Her Demonic Lover: Episode 1 - 18 : TOPSTER STORIES

Her Demonic Lover – Episode 11

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Chapter 11






. More interesting stories available at Topster Stories



I walked around after talking to her manager to promote her.


It was cold and crowded but I didn’t want to go back home.


I want to go to the restaurant but Rose might see me there.

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I stopped by a store when I saw a beautiful bag hanging in the transparent show glass.



I walked in and picked out the bag, it was beautiful dark blue and flurry. * I want this bag and those pair of shoes *


I told the sales attendant pointing at a pair of shoes matching the bag.


She nodded and went to pack it up for me.


* Here you go sir. Cash or Card? *


She gave me the bag and asked for the payment.


I smiled to her and she fell under my spell. I walked out.


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I went home and dropped it on her bed.


I sat on the bed and looked around the room.


I got up and walked to the drawers, I opened it and brought out a brown box.


I placed it on the bed and opened it, pictures of her and her sister.


She looks so cute and they look alike too.


I checked the time and it was evening already.


Rose would close from work soon.


I kept back the box, fixed her bed and went out to get something.


I stopped by the restaurant close by and bought a lot of food to celebrate her promotion cause I knew she would be very happy today.


I went home and prepared the dinning table before sitting in the living room waiting for her.


I looked at the wall clock and it was getting really late.



I slipped into my jacket and shoes and went out.


I passed by the streets and sighted her from far sluggishly Walking looking so exhausted.


I increased my pace and got to her


* Lucian what are you doing here? *


She asked




What happened, you look tired. Why didn’t you take a cab ?* I questioned ignoring hers


Work was so stressful today so I closed late and wouldn’t find any taxi but you know what? I’m so happy today cause I got promoted at work *


She replied the last part excitedly.


I smiled and helped her hold her bag then we walked home together. The work is stressful and I would have to talk to that ugly manager again * Go shower and come out for dinner *


I told her when we got home and she nodded and went in.





I walked into my room closing the door behind me.


I kept my bag on the table and went straight into the bathroom.


I took off every bit of clothing on me and allowed my hair fall.


I went into the bath tub and relaxed myself.


It was a long day at work but on a happier note.


I closed my eyes and just relaxed.


I finished and towel dried my hair.


I wore my pyjamas and walked into the bedroom.


My eyes met with the big box on my bed, I walked there and sat then gently opened it.


* Wow! This is so beautiful *


It was a beautiful bag and pair of heels to match.


It looked really expensive and stylish.


Could Lucian had gotten this for me?


I walked out but he wasn’t in the living room.


I went into the kitchen and he was on the dinning room.


* What Lucian? Is this a feast? *


I exclaimed at the number of meals on the table.


* you’re here, have a sit let’s celebrate your promotion * He replied smiling.


I sat opposite him still staring at the food.


* You made this? *


I asked and he nodded a No


I had a feeling something good was going to happen today so I wanted us to just celebrate and I was right *


He replied and I smiled.


He served me the whole chicken and I laughed.


* Lucian the bag and pair of shoes did you get them? *


I asked and he nodded.


* Thanks *


I told him and he smiled.




* Gosh Lucian you’re a very bad dancer *


I laughed and fell on the couch with the can of beer in my hand.


Lucian was dancing so funny to the music on TV


* Don’t say that Rose I dance just like Michael Jackson *


. He replied and continued dancing.


I laughed holding my stomach.


* you’re drunk obviously, you had too much to drink * I laughed



Rose are you seriously telling me that? Just look at yourself you can’t even stand *


He pointed at me laughing. I shot him a glare and kept the can on the table. * I’m going to stand now and show you how it’s really done * I stood up in a stagger feeling a little bitty tipsy.


I moved my butt and hands in an attempt to dance and unfortunately I lost my balance and fell on Lucian and we both fell to the couch with me on top of him. Our face were inches apart and his lips looked so good.


I touched his face and kissed him, I felt something on my butt and I laughed.


* Your lips are so soft *


I told him


* Your butt too *


He replied and we both started laughing so loud.





Her Demonic Lover



OH no! Not this man



He’s a demon



She’s human



Fantasy Romance



By Shantel

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