The Game Of Love: Episode 1 - 21 : TOPSTER STORIES

Game Of Love – Episode 7

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Episode 7


Roxanne POV


I drove through my street, I was getting better each passing day. All of a sudden, a car swerved right in front of me and pulled the car to a halt.


I came down from my car and the occupants of the other car came out too.


“Hey, take this car away and let me go” I said..


“Take her” one of them ordered and two guys held me but I didn’t even argue it struggle with them.


In life, we should accept situation and think not panic and grumble.


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I was taken to a sort of warehouse, a guy was standing there like a boss with his back facing me.


“Hello Roxanne” The familiar voice said and it was my driving instructor.


“What exactly do you want from me?” I asked and broke loose from the guy that were holding me down sending a kick and punch to the.each.


“Wow, you are really incredible but as I was saying. I want you to date me” he said and I looked at him.


“That’s good but next time be careful” I said and clicked on a button on my wristwatch secretly.


“What do you mean by that?” He asked.


“Nothing” I replied.


“So as I was saying, I want you to be my girl for just six days” he said but I kept quiet.


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“Speak up!” He yelled but I sat down on the wooden chair there.


“I am thirsty,get me some water” I said.


“What?? Do you know where you are?” He asked.


“Yeah, I am in your hideout and I am being kidnapped but I am thirsty” I said and crossed my legs.


“Gosh, I can’t believe this” he said and got me a glass of water.


“I am quite hungry. Get me some food” I said.



“No, don’t you understand that you are being kidnapped, kidnapped! You can’t order me around!” He yelled.


“Are you done yelling? Now get me some food” I said.


“God!! Are you even human?” He asked and I kept quiet.


“Anyways, there is no food here” he added.


“Then I am leaving, I have to got get my food” I said and checked the time.


“Where’s my phone?” I asked and he handed it over to me.


I had several missed calls a d a message from Clara.


Mr Ranes left after waiting for you


I groaned and slapped him twice making g him gasp.


“How dare you slap me?” He asked and Clara walked in with some guards.


“Keep him somewhere, I need all the information about him” I ordered and walked out.


You wanna know how Clara located me? It was through the button on my wristwatch.


I got into my car and called Mr Ranes.


“Hello Mr Ranes” I said


“Hello miss Roxanne” he said.


“I am sorry for not being able to attend to you today,let’s meet tomorrow can we?” I asked.


“Of course, I know it’s not your habit, something must have came up” he said.



“Yeah, thanks for your understanding” I said and ended the call.


Thank goodness, that guy almost spiilt my perfect record.


I drove home and plopped to a chair.


Jake POV


“What’s your name?” A hefty guy asked.


“Jake Martinez” I replied and he wrote it down.


“Who is your father?” He asked.


“Mr Martinez, the owner of Martinez Corp” I replied and he wrote it down again.


“Now, why are you after boss?” He asked.


“Nothing, I just want to be her friend” I replied.


“Didn’t you hear that friendship is by choice not by force”


“Hey, just let me go. I will give you enough money” I said and he smiled before slappung me.


My cheeks was on fire. How many slaps had I received today only? I should just give up on this.


But wait a min, I have a picture of both I and Roxanne on a bed, I should use that.


A slap interrupted my thoughts.


“Hey, stop slapping me!” I yelled.


“Can’t you answer my question? Why are you after boss?” He asked then his phone rang.


He picked it and said a few words then ended the call. He released me.



“You can go” he said and I breathed out in relief.


“Finally, I am never trying out the hard method. In fact no method works on her.


I went home and thankfully mum was not home cause she would definitely question me a lot about my red cheek.


I took a bath making sure I spent hours in the tub then I went to sleep immediately on an empty stomach.


The next morning


“Why is your cheek this red?” Dave asked.


“It’s still red? Dave, I got slapped countless times yesterday” I replied.


“How did that happen?” He asked.


“I tried kidnapping Roxanne but I turned out to be the one that got kidnapped” I replied and Dave muffled a laughter.


“I think you should give up” Dave said.


“Before I do that, I have one Lear resolution” I said.


“What’s that?” Dave asked and Roxanne walked into class.


“You will know later” I said and looked at Roxanne.


You just watch, Roxanne. I am going to get you to be mine.




Lunch time


Where could Roxanne be? I have searched almost everywhere in the whole school. Do you know what that means? Going through several girls that were drooling over.


If not for this stupid game, would I be looking for her all over?


Finally I saw her walking around with two guards by her side. None of my business anyways.


I approached her with a smile, I know that she will definitely agree to this deal.


“Hi Roxanne” I called but she continued walking.


“Hello, I am talking to you” I said and the guards glared at me, I gulped when I recollected the slap I received yesterday.


“I want to talk to you about a deal” I said and she finally stopped in her tracks.


She only cares about business, deal and money, bitch.


“Let’s go to my car” she said and continued walking.


I walked after her or should I say I ran? Cause her pace was too fast for me to catch up with by walking.


We hopped into the car. “So what deal are you proposing?” She asked.


“Here it is” I said and showed her the picture if I and her together on the bed.


She looked at me and at the picture again. “What’s the deal?” She asked.


“It’s simple, date me for two weeks” I said and she frowned deeply while I smirked awaiting for her reply.






Game of love



By Authoress Juliana

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