Doctor’s Romance: Episode 1 - 31 : TOPSTER STORIES

Doctor's Romance – Episode 25

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Jane’s POV????????????????????
I feel so miserable, gosh, I really regret what I’ve done. If only I knew that Audrey was still alive… She use to be the one to always be able to talk sense into my head till she disappeared….
Now look, I’ve been disgraced!! I don’t think I could face mich again, I just have to quit. And here is this Felix following me, like a bug….
???? what is it Felix??” I asked calmly cleaning my tears…
???? uhmmm, nothing…. Just can we talk?” He asked sincerely, looking cute and innocent as ever.
???? ok, make it quick, I need to be somewhere” I said cos I needed to talk to Audrey
???? ok, yeah I know you’ve done something wrong but it can be fixed…. Just don’t resign” he pleaded and I looked at him wondering why he didn’t want me to go.
???? why Felix?? Do I deserve to be here?? I mean, I’m a dangerous person…. I’m a damage and you should be thankful I still have a heart, just leave me alone before I change my mind and decide to attack again, I still have many plans” I lied trying to look strong and challenging…
But what he did next surprised me, he began laughing and came close to touch me and I flinched away….
???? what’s funny??” I asked kinda getting annoyed at his laughter.
???? I know what you’re trying to do, you wanna show that you’re strong, that you’re dangerous, but that’s not really who you are” he said smiling
???? what made you say that? I mean that’s how everyone sees me as ..cos that’s what I am” I said proudly
???? but that’s not how I see you to be… You’re more special than that…. You’re a good person, a perl, interrogative but fun to be with, like with the short span of time I got to talk to you, I already feel like, I’ve known you forever,” he said smiling with sincerity in voice, I… I began blushing for the first time in years I’ve never felt loved like this, I mean this special…..
????Really Felix?” A lady asked…
???? Grace we need to talk” Felix told her..
???? ok, I gotta go”, I said and Left.
Aliceaudery POV????????????????????
???? why haven’t grace arrived yet?” Carol said worried
???? calmie angel, she’ll soon be here, why did you ask her to come here anyway” I asked
???? I wanted you to meet her and more so bring an extra sandal for me” she said and just then jane walked in….
I’ve been expecting her, she knows we need to talk….
We use to be friends before… And lemme tell you a secret, she use to be my lover…. But not anymore….
???? hey minie, watcha doing in here”, carol blabbed.
???? Carol, calm down, why don’t you excuse use, go check if grace has arrived, you could ask the security or something, I and Jane have scores to settle” I said and she nodded and have me that confused wiered look, then left.
???? Jane sweetheart, how have you been, oh, why am I even asking, I could see you’ve gone outta hand. You’ve started listening to your mother again right?? How could you have done that trash with mich in his office huh??” I fired and she bent her head…
???? Audy baby, I’m sorry my love” she said and I cut her short with hands on the air✋✋
???? Don’t ‘baby’ ‘love’ me Jane, we’re no more lovers, I’ve a fiancée now, and am getting married this week” I said and I could feel the shock on her face,which suddenly turned to anger…
???? Audrey common how come you’re abandoning me for a man, I know how much you hated men, and first of all, you came back and didn’t tell me you were back?? You are now cheating on me??” She fired and I stood up
???? first of all, if we’re talking about cheating, that position I saw you with mich already gives me the grounds to end whatsoever relationship I’ve got with you, and, I didn’t tell you I was back, cos, I’m no more interested and I’ve found my true love Jane, you expect us to keep loving each other when I’ve heared how you tortured and hurt my sister, when she’s hurt, I am too… Jane just forget we had anything between us and move on, you might find the love of your life” I said and sat down
???? you are that love of my life Audy… And if you’re thinking I’ll let that marriage push through then you’re sorryly mistaken, I’ll make life hell for carol, and that guy that snatched you from me, cos what’s mine is mine alone, and you are mine Audy” she said and I froze, I know I’ve entered like that cos I know Jane… I stood up and face her
???? you will do no such thing, common, let loose of me and let someone else in, we are happy together don’t ruin it jane” I commanded
