Crazy In The New York City: Episode 1 - 48 : TOPSTER STORIES

Crazy In The New York City – Episode 42

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Celine’s Pov


I drop the bowl of medicinal brown soup after feeding Adrian with it, he resisted at first but one frown was enough for him to open it.


I helped him to the bed and let him lay on it.


“If you still have the fever then you’ll have to go to the hospital tomorrow” I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and sigh.


“You think a hospital will do any better, my treatement is standing right in front of me”


I didn’t say anything instead I stared at the shag carpet while a million thoughts ran through my head.


“I’ll be heading to my apartment now, it’s late” I turned to leave but felt a contact pull me back by the hem of my gown.


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“Please don’t go, please stay for tonight. Just one night”


I looked at him with deep concern, I wasn’t staying with him out of pity, I was staying with him out of love.


I pulled off my sandals and got myself on the bed snuggling closer to him.


His hot body and my cold skin created warmth for both of us or at least for me.


Being so close to him, every memory of our love making played back in my head, pain and need clashing within me. But it would be crazy to make love with a sick man, am I planning on murdering him.


Fuck this hormones.


I shut my eyes when I was sure Adrian was asleep already.




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I opened my eyes to the sound of the running shower, I stretched and got out of bed.


“Did I forget to turn off the shower” I asked myself totally forgetting I was in Adrian’s house.



I walked to the shower abstractedly and opened it, my sleep disappeared immediately I saw Adrian in the shower.


“Hey am sorry if I woke you, I didn’t take my shower before going to bed, you…” I turn my back immediately


“What’s the time?” I asked nervously.


“Minutes after 1”


I nod and leave the bathroom sitting on the bed, my legs had suddenly turned to jelly just seeing Adrian’s manhood.


I was craving for touch, not just any touch.


Adrian’s touch.


How can one man have this kind of effect on me.


Fuck this


I stand up and walk back to the shower, Adrian was already wrapping a towel around his waist, shame.


“Celine I….” I stopped him and wrapped my arms around his neck and sought his


lips out.


I kissed him with every ounce of passion I possessed, taking aback he returns the kiss passionately not holding anything back. Our lips moulded and our tongues danced.


He pulled me closer and slid his hands down my body and to my ass.


Without breaking the kiss he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. As he walked out of the shower to the bedroom, my hips bucked and my core rubbed against his towel covered erection.


He groaned and held me tighter.


I felt myself being placed on the soft bed sheets as Adrian attacked my neck and slid his hand under my gown


He massaged my breasts and tweaked and pinched my hardened nipples Electricity flowed through my veins shocking my core pleasurably.


Adrian pulled my gown and bra off and kissed his way down to my bumper. His hands roamed every piece of bare skin as if they were feeling it for the first time.


Slowly and teasingly he unbuttoned my bumper and peeled them down my legs.



I sat up and pulled him to me, where I impatiently nipped at his lips. He took off the rest swiftly and threw them in a heap.


Adrian hovered over me and I trailed my hands down his taut muscles.


His hands played with my already wet lips. I moaned when his fingers slid their way inside easily.


His thumb teased my pulsing nub.


“Addy” I moaned breathily.


Adrian smirked his blue eyes shone with desire, love and a hint of amusement.


“Yes, love?”


“Adrian, please.” I half moaned and half whined.


“What do you want?” He asked huskily.


“I want you.” I said breathlessly.


My back arched and I gasped when he finally delved into the depths of my body.


His arms wound around my back and he thrusted into me. I sucked his earlobe and kissed his neck, his thrusts turned from fast to slow and deep.


Adrian’s lips once again found mine and our kiss matched the intensity. Slow and hot.


I felt myself tighten around him and a sheen of sweat formed on my skin.


“I’m gonna..” I breathed out.


“Come for me baby.” He murmured in my ear. His breath caused goosebumps to appear on my skin and shivers to run down my spine.


That was all I needed. My body shuddered and I panted and moaned.


I held on to him for dear life as I found my release.


I panted and melted into the bed with a small satisfied smile on my face. Adrian kissed my shoulder and flopped next me. His long slender fingers


played with strands of my messy hair.


