Drama Queen: Episode 1 --- 12 (Season 3) : TOPSTER STORIES

Drama Queen – Season 3 – Episode 9

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@Author RiRi Library





‘How could she do what he fucking told her…she should have rejected!’ Michel hit his fist angrily on the steering wheel.


‘That maniac got no idea how much she mean to me. How much I need her. How much I need here around me!’

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His phone was ringing nonstop but he cared less about that. He just want to get to Xspark.


He was speeding that he didn’t notice the traffic ahead and his car suddenly hit a slowing car in front. Luckily his head didn’t hit the steering wheel.


He sighed heavily and slowly placed his face on the steering with his hands still holding tightly to the steering wheel.


His phone kept ringing non stop and he couldn’t take a glance. (Topster Stories) Recommend you to read more interesting and erotic stories from www.generalloaded.com A knock began pounding on his car window glass.


“What the hell! You hit my car and you can’t even raise your face. Whine down this damn glass or I break it!” The man who owns the car hurled.


Michel couldn’t raise his face.


What’s he going to do now?


Once he raise his face, everyone is going to gather.

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“Oh..he’s not going to raise his face. This must be an arrogant idiot. What does he think he is? I’m really going to break this glass. Oh wait, I’m calling the police!” The man threatened and wasted no time in getting his phone out of his pants pocket.


Michel had no choice, he had to act.


Cars were horning impatiently.


Michel whined down the window glass.


“Ohh you must have gotten scared when I mentioned the police huh… I’m going to call the police anyway,” the man said.



Michel raised his face and turned to the man.


“Oh wow… He is even Kim Michel, Spark5 King..oh wow I can’t believe this. It’s Kim Michel.. Everyone look over here, it’s really the Spark5 King who hit my car!” The man shouted.


Michel was expecting a scene but not in this psychopathic manner.


He’s having a big issue already and this man just added another.


In a blink of an eye, people had circled around Michel’s car with phones and camera’s up, taking pictures and video recording.


Michel sighed…. Recommend you to read more interesting and erotic stories from www.generalloaded.com


“Are you being a rude punk huh! Get off from that damn car and pay for the damage you’ve caused my car!” The man ranted on.


Camera flashes were on Michel and the man not forgetting the mutterings too.



Oh my! It’s really Michel… I can’t believe this



It seem he was hiding so the man don’t see his face



Where was he going that he had to collie into a car



He isn’t getting out to apologize



What’s he going to do now. He’s driving alone






He’s not really opening the car. That’s annoying!





Michel sighed..



“I’m really calling the police you proud punk! I don’t care who you are. You can’t be a rude jerk..Idol my foot!” The man hurled at him and was about to place his phone in his ear when a voice made him halt.


“Why’s there so many crowd! Is this a movie or what?” Everyone turned to the voice and it was a black guy who just walked in.



Who’s this?



What’s wrong with him? Isn’t he a foreigner?



Shut it black boy!



“I’m not a foreigner, I’m Korean. Get it! If you all wanted to be a little nice, you should at least give him a space to walk out of his car and say whatever he wants to say to him. Can’t idols and celebrities have their private life free from so many camera flashes and videos. You should know that he’s having a hard time trying to think of how to walk out because you all are standing in the way and can’t think of what to say because everyone is talking..”


“Shut it foreigner! Don’t talk more than you should here!” The man shouted at him.


“I told you I’m Korean, I’m not a foreigner. My name is Lee Evan..”


“Whatever you are, you should not talk more than you should.. This is not your business. It’s between me and that rude idol in there,” The man said.



He’s getting out! someone said and everyone turned their camera’s back to Michel.


Michel was getting off the car but when he finally did and was about to say something, Manager Kim ran in, halting him. “Michel!”




A way was made for him and he ran to Michel. “I will sort this out..” Manager Kim told Michel and then turned to the crowd.



“I apologize for the incident… Pls Mr, we sincerely apologize. Please give us a call tomorrow and we will meet with you and we promise to pay for any damage,” Manager Kim said and gave him the business card.


“I will only accept this if he apologize to me..” The man said.


“Actually you see..he has–” Manager Kim was cut short by Michel.


“I apologize for hitting your car. It wasn’t intentional. Any damage to your car is going to get fixed. It’s a promise. Again, my apologises,” he said then turned to Lee Evan.


“Thanks for that, you made a point..”


Lee Evan smiled.


“I will drive,” Manager Kim told Michel and Michel wasted no time in getting into the backseat.


