Crazy In The New York City: Episode 1 - 48 : TOPSTER STORIES

Crazy In The New York City – Episode 44

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Celine’s Pov


I noticed the way Adrian looked at me, he was scared and I haven’t seen him look so tensed before.


Are you okay?” I asked softly earning a deep chuckle that sent butterflies exploding in my stomach.


“I’m not the one sick here.”



“You didn’t have to stay home from work for me.” I wrapped my arms around his waist.


“But, thank you.”


“Anything for you.” He smiled down at me.

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It was the first real smile I’d seen for over a week, my illness and Julia’s escapade made him upset.


“Speaking of I should get to work.”


I pouted and huffed, I didn’t want him to work not now when am enjoying his company.


“Don’t give me that look!” He groaned.


“I’ll watch a movie with you and bring the laptop here.”


My face broke out into a huge smile.


“You spoil me too much.”


“I’m not denying it.” He chuckled.

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“Pick a movie and I’ll be back.”


We watched some comedy that I fell asleep to in the first half hour, so much for comedy.


I woke up to Doctor Ethan’s voice, that man sure knows how to announce his presence.


“Good evening.” Doctor Ethan said as he walked in.


“Evening? How long was I out?” I asked Adrian


“A few hours.” He shrugged.


“You haven’t been sleeping properly so I thought you needed it.” He rubbed his thigh which, no doubt had gone dead and stood up.


“What did you find?” Adrian asked Dr. Ethan.



“I’m well and how are you?” Dr. Ethan retorted.


I chuckled and sat a little more comfortably.


“Have a seat.” Dr. Ethan gestured to the couch before seating himself.


He cleared his throat and pulled out a piece of paper. He looked at me and then Adrian.


“Speak old Man” Adrian said impatiently.


He frowns at Adrian and looks at me forming a huge grin on his face, I was also getting impatient as well.


“Congratulations you two, you are approximately 4 weeks pregnant.”


I felt my face turn pale, if the A.C wasnt on I would have blamed this hotness on the heat.




“Yes, it explains your nausea. When last did you see your period?” He asked.


“I don’t remember .” I replied softly, my cheeks flaring up.


“I thought I was just being weak from being tensed and all”


“That weakness, my dear are from pregnancy.” He smiled sweetly.


“The joys of motherhood.”


I swallowed and looked up at Adrian. He had his classic stony expression but I didn’t like the coldness in his eyes.


“Adrian?” I called.


He ignored me and walked out of the apartment I stared at the now closed doors.


“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s just in shock.” Dr. Ethan tried to comfort me.


I smiled at him and nodded before bidding him goodbye.



I crawled into bed and laid on the white sheet clutching the pillow closer like it was some life line wishing it was Adrian before falling asleep. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do and I didn’t have Adrian to talk to. I was scared.


Can I handle being a Mom?


Could I do a good job? Not screw up my kids like my mom did


I was never that girl who would sit and day dream about her future husband, her future wedding and future children.


I was just a girl who loved breaking nose and never took anything serious and now am going to be a mother.


I was awoken by a noise coming from the living room.


I stood and walked outside to see Romeo hauling his drunk best friend inside.


“Oh, hey Cel.” He smiled sheepishly.


“I don’t suppose you’d mind if I dragged him to the bedroom?”


“Just leave him on the couch.” I said blankly.


He swallowed then nodded and laid him on the sofa and tucked him in.


I don’t think he was expecting me to be so angry, I mean who wouldn’t be upset.


I didn’t get pregnant by masturbating, it takes two to tango.


You know, he told me about what happened.” Romeo puts a hand on my shoulder.


“He’ll come around. Just let him warm up to the idea first. He has his reasons, but he’s afraid.”


“Afraid of what?” I asked.


“He just left like that, like this was a mistake, like he regrets it., what the fuck is he afraid of”


“Thats for him to tell you.” Romeo sent me a sympathetic smile.


“He loves you so much, Celine.”


I sighed and nodded.



