Good Girl Gone Bad: Episode 1 - 70???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Good Girl Gone Bad – Episode 26

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For a moment i thought it was a dream,but no,it was real,my beloved boyfriend is sleeping with someone.I suddenly felt sick to my stomach but oddly,i also felt strong too,there was no way his gonna talk his way out of this…


Him:baby am sorry,it only happened once and i was drunk,we were celebrating our new deal and she started making moves on me,i was weak baby am sorry i betrayed our love,i promise you shez nothing to me we can go together and ask her…


Me:(shaky voice)wh…who is she?


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Him:(embarrassed) my secretary


Me:(shocked)your what?


Him:secretary babby,i can fire her if you want..


Me:(laughed in disbelief) are you for real right now?


Him:anything that will make you forgive me..


I hated him with passion that very moment,what kind of a human being was he,once he cheats he make sure there’s an excuse like “i was angry or i was drunk”and its so annoying,i dont get why men cheat,am not saying women are



saints but we better…i was really hurt and heartbroken,i wanted to strangle him until he shit himself…


Me:what do you take me for?just because my granny kicked me out you think you own me,you do whatever you want,you control me and that has to stop today,am leaving you..

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Him:what do you mean you leaving me?


Me:am going back home


Him:we both know your grandma will not take you back


Me:is that what you think?


Him:no,what i know


Me:you did this because you knew i’ll forgive you because i have nowhere to go,well,you wrong brothers..


Him:thula i know i hurt you and am sorry please don’t go,i love having you around..


Me:no you dont,you love the things i do in this house..


Him:thats not true


Me:yes it is…


I stood up and i took my suitcase and i started packing my things, he took his phone and called his PA and told her to cancel all his meeting,hes not okay,i packed all my clothes,went to take my toiletries, changed my pj’s put my clothes,the whole time he was begging me not leave because he loves me..ooh please i couldn’t care less…i had like two heavy suitcases.. Him:okay atleast let me take you wherever you want to go..


Me:no,i’ll be fine


Him:(pissed)you know what fine suit yourself,its not like you’re the virgin mary here,you slept with mandla and i forgave you,why cant you do the same..? Me:(angry)i did,with lulu and look where that got me.. Him:and the jacket guy,i know you slept with him in my house..


Me:(furious,)fuck you Rick,you know what its over


I took my bags and left,they were heavy i called a cab and it took me back,when i arrived there,they were sleeping,i knocked and gogo opened,tears started falling uncontrollably, she grabbed me and hugged me so tight,i felt her heart beating fast,i cried in her chest and she was brushing my back assuring me that everything would be okay,she qiped my tears and called Lelo to take my bags outside,we went to her room and i sat on the chair,she looks at me and said… Her:what did he do this time?


Me:what do you mean this time?


Her:i saw you yesterday that you were’nt happy,thts why i told you I hate him..


Me:he slept with his secretary gogo..


Her:kufana naye lokho


Me:i left him


Her:for good i hope


Me:i love him gogo


Her:and look where that got you,forget about him there are a lot of men out


there,sooner you’ll find someone who will love and respect you,not Rocky or


whatever his name is..




Her: whatever, now go unpack your clothes and make breakfast for us..


Me:i need to take a shower first..


Her:(laughed so hard)you want to tell me that you didn’t brush your teeth..


Me:(leaving her room)yes


Her:not even ipunani


Me:hahahahaha yebo gogo


Her:tjooh you are strong ma bby,imagine the taxi guy gosh,you killed him


Me:hahahaha am not that bad


Her:you think?


Me:i know hawu…


It was nice being home again,being with the people who loves you the most,we had breakfast and my sister helped me unpack, we did house chores and then we watched tv after a while my phone rang and it was lucky,i picked up.. Me:hi


Him:hey gorgeous,how are you?


Me:am good and you?


Him:me too


We became silent for few seconds and he continued


Him:i called you to tell you that my feelings for you haven’t changed,and am very grateful that you told me everything, i love you thula and i know that you seeing someone but i dont care,i dont love him i love you, besides his not good for you,and am gonna fight until i have you all by myself.bye.. He hung up


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