I closed my eyes, his big arms around my waist providing me the comfort I needed before falling asleep.



Adrian’s Pov


I jerked upright, heart racing as my brain struggled to catch up with the rest of me. Beside me, Celine stirred and murmured something in her sleep and I felt my pulse begin to steady as I turned to regard the sleeping woman beside me.


It hadn’t been a dream…thank God! She was here…in my bed…in the flesh. I felt like bursting into the Hallelujah chorus –I was that excited.


Careful not to wake Celine, I leaned down, gently brushing aside the hair that clung to her face and pressed a kiss on her bare shoulders before easing out of bed.


The sound that had woken me came again, and I cursed under my breath. Who the hell could be at my door at…I grabbed my phone to peer at the


illuminated display and swore….Jesus! Ten am? I had never woken up this


late…though to be fair, I had never spent the entire night and most of the morning making love to the most incredible woman in the fucking state.


I grabbed my pants, putting in on in quick sparse moves, then stalked to the door and yanked it open.


“You’d better have a damn good reason to be here.” I levelled a withering glare at my friend.


Looking impeccable in a suit, Romeo raised an eyebrow as his eyes travelled over me, taking in my rumpled state.


“Well at least you’re still alive.” he quipped, picking up his briefcase and striding past me into the room.


“I was beginning to think you’d killed yourself in shame, especially after committing financial suicide. And even renting this kind of apartment. Dude” He stopped abruptly as he took in the clothes that were littered on the floor of the living room.


“Oh man! Now it makes sense.”


“Fuck off Rom.” I tried to sound threatening, but I was still on a high from being with Celine.


Instead I found myself grinning like an idiot as I moved past Romeo to begin picking up the clothes.


“And keep your voice down for fuck’s sake, Celine’s sleeping.”


“So all that bullshit you pulled with the shares and renting an apartment was just so you could get into her pants? That’s sick man, I thought you had more guts than that. You gonna break her heart again”


“You should stop talking now before I hurt you.” I snarled, temper shooting to boiling point as I took a threatening step in Romeo’s direction.


“And if you ever utter one disparaging word about the woman I love, then you can consider our friendship over.”


Looking contrite, Romeo held up both hands in a gesture of apology.


“Shit, I had no idea…look, I’m happy for you AD and believe me I respect Celine way too much to say anything bad about her…but this in love shit…you sure about this? I don’t want to see her screwed up again, because of you”


“I’m sure and I am not going to discuss my love life with you dude” I gave Romeo a pointed stare and resumed clearing up.


“So, what brings you here?” Romeo moved to the table and began piling dirty plates, he notices the bowl of brown soup and looks at me.


“I’m better now” I said waving off any upcoming concern.


“Obviously, a wife is always the best doctor”


I chuckle and gesture him to continue


“The media’s got a hold of the news, and they’re going ape shit with happiness.” He informs me, taking the dishes to kitchen and dumping them in the sink.


“The investors are calling for your balls on a platter and there’s even speculation that you’ve gone and lost your ‘mental faculties’ as one of your staff quaintly put it. We’ve been trying to do damage control, but the fact that the said CEO hasn’t been available for comment isn’t doing any favors. So after trying to call a lot of fucking times, I decided to see if you were still alive.”



“Is it that bad?” Celine’s voice broke into the conversation and we both whirled around to see her standing in the kitchen doorway, wearing one of my shirts and a worried frown, the material almost seeming to swallow her up.


The sight of her made me forget what we were discussing. She looked so damn good barefoot in his shirt, the hem just skimming her thighs, hair tousled from sleep.


“You’re awake.” I said, stating the obvious, and winced. Great conversational skills Vandermir, I scoffed silently, adding my own pile of dirty dishes to the sink.


I wiped my hands, scowling at the lascivious way Romeo was eyeing Celine’s legs and moved to stand in front of Celine, effectively blocking Romeo’s view.


“Good morning,” I murmured slipping my hands around her waist.