“If he doesnt talk to me I’m going to kick him in the balls and render them useless.” Romeo blinked at me then stared for a few seconds before bursting out into



“You sure you want that” He chuckled


“Just go” I muttered and looked at wasted Adrian on the couch.


I just hope it’s not another one of his schemes. God knows I won’t survive this one, I crawled next to him and fortunately for my petite body both of us were able to fit on the couch, I ignored the stench of alcohol and slept beside him


I woke up the next morning with no sign of Adrian, I wasn’t on the couch anymore.


The warmth on the bed proved that Adrian hadn’t been gone for long.


I sighed and I touched my flat belly. It hadn’t grown or anything, but now that I know there’s a baby in there, I felt like it was providing protection somehow. I roughly pinpointed the date of conception.


I was racking my brain because Adrian was always sure to wear protection when we having sex, except for the night I dropped divorce papers and also the wild nights after that.


I leaned back in my seat and rubbed my throbbing temples.


It was a Saturday and there was no work on Saturday, Adrian is supposed to be at home except if he’s avoiding me.


The plates clanking gave me a sign that Adrian was around, I walked out of the room to see him.


“I made Breakfast”


Before I could say a word he was out of the apartment.




Adrian barely talked to me since we found out. I’ve been trying to talk to him about it but he just cuts me off or leaves my sight.


I clenched my jaw and blinked away the tears that were forming. I needed to know what to do. My fear and anxiety was multiplying at an alarming rate.


Is he rejecting me and the baby? If so, couldn’t he just get it over and done with? I’ve had enough.


I walked in the bedroom slamming the door which threatened to fall off from the hinge.



“What is it?” Adrian muttered while staring at his computer screen.


I frowned at his tone.


“Mr. Vandermir,” His blue eyes snapped up to mine.


“Can we talk?”


He seemed genuinely surprised at my stern tone.


“Celine, I don’t want to talk about it right no-”


“Well, too bad! It’s happening now!” I snapped.


“I don’t understand why you won’t talk to me!”


All my frustration was starting to bubble up to the surface.


He studied my face and clenched his jaw. “It’s nothing.”


“It’s not!” I exclaimed.


“This” I touched my stomach.


“Is not nothing, Adrian! You can’t keep dodging it. It’s not going to disappear if you ignore it!”


Adrian stands up abruptly.


“I need to go out. I don’t want to talk about this .” He clenched his jaw and walked straight past me.


I breathed out a shaky breath before completely bursting into tears.


I needed to know what’s going on, I hope I had not made a mistake of trusting Adrian.


I didn’t know what to do so I just slept, I woke up feeling hungry but was too tired to cook so I just made a sandwich, showered and watched a movie.


My mind was racing for an hour. I was trying to figure out what Adrian could be afraid of. I came up with nothing reasonable for Adrian to be behaving this way.


I gave up and decided to get up for a glass of water instead of drown in my own thoughts.


As I entered the kitchen I saw Adrian at the sink with his back to me.


I ignored him and got myself a glass of water.



I felt hands wrapped around me and I looked at Adrian, he kissed my hair and said some words.


“Adrian, I’m scared.” I whispered against his chest . He took a sharp intake of breath.


I held back the tears that were threatening to fall. We stood there in silence. I could feel his steady heart beat through his t-shirt.


We let the silence consume us. We were both lost in our own thoughts.


I sighed and released myself As I was sliding my arms out he grabbed my wrists and put them back on his chest.


“Celine, I don’t want to lose you.” He said quietly while leaning over the sink and


staring at the maroon splash back tiles.


I frowned.


“Why would you lose me?”


He breathed out a shaky breath and tightened his grip on my arms.


“I was 13 when I watched Mom go into cardiac arrest when she was in a labor, she had a bleed they didn’t see until it was too late. The baby died”


I wrapped my arms around him tighter.


“I’m sorry you had to watch that.” I leaned my forehead on his chest.


“But Adrian it’s rare for that to happen.”


“But it does happen!” He snapped. I flinched a little not expecting his outburst. He breathed out and loosened my grip before looking at me.