Manager Kim hopped into the driver’s seat and zoomed off.


“You should have been more careful,” Manager Kim said.


“Don’t reverse. Take me to Xspark,” Michel said.


“Mona Lisa isn’t in Xspark now and I don’t think she’s in Seoul. I’m totally unaware of this so I’m shocked..” Manager Kim said.


“Director Xian!” Michel gritted his teeth in anger.


“You gotta calm down OK.. I’m sure she’s fine wherever she is now and I think her brother is with her too. Let’s get home first and we would talk about this..” Manager Kim said.


“Talk about what? Talk about letting her go?” Michel asked.


“No talk about why you really need her,” Manager Kim said.



Michel inhaled and that was when he felt the coat beside him. It was the coat he had used to cover Mona the previous night and he dropped it here because he talked about trashing it.


He picked the coat, stared at it for awhile and for some reason, he drew it close to his nose and perceived it.


It was a mixture of his scent and hers.


Surprisingly, those two scents matched well and smelt wonderful.


Manager Kim could see him from the rear view mirror.


‘What’s he doing?’ he wondered.


Michel held closely to the coat then dropped his head on the backrest as his moments with Mona filled up his head.


*Right from the moment he met her at the plane to Thailand to the very moment she fed him that porridge*


‘It seems that I’m finally accepted this feeling’







[Somewhere in Seoul]


Mona Lisa was sitting on the bed of the room. The room they said it’s hers. When she walked into the room she wasn’t surprised to see the wardrobe filled up with new clothes and under wears.


They told her she’d have whatever she need for the two weeks.


The kitchen was filled up with utensils and the fridge was filled up with food stocks and meats. Whatever that is needed including drinks and fruits.


It isn’t an apartment but a beautiful bungalow, completely furnished.


Mona stood up from the bed and walked to the window, drew the thick curtains and drew thew the window glass to stare outside.


Stars crowded the sky like no rain had dropped the previous night.


Security lights surrounded the house.


One of the security who had introduced himself as Rex was sitting just close to the gate and he seem to have noticed a window open and he turned.


He caught eyes with Mona which Mona didn’t look away and he ended up looking away.


Mona scoffed. “This feels like a movie. Being locked in a house and securities around. I can’t believe this.”


She left the window, walked out of the room to the sitting room and met Rose and Tenten munching on apples and watching a movie on the TV.


They looked quite happy to be here but she’s the only sad one.


“Sis, you need to watch this.. It’s very funny. Come sit,” Tenten told her.


“Yes Mona… We’ve been laughing our ass out since.. You will like it,” Rose told her.


“No, I’m going outside to get some fresh air,” Mona said.


“Oh okay.’


Mona headed out and once she came out, Rex saw her. Mona scoffed. “He’s good at his work.”


“Do you need anything?” he asked her.


“Yes. I need some fresh air. I can’t be stuck inside a whole day,” Mona said and walked to where he was.


He tried hiding the cigarette he held but Mona had seen it already.


“You can go on,” she told him.


“Oh okay…” he said and continued with the smoking.


“Where is this place?” she asked him.


“Sorry but I can’t tell you..” he said.


Mona breathed out.


“There’s nothing wrong to know where I am,” she told him.


“We are restricted from letting you know. I suggest you should just relax and hold


on for two weeks,” he said.


Mona scoffed. “I see… ”







[Silver House]


Manager Kim pulled the car to a stop at the garage and turned to Michel.


“We are going to go in and talk about this. I want to let you know that you can’t get her back by flaring up. You have to calm down okay.”


“Director Xian did this so I was going to him. He knows where she is!” Michel said.


“Fine, let’s get in first,” Manager Kim said and got out of the car.


Michel did too with the coat in his hand. They headed into the house.


All the flower boys were at the sitting room and they were up waiting for Michel and Manager Kim.


“Hyung!” TedyA called. He looked the most scared and worried.


“There was a little incident on the road but it isn’t a big problem.. We will sort that out,” Manager Kim told them.


“We’ve seen it already,” Best said.


“Are you okay Michel?” Jeff asked.


“He’s fine… Come on Michel,” Manager Kim said and Michel was ahead already.


“I will get you water and you need to take a shower too,” Manager Kim told Michel immediately they walked into Michel’s room.


“I don’t need water,” Michel said and sat at the edge of his bed, taking off his cap.


“So you are going to shower first…”




Manager Kim’s hands went akimbo as his stood in front of Michel.