???? you know Audy, when it gets to this kinda things, you don’t command me, I do whatever????????, I think I want” she barked
???? Get out already, I curse the day I fell in love with you”I said and she smirked
???? I bless that day baby love” she said and left…
Oh jeez, I’m finished… I just pray she tells no one about this, not even Carol….
Carol’s POV????????????????????
I went to look for grace only to find the shock of my life… She was there with Felix, they looked like they were having a disagreement… But how did they know each other???
I stayed behind to listen to thier conversation… It seems interesting, and people like me only eavesdrop on interesting things if you know what I mean????????????
???? grace sweety, calmie, I wasn’t cheating, I just felt like encouraging her, don’t take what I said seriously, you know it’s just you that I love,just you and no one else grace” Felix explain holding grace… I was shocked cos what he said actually looked like they are lovers!!!
???? Felix, I know you! How could you do this to me?? You are charming, what if she goes thinking about what you told her, for Christ sake she was blushing earlier” grace fired back in anger tryna keep her tears from falling…. Awwwn, I really pity her, I’m so shocked…. Grace was dating Felix and didn’t tell me?? I felt offended…
No wonder he always come close to me and even offered to take me home… If you didn’t know better you would think he liked me…
???? grace, stop tripling, I’m sorry” he said as she cleaned her tears
???? whatever???????? Felix, I’m outta here” she said left the sandal there and left…. I understand, she’s really hurt….
I walked up to Felix who was holding the sandal and acted like I saw nothing
???? oh there it is, who gave you this, I asked my friend to get me this, how did it get to you??” I asked and he jerked up
???? oh this?? A lady brought it here and asked me to hand it to you that she was in a hurry” he said and I laughed inwardly…
???? ok thanks” I said and made to leave
???? uhmmm, carol, pls go see mich, he’s really worried, I hope you aren’t angry at him” he said and I signed… I almost forgot that micheal existed….
???? no I’m not Felix, I’ll head to his office now” I said and he nodded and I left….
Micheal’s POV????????????????????
I was with Lucas, he was telling me about his wedding with Alice which will hold next week…. What he was saying was entering from the first ear and going out from the next…..
Like he knew what was going on with me he stood up
???? mich Buddy, you’re not yourself yet… I’ll be in my office with Alice kk, catcha up later” he said and as he opened the door he met carol!!! My heart skipped a bit…
???? I guess I really have to go” Lucas said and left as carol came in frowning….
???? How many times will you hurt me mich?? You should have told me you loved jane” she said quietly and I walked up to her and held her hands looking directly into her eyes….
???? believe me carol, I was drugged, I didn’t know myself anymore… I would never hurt you, I love you so much, more than you could ever think I do carol, I will never think of hurting you Carol, carol plss forgive me, believe me, I’m since….” I was saying when she did the most shocking thing ever!! She kissed me!!
????Shhhh…I ain’t angry with you mich, I was just acting… I know you weren’t yourself…. Although I was a little hurt” she said and I hugged her tight and heaved a very great sign of relief!!!
???? Carol, candy…. I love you sweety, thanks a lot for understanding… I love you” I said and she smiled….
???? I love you too mich” she said and I looked at her, to verify if I heared her right….
???? did you just say that??” I asked and she nodded
???? candy there’s no sense in being in love with each other when not dating so Carol let’s make this official… Will you be my girlfriend?!” I asked and she smiled
????mich,I will” she said and I hugged her and a two minutes kiss followed….
*next morning… Saturday*
Audrey’s POV????????????????????
We all sat gisting about my upcoming wedding and the new couples when the door bell rang…
Carol went to open the door and came in with a letter…
???? wired….”to be given to Audrey” is written on it” carol said and my heart skipped a bit
???? how come the sender knows your name sweety” Lucas asked and I shrugged, I guessed it’s from jane…
???? I’ll read it…”I still love you Audrey, tell that bitch of a husband to be that….. You are mine”..” Carol read and Lucas looked at me…..oh my Gosh jane was serious…. I’m really scared….
Just then our door bell rang again!!!!!
Oh boy!!!!!

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