His icy blue eyes looked hard but softened when he gazed into mine.


“I can’t risk losing you, Cel.” He whispered and held my face in his hands.


“I can’t get attached to a child only to have it taken away.”


“This isn’t just your decision to make.” My voice cracked.


“I love you, but I already love this baby.” Tears fell over my cheeks.


I took a step back out of his hold, his hands dropped down to his sides.


“If your only reason is because you’re afraid of what could happen, then come with me to the doctor. Question them, just please, please don’t shut down on me. I’m scared and uncertain just like you. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I want to work through it together. I need you.”


Adrian wore an unreadable expression. After recieving no reply, I turned and walked back up the room leaving him in the silence of the kitchen.


I stirred from my sleep when I felt Adrian’s arms hold me to his chest securely.


He pecked my bare shoulder and settled into the pillows.


“I love you Celine, I love you so much it scares me. I have never been this vulnerable in my whole life”


I didn’t reply but snuggle myself closer to him.


I closed my eyes and sleep.





Happy Birthday To You



Happy birthday to you



I opened my eyes and shut them back placing the pillow on my head. The birthday song was getting me frustrated, I sighed and walked out of the

room, I looked through the window of the apartment.


“Woah” I gasped when I saw almost half of NYC singing a birthday song, I didn’t know who they were singing for until I figured out today was my birthday and most of the crowd had my pictures in a frame.


“Happy birthday mother of my unborn child” Adrian says wrapping his hand around mine.


“You did all this?” I asked.


“You deserve more Celine, am sorry for being a dick yesterday”


“Sure you were a dick, but I love this dick”


Adrian smirked and I nod my head.


“You have wild thoughts”


“That’s why you are here to fulfill them”


I looked at the crowd again, Adrian was spoiling too much.


“I have a gift for you”




I gasped when I saw the gift Adrian got for me, a Bugatti Chiron was staring at me, a Bugatti was expensive enough


“Adrian this is too much” I screamed, the media were taking pictures as usual.


“I am going to spoil you rotten Mrs Vandermir” He says.


I was so excited that I fell nauseous, I rushed to throw up but the media didn’t miss that.


“Are you okay.” Adrian asked giving me a bottle of water, his eyes was filled with concern.


“Never been better” I hugged him deeply.


My phone rang, it was Russell.



Happy birthday Celine He seemed too excited.



Thanks cuz. How’s Ryan, I wanna wish him a happy birthday to



He’s at home. Am at the hospital I became worried.



Mary put to bed last night, it’s a boy



What I screamed jumping excitedly. Adrian looked at me confused.


Have never been this happy in my life, 25 years,for 25 years I have never felt this happy. This feels like a dream.



“Adrian pinch me”


He Laughed and pulled me closer.


“Shit is real baby, it’s only going to be perfect when you walk on that aisle looking perfect with that perfect white dress and am standing there waiting for the most perfect woman in my life to be mine”


“Adr…” I was cut off with a kiss that turned my knees to jelly and my core to a pool.


Julia’s Pov


I scanned through the pictures of Adrian and Celine uploaded on social media.


I killed Anthony and his whole family, I won’t hesitate to kill Celine.


Nobody wished me a happy birthday last month, when Adrian and I were dating he never missed my birthdays.


He got me the most expensive gifts, and Celine would always sing for me on my birthday but now no one remembers my birthday.


The only people that truly loved me were my parents and now they are dead.


I hate Celine, she stole what belongs to me.


How dare he get a car, a house and also a hospital in her name.


That witch doesn’t deserve all this. I was the one who did all the work to have Adrian, all she did was act stupid and crazy.


Or probably he’s using her again, I scrolled through the pictures but scrolled back almost immediately.


I glanced through the headlines.




A picture of her throwing up was uploaded.


She can’t be pregnant for Adrian, I won’t let her have that baby, how dare she get pregnant when I can’t have kids again, is she trying to insult me.


If she’s really pregnant then I’ll have to make sure to get rid of that pest growing in her stomach.

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