Good Girl Gone Bad: Episode 1 - 70???? : TOPSTER STORIESโœ…

Good Girl Gone Bad – Episode 19

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Ever saw a perfect guy?Lucky was that guy.He was tall,dark in complexion,he had those kind of hairstyles you know..he had the most nicest eyes,they are like dark but once you stare into them you fall inlove with him right away ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ..He wore black ripped jeans,white tee,a gold chain,black watch and black All star,he is fit but not too fit actually he has a body to die for..


We sat on the benches waiting,it was around 10 and very cold,i was shaking and he


noticed that…


Him:you feeling cold

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He stood up and disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a jacket and he put it on my shoulders..


Me:(smiling)thanx…but what about you?aint you feeling cold?


Him:relax am a man,i can handle this cold…


He sat down next to me,and the was an awkward silence for about twenty minuts…


Him:when i find you on the road who were you calling?


Me:my boyfriend


Him:you staying with him and your sister?

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Me:yeah..actually nosy is my sister in-law..


Him:where is he now..


Me:he told me was working late and his phone was off,i guess he was busy.. Him:okay,but were you able to get hold of him?


Me:(tears dropping)no,i couldnt now my phone is dead..(rubbing my shoulders)


Him:everything will be fine and am sure hes fine wherever he is…


Then a doctor walked to us…




Me:hows my sister doc?


Doctor: shez fine,so is the baby..


Me:(smilling with tears)wow she gave birth?


Doctor:yes,a baby girl


Me:can we see her


Doctor: yes,lets go…


I turned to Lucky and he said i must go alone,he doesnt like hospitals, so he’ll wait


outside,i went in and she was looking exhausted and the baby was sleeping,she was


cute tiny lil doll..






Me:how you feeling?any pains?


Her:your am glad this is over,am fine…


We talked for about thirty minutes..and i told her i had to go now,i’l come in the morning,i said my goodbyes and left…i got Lucky talking with the phone and he saw me,i waited for him to finish then we left… Him:how are they


Me:they okay thanx for asking..


Him:are you gonna be okay alone?


Me:yeah i think rick is back now




Me:thank you so much for what you did today,it was very kind of you,God bless you…


Him:hey,ungakhathazeki ubala lolu..(we reached the gate and i hugged him and he was surprised, yeah i know awkward… He asked my number so he’ll check on me because hes worried,i gave him and he left…)


I got in and I found Rick not back yet and it was around 1,i put my phone on charger and went straight to bed….









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