Crazy In The New York City: Episode 1 - 48 : TOPSTER STORIES

Crazy In The New York City – Episode 45

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Celine’s Pov


The elevator stopped at the third floor and Adrian led the way through a short hall way ending in front of a flowery door, the only door on the floor.


The place looked naked, almost barren, the walls painted a depressing dark green. I noticed how Adrian was, have never seen him so agitated before.


“I can’t do this” Adrian states even before hitting the door alarm button. He turns to leave but I pull him back placing both of my hands on his shoulder.


“You promised me you were going to fulfill my birthday wish, I want you to do that now” I give him a warm smile, placing a short kiss on his cheek and hold his hand.


I could see how nervous he was, he was a wreck and I found it amusing.


He’s always putting on a heartless guy look but behind his bravado is a man that needs love. I always thought is father was dead but when I found out he cut all ties with his father, I was shocked.


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The reason was because he caught his father cheating but Erin still loves him.


“I don’t want to meet that man Cel, you don’t understand. He hurt my mom so bad”


“Everybody deserves a second chance Adrian, so why’s your dad different”


“You don’t understand Cel, he…”


“What in heaven’s gate is going on….” The old man stops and looks at both of us.


He examines me for a while and I also do the same, he had the same features of Adrian except from the eyes. He had grey eyes while Adrian had blue eyes, he had the blue eyes from his mom Erin.


“Good evening Mr Vandermir” I greeted tucking my hair behind my ear.


“Celine” He smiles, he looked so happy to see me. At least the huge smile plastered on his face seemed so.


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But that smile was erased almost immediately it came the moment he saw Adrian.


“And what are you doing here, what do you want” He asked earning a glare from his son.


“At least let us in, my wife’s feet are aching”


I looked at him and scoffed, the crazy guy is trying to use me as an excuse.


“That’s a lot more hospitality than you offered me earlier, have you forgotten son. You asked your men to throw me out of your house, and also out of NYC, give me one reason I should let you in….”


My head snapped up and I frowned glaring at Adrian, how could he do this to his own father.


“Oh for heaven’s sake, just let us the fuck in ” Adrian snapped, his jaws were clenched and he only did that if he was trying to keep his temper in check.


“Very well, for the sake of the pretty lady here”


I blushed and watched as he moved aside leaving enough space for both of us to walk in.


I glanced around the room, Mr Vandermir was sure a man of art, maroon walls and beige curtain that framed floor length windows displaying a stunning view of Missouri, the floor was bare with a single shag carpets surrounded by white box chairs, impressive.



“So what’s your mission here, wanna send me out of Missouri again” He shut the door and motioned us specifying on only me to have my seat, very grateful to be off my feet which were already aching I chose a white box chair and sat down.


“I have no plans of doing that but if it comes to that…”


“Adrian” I snapped and frowned at him.


His expression didn’t change instead he just rolled his eyes and sat on a couch, the tension building up between him and his father was becoming much and I wished I had brought Erin along instead of planning a surprise for her.


I swallowed and cleared my throat.


“Forgive me if I don’t offer you anything, visiting hours was over 2 hours ago”


“We don’t need anything” Adrian growled.


“I wasn’t going to offer, now tell me what you came for”


I dipped in my purple purse and brought out the wedding invitation handing it to him.


“Adrian and I are getting married next month, we…”


“Oh” He cuts off with a smug smirk, fuck he smirks just like his son.


If I have a boy I’ll have to teach him not to smirk like this, it’s so annoying.


“You mean the same marriage you guys had and he dumped you at the altar” Adrian’s eyes flashed open clenching his fist.


I felt a storm hit chest, it was just like yesterday when Adrian dropped me at the altar and humiliated me in front of the whole world and here I was handing a wedding invitation to his father, what if he’s just playing again. I can’t believe am thinking this again, honestly am scared.


“Celine are you okay” Adrian asked, he becomes alarmed when he notices the tears in my eyes.


“Fuck, tell me where does it hurt. Are you okay Celine” I shake my head and stand up inhaling the air and rubbing my navel.



“I just need some fresh air, I’ll leave both of you to talk”


“You sure?” He asked.


“Yes I am, purse?” He hands my purse over and I leave the living room to the balcony.


Adrian’s Pov


Dad and I stared at each other saying nothing, I wasn’t ready to talk to him. I still hate the man.


“So you really want to hurt the innocent girl again”


“I love Celine and I have no plans of hurting her, that woman is my life and she’s also carrying my life”


His eyes widened in realization.


“Am going to be a grandfather”


It was more of a statement than a question, I saw how happy he became instantly. My heart warmed up to him and I nodded.


“Am so happy, am am happy for you son. Trust me I really am happy.. ”


“Why did you cheat on Mom Dad, I thought you loved her so much” His eyes softened and he becomes sorry.


“I made a big mistake. I thought I was in love with a woman, I didn’t know I was lusting after a thief”


I chuckled and reminisced the past, when Dad lost everything to a lady. I was so upset and decided to use that opportunity to use my own wealth to make life difficult for him. Sent him out of the house and forced mom to make a decision.


When I found out he was still seeing Mom I made arrangement to send him out of NYC.


“Do you still love Mom?” I asked abstractedly playing with the vase.



“With all my heart son. With all my heart” I nod and dropped the vase.


“Come to our wedding” I said and walked to the balcony.


I heard sobs and sniffing, without announcing my present I wrapped my hands around Celine’s body, she flinches but when she realized it was me, she becomes calm.


