Good Girl Gone Bad: Episode 1 - 70???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Good Girl Gone Bad – Episode 31

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Finding out that i was sleeping with an old man was embarrassing, but finding two men fighting in her house was worse that an embarrassment,she was so angry,she felt disrespected, which was understandable,no sane parent would allow that..She was so livid,she kicked both of them out,they tried to apologized but she wasn’t interested in any of their apologies, they walked out and i knew i was in hot water,but i was praying she doesn’t kick me out again.. Gran:you sure know how to disappoint me..


Me:i didn’t do anything this time..


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Gran:really?(i nooded)then explain how two men got in a fight and why? Me:..


Gran: exactly.. Grow up and get your life, choose one and it better be not Rick cause i’ll die the next morning.. You can’t keep doing this.. Me:okay gogo,i’ll do it.. fix my lounge and make me tea..


She went to her room…


What she said got me thinking, i mean she was right,i can’t keep them both besides they hated each other and there are very high chances they gon’kill each other but i must admit it felt good knowing that i had two men who loved me soo much.. I finished fixing the lounge and i went to make the tea..I was worried about the two because knowing very well,they were gonna continue their fight somewhere and that got me scared,i tried calling each one of them but none of them picked their phones and that got me really worried, i decided to start to cooking… .


In Lucky house…… Kindly share out more interesting stories from using the floating social media icon buttons below…


He packed his car in a garage and went inside,he quickly went to the bathroom to check his face and there were no bruises,he was relieved because his a bit light,he went to his room and took off his jacket and an angry loud knock disturbed him,he checked through the window in his bedroom and saw Rick’s car..”ohh noo,not again,what’s wrong with this dude”he said,and he went to opened the door… Lucky:dude really?you followed me?


Rick:am here to warn you,stay away from my girlfriend..


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Lucky:the last time i checked you two broke up,and what you asking is too much,i can’t..


Rick: she’s mine man,don’t say i didn’t warn you..


Lucky:(laughed in disbelief) are you threatening me?


Rick:am i?


Lucky:okay dude listen,you don’t know me and i don’t know you,and am pretty sure,you don’t wanna know the other side of me.. Rick:you dont scare me at all…


Lucky:keep pushing me and you gonna get what you looking for,and to clear things up,iam not giving up on Thula,so the sooner you accept that the sooner all of us can move on with our lives..


He got in his house and slamed the door in his face….He took out his phone and


realised it was on silent since the time he was in a meeting nad he had lots of


missed calls, he called back…..




At home…


I was busy cooking when my phone rang…


Me:hello,are you okay,i tried calling you but….


Lucky:(interrupted) hey,hey,calm down am fine,am sorry for not picking my phone was on silent..


Me:(relieved) okqy,was so worried about you,thought something has happed to you..


Lucky:ncoooooooow so she does care about me..


Me:stop playing, am serious here,what happened after you two left..


Lucky:nothing,i drove home and now am watching tv..


Me:thats great i thought maybe you continued your fight somewhere else..


Lucky:relax babe,nothing happened after we left,am home and safe..


Me:okay thats great,am sorry about earlier..


Lucky:you did nothing wrong hun,but i really need to talk to you,when can we






Lucky:okay,i’ll call you later neh,hows granny now..


Me:she’s fine and preparing for church..


Lucky:okay thats great, was worried about her,anyways i’ll call later,let me cook..


Me:later then


Lucky:love you..


Me:me too…


He laughed and hung up,i put my phone down and continued with my


cooking,Gran left for church…




In church…


Granny packed her car next to Sam’s wife ‘s car,she got annoyed by just seeing her


car,she knew she was gonna talk some shit about Thula,they stepped out of their




MrsM:hello Sibo..


Gran:How are you..


MrsM:am good,can we talk for a second..


Gran:about what…


MrsM:your granddaughter


Gran:am listening..


MrsM:i want you to make sure that she stay the hell away from my husband,i heard she’s back..


Gran:(with an attitude)am tired of you,my daughter didn’t throw her self to your man,maybe if you knew how to make your man happy in bed,we wouldn’t be talking about this,sort your marriage and leave Thula alone…


She left her and went inside the church….








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