He Bought Me: Episode 1 - 76 : TOPSTER STORIES

He Bought Me – Episode 75

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Jessica ^




I was packing my luggage ready to leave Donald’s place. I realize that staying with Donald at a time like this may cause him more harm than good.


I do not think there are people after him unlike those days. Plus he seems to have built stamina enough to stand and fight for himself.


“Jessica!” He called and I paused what I was doing. ” Are you leaving me for real?”


I stood upright and looked to his face.


“You told me a lot about the grandmaster yesterday ,how dangerous he is and …. Common baby, I need to leave so the grandmaster won’t kill us both when he finds out what I did for his son. ”


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“I find out already.” I heard a masculine voice said from behind me and I turned fearfully to the direction of his voice.


I couldn’t see anyone at the entrance where the voice came from.


I looked to the Donald and saw that he didn’t bother to turn.


“Donald!” I called and he hesitated for a while before speaking.


“It’s the grandmaster!” He said and my heart beats faster than usual in fear.




“Grandmaster!” I whispered with my mouth shaking.


“Yes ,It’s me..” I turned again to the direction of the voice and the man finally came into view.


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I hurriedly brought my gun from my back pocket and stretched it at him.


“You broke rule number 7; Don’t you ever point a gun or any harmful thing to the grandmaster.” He said and went to sit.


He isn’t disturbed with the gun I stretched to him for any reason.


Donald covered the edge of the gun I was holding with his Palm and brought my hand down.


“Grandmaster! I have sinned.” Donald knelt before the grandmaster while I stood.



“You started all these by confessing that you love a property. Even if you love her , you aren’t suppose to confess it. You broke rule number 12 and 8.” The grandmaster said.


“Punish me as you wish ,grandmaster ” Donald said.


The grandmaster looked at me with a grin. “Hum, I do like the fact that my daughter is bold and courageous.”


“I think it’s not the right time you call me your daughter. I know you came here to kill me but I don’t see that happening ” I said and he laughed .


He tried to pull his hand inside his pocket and I quickly stretch the gun at him believing that he was about to bring out his gun and act smart.


“Hum! Common! Wait!” He said and dipped his hand inside his pocket.


He brought out a folded envelope and threw it to me.


“What is it?” I asked.


“Thought you are smart enough to know what to do with it.” He said ,sitting majestically and looking directly into my face.


I bent slowly while still pointing the gun at him .


I picked the envelope and brought out the leaflet in it.


I read it all through and the gun dropped from my hand. I squeezed my face in confusion.


“You are ….” I stammered


“Yes ,I am . ” He said. “I’m your father.”


He stood and took a step forward. “It saddens me that you kill your brother ; Kim. But he could have killed you anyways ”


“How ? But I know my real parents.” I said.


“Everything you need to know has being sent to your Email. You were sold to them actually when you were just a day old ” He said and walked close to me slowly.


He hugged me and I let myself hug him too.


“Father!” I called softly.


“It’s alright my daughter.”


We disengaged and he looked to the face of Donald. “Donald, feel free to have her as your woman.”


I looked to Donald’s face and all I can see is an absolute look of surprise.


I walked to Donald and he held my finger while looking into my face. I’m really good at maintaining eye contact so we kept exchanging glances.


“Jessica ,are you still doubting the fact that you love me?” He asked gently.


“I’ve loved you from the very first day you came to buy me from my uncle but I’m strong enough to never confess it to you or let it get to my head unlike you.” I said and I can see teary smile formed on his face.


We kept staring at each other and the grandmaster yelled. “Kiss.”


We smiled at each other and let our lips interlocked. We began to kiss.

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