“Morning I hope you don’t mind? I couldn’t find my clothes.” I grinned, my eyes lighting up in mischief.


“You look damn good, I wouldn’t mind if that’s what you wore all the time.” I lowered my head for a kiss, but the sound of Romeo clearing his throat, brought me back to the present.


For a brief second, I considered throwing my best friend out, but I knew Celine would not approve.


. “How much damage control are we talking about?” She asked


Keeping an arm around her, I rested my back on the edge of the counter, pulling Celine close so she leaned against me as we listened as Romeo filled us in.


I knew things would go to hell once my actions became public knowledge, so I wasn’t surprised at what was happening.


I was prepared for it and had even worked with my assistant and media advisor to organize a press conference for this morning. Only, I totally forgotten about everything else save for Celine, not that I wouldn’t do the same thing over a million times if it meant I got to have her in my arms.


“You have to go in to work Adrian,” Celine said, when Romeo was finished.


She turned in my arms so she could look at me, and my heart skipped a beat at the love and concern I found in her eyes.I really prayed this was real, I hope she has really forgiven me.


God please, let this be real


“Call a meeting of your staff and investors and try to assure them you are still in control of the situation. Romeo and I could help you talk to Deandro about renegotiating the price so you won’t have to suffer huge losses and….”


I cut her off with a gentle but firm kiss.


“Baby, I love you and I appreciate the offer, but I’m not budging on this. The price remains the same, and I have already made arrangements to handle this. But all that can wait, I don’t want to let you go just yet.”


“I love you too Adrian but you are going to the office and that’s not a negotiation.”


Celine’s tone brooked no arguments as she grabbed my arm and began tugging in the direction of the bedroom, am sure Romeo was watching on in approval, enjoying the rare sight of his stubborn friend which is me being bossed about.


“I’ll make coffee while I wait, but take your time.” Romeo said, then grinned as I shot him murderous look on the way out of the kitchen.


Celine’s Pov


Was it all over, have I forgiven him already, so easily.


“Girl he has done enough to prove his love to you” My subconscious scolded me. I roll my eyes and sigh, honestly my plan was to sneak out of Adrian’s


apartment only to see Romeo.


“Hey baby” He says pulling me close so I sit beside him.


“Adrian we need to talk” I stated in a calm but strict tone.




I saw the fear in his eyes and I didn’t want to hurt him by saying I still don’t trust him yet.


“You are going to sign a petition Adrian” I stated.



“I don’t understand”


“We’ll go to a lawyer today and we’ll sign a petition, if you dare think of leaving or hurting me am permitted to do what I want to you. No matter what”


His mouth forms up a smirk.


“Don’t even think of laughing young man, am not playing with you. I want to be on the safe side. And if you don’t know I still haven’t forgiven you. What happened last night was a…”


“Mistake?” Adrian finished the words for me, I could see the hurt in his eyes when he said that.


“Well am sorry I never knew making love to the woman I love was a mistake” He was angry and I scolded myself for the wrong use of words.


“But just to let you know, you are the only woman I want to make love to be it a mistake or not. ” He says and leaves.




Adrian left for work while I stayed at home, I was tired and exhausted so I couldn’t go to work, Cordelia would have probably replaced me.


My cell rang and I smiled when I saw the caller.



Sup Mary



Hi girl, how you doing



Am great



So your cousin asked me out on a date, what do you think



Honestly Mary I think you should do whatever your heart tells you to



Youre right, so how’s Adrian. I guess you are never going to forgive the poor guy until he’s dead


We had sex last night Mary I blurted out without thinking.


I could imagine the smile on Mary’s house.



Really girl, you are angry with him not his dick, tell me how many rounds did you go . 20?


Shut up Mary, it’s the silly hormones. We went like 4 to five times, nothing much


Silly hormones indeed ,so tell me have you forgiven him yet



Am thinking about it



Think Well honey but don’t think long, guys like Adrian are rare A smile formed on my face.


I…., I’ll be back someone’s at the door


I opened the door and my smile disappeared immediately to be replaced with anger.


“You?? What are you doing here” I asked eyes blazing in fury.



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