Good Girl Gone Bad: Episode 1 - 70???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Good Girl Gone Bad – Episode 66

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Two weeks later


I left home early that day before everyone woke up, i didn’t want James to give me


the third degree of my whereabouts the previous day, i came home late and I found


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him sleeping… I was sitting in my office thinking about what happened last night


when Lynnette knocked and walked in…






Her:are you okay?




Her:you came home late, and left early, it’s like you avoiding someone.. Me:(faked smile) I’m fine, i just wanted to catch up on my work, I’ve been distracted lately….


Her:i hope you guys are not fighting, I’d hate to see you break up…


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Me:trust me, we not going to… Anyways how’s Carol doing, is she coping?


Her:yeah,she’s taking this supervising job thing seriously…


Me:she has to, I’m paying her lot of money ..


Her:but i still don’t understand why we hired her in the first place, we don’t need a supervisor re sharp ka ene…


Me:don’t start Lynn, we talked about this akere…


Her:i know we did but i feel like you trying to replace me with your aunt…


Me:Hahahahaha you starting to sound like a jealous boyfriend, i will never replace






Me:for what is worth, i don’t like her, i hired her because she begged me and i felt


sorry for her, she’s been through a lot..


Her:okay,let me get back to work… Thula please sort things out with my brother


before it’s too late….


Me:maybe it’s time you get yourself a boyfriend, you seem to be lonely…


Her:mxm whatever, i don’t need a man in my life, I’m doing just fine on my own …


Me:lies you tell…..


She laughed and left the office…..


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At Gran’s house…


She just came back from dropping Aphiwe at school and she was making herself


breakfast when James knocked and walked in, he greeted Granny and sat down on


the kitchen chairs, Granny joined him…


Gran:can i make you breakfast?


Jay:no,im not hungry, i don’t have an appetite..


Gran:you don’t look okay, what’s going on?


Jay:(teary) i need your help ma,i don’t know what to do anymore…


Gran:(worried) is it Nokthula?


Jay:yes,she is shutting me out, something is going on with her…


Gran:did you talk to her?


Jay:i did,she said it was nothing then yesterday she came back late around ten and


left early.. I think she is seeing someone else…




Jay:her ex Lucky…


Gran:isn’t that fool married or something?


Jay:he’s divorced,now he wants what’s his…


Gran:over my dead body, that man put my granddaughter through hell, she landed


in hospital because of him, he broke her heart multiple times,now he’s back to ruin


her life because she’s finally happy, I’d be dammed if I let him destroy your




Jay:i need you to talk to Nokthula and mina i will deal with Lucky the best way I


know how..


Gran:put a bullet into his thick skull …


Jay: you joking right?


Granny didn’t reply,she was serious as hell .


Jay:hahaha no no no i won’t do that but when I’m done with him, he won’t


recognize his face,i love Nokthula so much to let that bastard come between us.


Gran:what if he tells Nokthula…


Jay:then Thula will have to choose between us…


Gran:are you sure you want to go there…


Jay:no I’m not, I’m so scared, i can’t imagine my life without her, this whole thing


is stressing me, i just wish she can talk to me and stop pushing me away…


Gran:dont worry my son, i will talk to her….








At Dan’s house


He was in the lounge watching soccer highlights and trying to call Thula but she


was not picking, Mainza walked in holding a tray of food and gave it to him…


Mai:are you okay?


Dan:im fine..


Mai:you look stressed… What’s going on, and don’t tell me it’s nothing,remember


no secrets..


Dan:fine,its nokthula…


Mai:(disappointed) what did she do now?


Dan:i think she’s back with her ex again, this guy is gonna hurt her, you know


sometimes I don’t understand how her mind works, she’s so stupid..


Mai:(bored) call her again, maybe you wrong…


He dialed her number again, it rang for a long time ..


Me:(annoyed) Daniel…


Dan:(angry) I’ve been trying to call you for the past hour,why aren’t you picking


my calls…


Me:(rubbing my forehead)im busy, how can I help you Dan…


Dan:are you sleeping with Lucky again?


Me:(offended)excuse me?


Dan:its a simple question Thula, yes or no…


Me:how is Mainza?


Dan:she’s fine…


Me:exactly.. that’s what you should be focusing on ,making her happy and stop


meddling in my business, and FYI,iam not sleeping with Lucky,next time get your


facts straight before going around throwing accusations, uyang jwayela yazi….


hung up the phone…


Dan:can you believe it? Mai:(pissed) what?


Dan:she just hung up on me…


Mai:you know what, I have to go see my son…


Dan:(not paying attention) i can’t believe she just did that to me, she’s busy sneaking around with Lucky, nxaa, I’m gonna teach her a lesson…


Mainza took her bag and left, Dan didn’t even noticed she was gone, he thought she was in the bedroom…..









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