Doctor’s Romance: Episode 1 - 31 : TOPSTER STORIES

Doctor’s Romance – Episode 24

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Jane’s POV????????????????????



I woke up at around…… Should I say, two hours after the incident…


I don’t really know, maybe after…. Yeah… That’s when it dawned on me that Caroline actually gave me quiet a beating… The nerve of her!!


???? oh my God!!????” I exclaimed when realisation hit me that I was in the middle of the hospital on pant and bra????!!????????…


People stared at me in pity, while some others laughed….

I stood up…. So embarrassed and not really knowing where to go,

Just then I saw carol and audy coming towards my direction…

I quicky gave carol a slap???? .


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???? how dare yo…” I was still saying when Audy reciprocated the slap to me


???? you cheap slut!!” She added..


???? you both will pay for this!!” I sweared to the both of them as they chuckled


???? you should be ashamed of your sassy ass out here with just undies” Caroline said mocking me


???? you better leave before guys begin spanking your butt… Yeah, and be quick, look Felix can’t just get his eyes off you due to sexy desires” Audy added really pissing me off…


I looked to see a cute guy watching me and licking his lips…???? jeez?!!


???? Idiots!!!!” I cursed carol and Audy….


???? Naked monkey” I heared Carol curse back from behind, as I ran to my office where I wore my cloths and took my bag, with my resignation letter and headed to Mich’s office….


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I’m quiting this job, thier P.A,is back anyway…????????.




Alice’s Audry’s POV????????????????????



I went with Caroline to her office immidietly Jane left.



???? Carol we need to talk!” I said as we entered.


???? About what??” She asked innocently really surprising me

???? common, micheal just hurt you recently with sleeping with that woman and you’re asking me ‘about what’ Caroline are you really mentally alright??

I gave that scoundroll a second chance and he screwed up, so I ain’t letting him anyway close you, neither are you going close to him” I said as dge just looked at me and smiled. Ok, now, I’m getting really confused.


???? Alice dear, I’m angry with micheal alright, but I can’t stay away from him, Jane did all that to tear us apart cos she’s seen how close we’ve become lately… Yeah, I’m hurt right now, but if you look at it, I really don’t have a right to be. But I ain’t gonna allow Jane’s work to succeed, she’ll never have her way” carol answered shocking me.


???? Really carol????????,….like what charm did mich use on you,??” I asked cos sincerely speaking I’m shocked. I’m difinitly gonna scare the hell outta mich,….


Suddenly carol hugged me,????????


???? havnt even hugged you welcome back dear sis, I missed hell outta you, you left me here alone to suffer and enjoy, I experienced life without you by my side,,, and you Missed a whole lot…. Come sit, I’ve a lot to tell you…” She blabbed as I took my sit and she began gisting me about the times I wasn’t around..


From the times when she arrived at micheal’s house⛲???? and he got her a personal maid named grace, who is her best friend now….


Her discovery at the dinning table, then Jane’s appearance at the office and house⛲????,


About the patients death and how mich shouted at her and took Jane’s side, and she cried and Felix came to comfort her, making mich jealous..


And when she went out on the rain freezing to death and Felix came back and rescued her, and brought her back to mich who was worried sick,


And when Mich’s character suddenly changed and he became as sweet as ever, then Jane showed up making her doubt Mich’s change, then grace talked to her and removed her doubt when she told him about Mich’s and Felix’s exchange the night befor,


Then convinced her to go to a dinner with mich,of where she acted as his FIANCÉE!! I was really shocked and happy,


When she arrived with the dinner with mich, she met his treacherous friends, Charley and Charles the tough guys,then mike and mich who seem to have the same blood hormone…


Then the cute ladies called Rachel, Rita, and Celine but from the three, she liked Celine more and I wondered why????,


Also about thier get together at the dinner party and till now…..


She was queit a good story teller as I couldn’t help but and get angry and at some points I was surprised.


???? Caroline, this is one big adventure you’ve got” I told Carol and she grinned showing me her arranged set of teeth’s


???? You’re gonna be staying with mich and I right??” She asked pouting…


???? Yes, we will *referring to I and Lucas*”I said and she jumped and hugged me


???? If there’s one thing I miss about you, it’s your craziness”I said and she smiled


???? Let’s go shopping later, I miss our get together” she said and I nodded.


???? Anything for my dear little sister, bills on me” I said and she hugged me again…. Oh Carol, I really missed you…




Felix POV????????????????????




I entered sir Mich’s office… Yeah, we’ve became close friends now, I saw sir Lucas sitting with him and I greeted him with a manly hug, I was always close to sir Lucas ever since..


???? Felix, it’s really been long, what do you want from Mich’s office” sir Lucas asked


???? Nah, nothing much, just wanted to see how he’s doing. I got the news, I heared what happened from Claire, and Jane’s uncouncious naked body added with Carol’s drama earlier explains everything”I explained and Lucas exclaimed an ‘oh’ and sat down facing micheal was faced down hands on his head, probably scared and full of regrets.


???? micheal, chill, did you follow my instruction to make her happy for at least three weeks?” I asked and he nodded, but to be sincere I’ve liked Jane from the first time she showed up at the hospital…


Just then Jane came in… I began starring at her from head to toe,


???? uh….uhmmm, sir mich, this is my resignation letter, I’m leaving” she said shocking me and I stood up…


???? huh?? Why if I may ask?” I said really not happy I wasn’t gonna see her again.


???? what a question, don’t you see the havoc she caused, till now mich is still in a thinking corner, she should better leave or else, I’ll throw her out” Lucas said angrily and I gave him the ‘please take it easy’stare…


???? Jane why did you do this huh??” Micheal finally ask and she *Jane* burst into tears,


???? I’m so sorry mich… I’m so sorry” she said and ran out and I followed her behind…

I really like Jane, as she’s hurt I’m hurt too…????????.

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