“Do you think am going to leave you again?” I asked and pulled her to face me. I wiped away the tears and put her head on my chest so she could hear my beating heart.


I wrap my hand over her providing a shield for her.


“Do you think am that stupid to let a woman like you go especially now you’re carrying my seed’




“Shhhh, don’t say anything”


I let the silent bury us waiting for her to say something, my phone rings breaking the moment.


I frown when I see the caller.



You sure do have a great timing don’t you I say my voice laced with much sarcasm, I could hear Celine giggle.


Well I don’t fancy disturbing you either, Anita is awake My face lits up and my grumpy mood lightens up.


Has she said anything



Not yet but I think if she sees Celine or someone she recognizes she might say something


Okay we’ll be there tomorrow



Sure and Adrian?






Dont mention the death of her family, she’s still recovering



Oh okay


I end the call and look at Celine, she looked lost.


“What’s going on” She asked.


“Anita’s awake” I replied.




Celine’s Pov


I paced around the deserted corridor of the hospital wards, the heels of my black shoes clicking loudly against the black and white linoleum floor, I wrinkled my nose at the strong smell of disinfectant. My stomach rumbled, reminding me the only thing I ate last night was sandwich, I signed and run my hand through my disheveled hair. The suspense was killing me.


I need to know what was going on, Adrian refused to let me see Anita without him and he wasn’t here.


I glanced around the corridor searching for a vending machine but found someone instead.


“You came early” I said sarcastically.


“Blame it on Romeo”


“Hey” Romeo gasped throwing his hand up in the air.


“So what’s going on??” I asked.



“We got the autopsy of Anthony, there were traces of Acetaminophen in his system” I looked at Romeo but didn’t say anything, I was too shocked to. Romeo uses my silence as cue to continue.


The drug is regularly used for pain relief and is considered to be the most dangerous on this list due its potential to cause liver damage and toxicity, it’s illegal in New York and I don’t know how Anthony would get it”


“We need to ask Anita if she knows anything about it” Adrian says.


“But make sure you don’t mention the death to her, anything that causes shock might prove fatal to her”


I nodded and walked inside the room , Anita was sitting up and she didn’t say anything, the sight of her pale face wrenched my heart.


“Anita” I called softly walking towards her leaving Romeo and Adrian behind.


Her face lits up when she sees me.


“Celine, oh thank God you are here. Can you please tell the doctor to let me see my parents and my brothers. Oh God am dieing from this tension, I need to know if my family are okay”


“Anita I need to ask you something”


I sit beside her and entwine my hand with hers.


“What is it?”


“Does your brother I mean Anthony, does he take drugs?” She removes her hand from mine and looks at me stunned.


“What do you mean my brother takes drugs, that’s absurd” I take her hand again and hold it firmly this time around.


“Please Anita I need you to think, before you guys went out did you notice Anthony taking anything”



“I only remembered Julia giving him a cup of coffee that was all, he calls it his special Jules coffee. Celine please let me see my Family”


I look at Romeo who looks at Adrian.


“Anita you need to calm down, you need to rest”


“Am only going to rest if I see my family Celine”


She was getting tense and that wasn’t good at all, I was scared something bad would happen to her.


“Please Celine let me see them, please”


I have to fight the urge not to break down, I don’t want Anita suspecting anything.


“Everything’s going to be okay” I said and touched her hair.




“I never suspected Juliet to be so dangerous” Mary said as she hands her joyful delight to me.


I carry him and place him on my chest, have never carried a baby before so my first time made me nervous.


I looked back at Adrian giving him a soft smile.


Russell walks in giving Mary a glass of orange juice and kissing her on her forehead.


“I’ll go pick Ryan” He says and looks at me.


“Be careful with BWNB”


I nod and he kisses the baby before leaving.


I hand Daniel to Adrian but he refuses waving his hand.


“Cmon it’s easy” I said, he stretches his hand and carries Daniel.


“Watch his head” I say and help him place his hand on his head carefully.


He coos at the baby and widens his eyes when he realized his turquoise blue shirt was wet already.



“No no no” He groaned and looked at his shirt. Mary and I laughed.


“He peed on me, the little devil” He wasn’t angry instead he looked at the baby with amusement. I looked at Adrian with much admiration, he is going to be a great father.


His phone rings and he reaches for it.


“Hello….. What!!!??” He exclaimed.


Julia’s Pov


Deandro looks at me as I dance around in the room excitedly after receiving a phone call of good news, he has no idea why am so excited and I have no intention of telling him.


He’s being a softie lately, ever since Adrian returned the company back to him he refused to plan anything against Celine.


He doesn’t know I am behind the death of Anthony, of course he had his suspicions but I was able to douse the fire flaring up.


He claims to be in love with me, such a funny guy.


I become dizzy and soon I have the urge to vomit, have been having such dizziness for days nows, most times I feel weak or breathless and joint pain.


I’ll probably go to the hospital soon but first I have to celebrate the good news I just heard.




“After the blood tests Miss Greene, we found out you have abnormal levels of both white and red blood platelets” She stops to see if I was paying attention to her.


Sweats was breaking from my forehead which was unusual, I only sweat if I am nervous or the atmosphere is hot.


“So what are you saying doctor, am I pregnant?” I asked.


“After the tests, your diagnosis shows that you have chronic lymphocytic leukemia, with calculations you have probably few more months to live, that is if you take the drugs prescribed to you. Am sorry Miss Greene”



“What??” I gasped clearing the sweat off my face.



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