well I have always wanted to do it on my wedding night.’ ‘I guess we got carried away.’


‘Not really, I love you and you will be my husband soon. I have no doubts about us.’ She said getting up to wrap her hands around his waist ‘Please let us get dressed.’ He said


‘How about picking up from where we left?’ she asked wrapping her legs around him


‘Are you sure?’


She nodded her head with her big nerd eyes staring at him, he was conflicted on what to do. He didn’t plan for this to happen but he couldn’t resist the temptation. He turned around and held her legs once again placing his tongue deep within her, he loved doing it and he knew she too loved it. He could do this forever but he knew too well this is a passion that would never last.


‘Please I want you.’ She begged


He moved her closer to him and gently placed himself on him.


‘This will hurt a little.’


She didn’t say a word but instead opened her legs wider as if encouraging him.


He slowly went in, loosening all the tight muscles. He felt himself having emotions he didn’t intend to have, he was doing this for the first time with someone that was not at all experienced and he could tell from the look on her face that she trusted him.


Trust; that is all he needed to accomplish his mission.


‘I love you.’ She whispered as the pain ceased and pleasure came in.


He made love to her knowing it was the last, he made sure to mark his territory, to leave a lasting mark on her life and her body. He held her hands tightly as he did so, with each stroke promising a world that he knew he couldn’t give her. A world of happiness and laughter, a world that he too could only dream of. As they both climaxed, he held on to her body; releasing inside her.


‘I love you.’ She whispered with his body sweating on top of hers.


‘I love you.’ He said in her ears.








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