Good Girl Gone Bad: Episode 1 - 70???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Good Girl Gone Bad – Episode 64

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The following day i woke up and James was not next to me, i went to the bathroom to wash my face, brushed my teeth then i went downstairs to look for him but he was not there, i got angry, i took my phone and called him… James:(sleepy voice) hey babe…


Me:really?who is she?




Me:the bitch you fucking…


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James:gosh Thula what you talking about?


Me:i woke up and you not in bed, where the hell did you sleep…?


James:okay let me get this right, just because i wasn’t in bed,means I’m fucking some chick?


Me:if not,tell me where the hell are you?


He hung up on me, i got angry and threw my phone against the wall ,it broke into pieces.. He walked in the kitchen and found my phone in pieces.. He was wearing his PJ’s…


James:and then what happened to your phone?


Me:what do you think?


James:so you broke it because I slept in the spare room?


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Me:why are you lying?


James:geez Thula, you can go upstairs and see for yourself, i slept there because I


didn’t wanna disturb you when we got back….Dan and i went to rescue Carol, she’s


in the guest room..


Me:(regretful) really?


James:yes,is this the part where you tell me, you don’t trust me?


Me:no,i do trust you, it’s just that…


James:don’t even say it, I’m so disappointed in you…


Me:i thought maybe you slept out because we had a fight…


James:are you serious right now, you thought that little fight would drive me to


another woman’s arms?…


I kept quiet…


James:listen i didn’t tell you about the hitman because I was trying to keep the


family together, i told you I’d sort it out and I did, I’m sorry i hid it from you but i


was trying to protect you, it’s in the past now can we move on….


Me:what would you like to eat..


James:really Thula? You know what,im not hungry…


He left the kitchen, then i picked up the pieces of my IPhone ,i couldn’t believe i


broke my phone like that because of my anger, i regretted it…


Meanwhile Carol walked down the stairs, James was in the lounge busy with his








Carol:i want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for rescuing me from


that monster, i don’t know what i would’ve done without you guys…


James:the person you should be thanking is in the kitchen, while you there ask her


to drive you home…


Carol:okay thank you again…


James:like i said thank your niece….


She stood up and came to the kitchen…






Truth is i wasn’t happy to see, she was not my favorite person…


Carol:Thula i don’t know how to thank you, iam so grateful for what you did for


me, i thought I was gonna die in that hell hole of a house..


Me:you you want breakfast…


Carol:yes please.. What happened to your phone?


Me:it fell and broke…


Carol:yoh,im sorry…


Me:so what now, you gonna find another sugar daddy and move in with him




Carol:(sad) no, i want to apologize to my mother and my brother, we couldn’t talk


last night, he was still angry..


Me:do you blame him?


Carol:no i don’t, i hurt my family in the worst possible way and im willing to work


hard to gain their trust and love back,then next year I’m going back to varsity…




Carol:i was hoping that maybe you could help me..


Me:help you how.?


Carol:i don’t know, a job maybe…




Carol:please Thula even if it’s cleaning the shop, it’s fine by me, i really need this


job please, i know we not close but i really need your help…


Me:here’s your breakfast…I’ll talk to Lynn about this but I’m not promising




Carol:fair enough, thank you so much..


Me:i’ll go freshen up, so that I can take you home..


Carol:thank you….










At Dan’s house…


He walked in the kitchen and found Mai making breakfast, he kissed her…


Mai:morning sleepy head..


Dan:morning beauty face, I’m sorry i left you alone last night…


Mai:its okay baby, your sister needed you,how is she?


Dan:dont know, don’t care.. Are you ready for today…


Mai:im scared




Mai:what if she hates me, i mean you guys once dated..


Dan:babe we talked about this, there’s nothing between me and Thula, she’s my niece and she’s a nice person, you gonna love her… Yes when we found out that we were related it was hard for both of us but we dealt with that,now we have both moved on and we’ve found love again, with the people we love…


Mai:i understand that but she will always be objective to any girl you date..


Dan:except i have found the one, you..


Mai:(smile) if you say so…




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After dropping Carol at her mom’s i drove to the shop,when i got there i found


Pholly our cashier talking to the phone, i waited for her to finish…..


Pholly:lady boss..


Me:hey,hows everything going…


Pholly:its month end so we are very busy today…


Me:i can see,anyways I’m not staying, i was in the neighborhood so i decided to pop in and check you guys…


Pholly:good because there’s someone here looking for you…


Me:who that?


Pholly:he’s in your office..




Pholly:yes he said he’s your long time friend…


I went to my office to see the mystery long time friend of mine, when i walked in my heart almost stopped…


Me:Lucky?what the hell are you doing here? Lucky:(naughty smile) to get back what’s mine… .




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