“So then… I knew you as the Michel who disliked Miss Mona Lisa and called her a maniac, why are you confusing everybody?” Manager Kim asked him.


“I like Mona Lisa. I like her and I need her,” Michel said.


Manager Kim chuckled. “What did you say? You like the maniac? Are you sure it’s her that you like?”


Michel looked at Manager Kim with a serious eyes and said, “Mr Kim, I’m serious.”


“Why? Why did you suddenly like Mona Lisa? Because of Li Sugar. Because you want to use her for a revenge or some sort?” Manager Kim asked.


“It started right from the day she walked into this house. I think my feelings began that day and I knew it but never accepted it until tonight. If I didn’t have feeling for Mona, I wouldn’t have kissed her at Seoh Dani’s party no matter the situation I was in. I could have done something else but she came right into my mind immediately I set my eyes on her and the next thing I was walking to her and the next thing I was kissing her. I felt angered by that because she’s a maniac and she’s not my type and I didn’t want to look foolish and make her find out my hidden feelings for her but the next day I was talking about contract relationship just to make her feel like there’s nothing attached but deep down in my heart, I love her and I’m finally accepting that I do. I’m going to find her and make her my girl. I don’t give a damn about whatever anyone say about it..”


“Woowww! Michel I’m surprised. So you really were putting up all those acts but you really like her..” Manager Kim smiled and sat beside Michel.



“But Michel you know who you are and who the world should see you with. They should see you with someone that the world knows too. This is the message Director Xian is trying to pass to you.. Like you said you didn’t want to accept your feeling for her because she isn’t your type..”


Michel stood up. ” I’m going to make her my type.. ”


“Really. So are you going to confess to her if you find her?” Manager Kim asked.


Michel turned and stared at the dream chaser hanging close to the window.


“Or you are going to keep hiding your feeling for her and keep asking her to be your fake girlfriend?”


“I told her to be my real girlfriend but she still think I want to use her. She liked me but she’s starting to dislike me,” Michel said.


“I”m going to bring Mona back to you but you have to promise me something Michel,” Manager Kim said.


Michel turned to him. “What’s that?”


“That you are going to confess your feelings to her and protect her,” Manager Kim said.


“I won’t wait for you to bring her to me. I’m going to find her and I will protect her with my life!”


Manager Kim smiled. “When did you really began liking her?”


“Michel pushed his hair back.. “That day she protected Spark5 by lying to the reporters about selling silver house with her brother.”


Manager Kim smiled. “I see…” He patted Michel on the shoulder. “You don’t have to worry, I’m certain she’s safe and I’m going to speak to Director Xian. I will give you privacy now so you can freshen up. I will get Ms Oh to bring you your dinner. You need to rest after that Michel.”



Manager Kim was about opening the door when Michel said. “My job as a Spark5 member would be at risk if Xspark goes further.”


Manager Kim breathed out and turned to him. “Don’t think that far Michel. Everything will be alright.” he said and left, closing the door


Michel exhaled and walked to the bedside table.


He pulled out the first drawer where he put Mona’s phone. Taking it out, he sat on a sofa and unlocked the phone.


Her wallpaper is his picture.


Michel chuckled. “She’s so old fashioned. Why would she use my old picture of three years when new pictures are being uploaded everyday.”


He scrolled to the gallery and began scrolling through her pictures.


“She’s always pouting at every selfie..” He said and chuckled. “Half of the gallery is my pictures.” then he got to a family picture.


A picture of her, her brother, a woman and a man who he was sure were her parents.


“She look just like her mom, cutie.. I’m coming for you Mona. Just hold on a bit..” he said and just then a notification popped up.


It was a message with an audio attached and he opened it and read the message first.



I know you are going to remember me once you listen to this song. I never deleted it cos it was really beautiful. I’m happy for you Mona Lisa and I wish to see you again


Michel hesitated for a moment before playing the audio and the song began.


It was a voice recording and it was a lady’s voice singing.







Mona walked back into the house and Tenten rushed at her with his phone.


“Sis…I just saw this on the news,” he said giving her his phone.


Mona read the caption…. Recommend you to read more interesting and erotic stories from www.generalloaded.com


“Spark5 Kim Michel hit a car and was reluctant to apologize. Black guy defends him. Read more…”


Mona read more then stared at the pictures and clicked on the videos too.


“Where do you think he was going?” Tenten asked.


“It happened jus an hour ago. Where was he really going?” Rose chipped in.


“First I thought he must have been rushing to his sick grandmother again but this isn’t the way to his father’s house but the way to Xspark.” Mona said.


