I Will Wait: Episode 1 - 40 : TOPSTER STORIES

I Will Wait – Episode 29

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It had been a month since Michael’s release from the hospital, he had not talked much about what Quonnie wanted with his wife and she decided she wasn’t going to push him into opening up. Day by day, he took it as it came and tried his best to make the most out of it because he knew his days were numbered but what gave him the most joy was knowing that his daughter knew about his sickness and she was slowly accepting that much could not be done.


Yolanta on the other hand had refused to talk about Quonnie, she claimed she only knew one mother and it was going to stay that way as long as she was breathing. For twenty five years she had longed to see the woman whose blood ran through her and now she did not want anything to do with her.



She still couldn’t define what was happening between herself and Cornelius because they had not made things official despite the number of hours that they talked on the phone. He had gone back to Kabwe with his dad but the distance alone did not stop them from staying in touch. From time to time they would talk during the and the nights would not be any different.


‘Hello?’ she said when she picked up one evening ‘Hey beautiful.’


The sound of his horsy voice so close to her ears made her feel as if the world was made up of only the two of them, she did not want this feeling to go away. She wanted to feel this way each and every day.

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‘Hey.’ She responded after much blushing ‘My ex called me today.’


For some reason she felt her temper rising, the few weeks she had gotten to know him she noticed how tolerant he was with his ex-girlfriends. He said it was him being nice but she thought he was just too tolerant and that is why they kept coming back. A lady knows that a man’s no is no and as cliché as it sounds there is truly no smoke without fire or the other way round.


‘What did she want?’ she asked him


‘Well she says she misses me and wouldn’t mind getting back with me.’ ‘And?’


‘Well.’ He paused


She couldn’t just hold it back.


‘Cornelius the problem with you is that you are too tolerant towards these ladies, she is called your ex for a reason and I don’t see the reason why she has to be in your inbox every time.’ She yelled


‘And the next time she calls or texts refer her to me.’

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Yolanta was too upset to notice that she had sold her emotions off; it didn’t have to take a genius to tell that what she felt for him ran deep.


For some reason he couldn’t help but smile, not that he was totally unaware of her concerns but because no one had shown that much concern about him in a very long time; not even his recent ex Esther.


‘I hear you.’ Is all he could say.


The conversation went on until they were both dozing, it was midnight when they decided to retire to bed even so they had to force themselves because none of them wanted to go to bed; they still wanted to talk to each other, to laugh about the silliest of things, that is how close they had become. Some days they both got scared that maybe what they felt towards each other was too good to be true and



that someday they might just wake up as strangers but they both couldn’t bring it out in the open.


‘I can’t seem to get tired of talking to you.’ He finally said


‘The feeling is mutual.’ She responded placing the phone so close to her ear. When she dropped the phone she just couldn’t hide the excitement, every day she was falling deeply for him whilst he on the other hand was just waiting for the right time to officiate things.


Mrs. Kazadi had remained behind because Quonnie had fallen really ill and there was no one to take care of her. She had no family members that she was in touch with and her daughter had refused to have anything to do with her, she decided she wasn’t going to push any further and would die alone because she had made her bed and so she decided she would lay in it.


‘Madam your friend is getting weaker by the day, are you sure they are no family members that want to be with her in her last days?’ the doctor asked one morning when Quonnie’s condition had gotten worse


‘Doctor I have tried everything possible to make her open up but my words keep falling on deaf ears.’ Mrs. Kazadi said with weary in her voice.


She was tired and she missed her home and her husband but her conscious couldn’t allow her to leave her friend to die alone. She wanted to be in the peace and serenity of her home, she wanted to look at her husband each morning, to be the first person he looked at each morning but most times doing the right thing requires us to forget about our own joy.


‘As I have told you her cancer is eating her up and much more than we anticipated. She doesn’t have much time.’ he said


A tear escaped her eyes, how could the world be so cruel. Why didn’t it give her a chance to make up with her family before any of this could happen, Quonnie had been the wild type and not once did anyone in their cycle her tragedy would be this way.


Mrs Kazadi thanked the doctor and promised him she would put much effort into talking to her friend. She stood up to leave but then a thought crossed her mind. ‘Is there something I can do for you?’ the doctor asked her ‘Not as at now.’ She said rushing out


She couldn’t believe she had been a fool all this while, she had not connected the dots whilst they were right in her face. She quickly walked to the parking lot making people stare because of her age, without even putting on her seat belt she drove out her mind made up.









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