“So you are saying he was going to xspark. Why?” Tenten asked.


“Isn’t it obvious that he was coming for you Mona and he was speeding and then hit the car,” Rose said.


“You are right Honey. I concur,” Tenten said.


“That jerk can’t do that,” Mona said and dropped the phone into Tenten’s hands.


“Jerk – Jerk?” Tenten and Rose said together.


“Yes Jerk, he’s a real jerk,” Mona said and headed to her room. Tenten and Rose followed her.


“You are calling your boyfriend a jerk?” Tenten asked.



“He was sick and you think he suddenly got into an incident on the road for nothing?” Rose asked.


“You just said that was a road to Xspark. What do you think he was going to Xspark at such an hour for?” Tenten asked.


“Good question hubby. He must have gotten mad when he heard you won’t be returning to silver House,” Rose said.


Mona halted making them halt to. She turned to them.


“You have no idea where he was going so stop following me and ranting!” she snapped at them.


She banged the door close and dropped on the bed, grabbed a pillow and dropped her face on it.






[Silver House]


The song ended and Michel couldn’t believe the sweetness and perfection of the song and the voice.


He wondered who was that because it was a rap song too. Who could have such a perfect and out of the world’s voice?

It was a wonderful song and Michel was in love with the song and the voice.


But his mind was suddenly telling him something which he didn’t want to believe.


How could it be…


There’s only one way to find out….







[Zan’s residence]


“Oh my goodness she’s calling!” Zan let out as his phone buzz with ringtone.


“You have to pick it, go on, pick it!” Kel urged him.



“I don’t know why but I’m suddenly feeling anxious,” Zan said.


“I should pick it for you. Who knows it might turn out to be Michel’s,” Toni said.


“No never. It shouldn’t be him but Mona,” Zan said.


“Come on hyung, the call is going to end in a second if you delay,” Kel said.


“Okay okay… I will now,” Zan said and picked the call.



Hello Mona, you…you remember me right? Zan said into the phone.


There was no answer from the caller.


Kel and Toni urged him to talk.



I’m sure you do right? You remember



Your name, the song? The caller finally spoke and Zan felt like it wasn’t Mona’s voice that he knew but voices could change since it’s been years.


You don’t remember anything about us Mona? Zan asked.



I don’t I’m sorry but I will appreciate if you tell me she said.



Zan looked at Toni and Kel with a disappointed and sad eyes but they still urged him to talk and he did.



I’m Ahn Zan and the song, you don’t remember you singing it for me on one


Friday after school. You stopped me by the field and told me you wrote the song while having me in your mind..Do you remember now?


“Ohh my.. Ahn Zan.. I can’t believe it’s you. You know what, I’m gonna call you back.. she said and ended the call before Zan could say ‘jack’


“What’s wrong?” Kel asked, nothing Zan’s face.



“She said she’s going to call back but seriously It didn’t sound like Mona’s voice,” Zan said.


“It’s her. It’s her… Come on who do you think it would be then?” Toni asked.


“Her maid or…” Kel said and Toni chuckled.


“Stop being funny..why would she have a maid?” Toni asked.


“She’s Michel’s girlfriend..” Kel said.


“That just reminds me. I read something about Michel hitting a car… Let’s check it out..” Toni said and grabbed his phone.







[Silver House]


“Oh my! I can’t believe what I just did!” Ms Oh said and handed Michel back the phone.


Michel was too lost in thought to respond to her.


‘Mona Lisa is the one with that voice. The song too?!’


“I don’t know what this is all about but I’m going to leave you to have your dinner and please get me through the landline when you are done,” Ms Oh said and walked out.


“She’s really the one…she’s really the one!! Oh my goodness!! This is driving me insane!”


He called that number again and this time it was picked on time.



Hii Mona you called back. the receiver spoke first.



I want you to do something for me. Let’s make a great deal. Michel said.





Ten minutes later, Michel was seen descending the staircase and he was glad to see all the flower boys at the sitting room. He walked in front of them and stood.


“hyung are you fine?” TedyA asked.


“Michel.. Are you okay?” Jeff asked.


“I love Mona Lisa,” he announced to them, shocking everyone of them.


“Woah! This was out of the blue!” J guy let out.


“Hyungggggg what!?” TedyA exclaimed.


“I didn’t hear that right,” Best said.


“I love Mona…” Michel repeated and his eyes met With Jeff’s who said nothing but stared back at him.







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