Crazy In The New York City: Episode 1 - 48 : TOPSTER STORIES

Crazy In The New York City – Episode 37

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Celine’s Pov


I was busy pouring myself a glass of water when Adrian yelled my name, I spilled all the content on my dress.


I ignored the mess and ran down to meet Adrian, his gaze is transfixed on the laptop with hands clenched to fist.


Okay I admit I shouldn’t have deleted the presentation.


“Woman. What. Did. You. Do?” He growled quietly, he straightened his jaw and that was what he did whenever he tried to control his anger.


I tried forming a glare but I couldn’t, Adrian looked so mad that I couldn’t even pretend to be upset.


“Where. Is. My. Presentation?” He asked taking a step towards me, each step he took made me back.


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“Adrian Adrian look look calm calm down okay, it was something, something I did in a a fit of rage, I I didn’t mean to…. ” I trip on a table but Adrian grabs my hand



preventing me from falling down and probably hurting myself, his quick reflexes never ceased to amaze me.


He pulls me up in one force and my hand lands on his hard chest, I pulled away from him and looked in his eyes.


“Do you know what you’ve done, that presentation was really hard to make. I spent sleepless night trying to make it and you just went ahead to delete it”


“Am sorry” I murmured.


“You’re what? Sorry? Will sorry bring back the DANM FUCKING PRESENTATION, To think I was trying to apologize, do you know what you’ve done”


“FINE!!” I yelled tired of his yelling.


“I admit I have done something wrong and I am apologizing. But do you remember what you did to me, it’s so easy for you to hurt others….”

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“Oh please don’t play the victim here Celine Greene, don’t act like you expected me to love you”


“You are so self centered, I wished I had did more than that. I wish I could shove a bullet through your skull but I can’t because after everything you’ve done to me I STILL FUCKING LOVE YOU!!” My eyes welled up and my voice got shaky.


“Get out of my sight” He said coldly, he looked disgusted.


I turn away and leave his sight.




I paid the cab man his money and got out of his car, I looked in front at Mary’s house.


It was a Sunday so I thought of meeting her since I wouldn’t go to work.


I knocked on the door but I got no reply, I guess she’s sleeping or something.


I pull the door open and look around her house was scattered.


I heard a noise from the room and I became more alarmed, I picked a lieing vase on the floor and sneaked silently to the door.


I peeped inside and my eyes widened at the scene that was in front of me.



Fred had Mary tied to a chair and taped her mouth, he was trying to force her to thumbprint on something.


Mary looked like a mess, her face was flooded with tears which ruined her makeup.


I tiptoed inside carefully and Mary saw me, I guess Fred noticed something was wrong due to Mary’s reaction, he turned back and I hit the vase on his head.


He staggers back but didn’t lose balance, he tries to attack me but I quickly move away from his reach.


“You know have always wanted to deal with you Celine, I just wanted the perfect time which is now”


He pulled my hair backward and I screamed out , he pushes me to the floor grazing my knee a little.


The door opens with a bang and we all look at the direction of the door. Russell stood there looking at all of us, his gaze went from me to Mary and to

Fred then back to Mary.


“Why you bastard” He growled and launched at Fred grabbing his collar and throwing him out of the room. I untied Mary and removed the tape from her mouth.


“Oh Mary” I said and hugged her, he was trying to force Mary approve to him being in custody of an unborn baby.


“That bastard…” She cries out.


“Just stay here okay” I said and walked out to see Russell punching the daylights out of Fred.


“Hit him till he forgets his last name” I urged Russell who kept on rushing the punches.


“Hit him Russell” I screamed out but Russell stopped


“Am just going to end up committing murder” He says and pulls Fred outside.




We arranged the house, which was really tiring but Russell made it fast.


After arranging I made pancakes for everyone.


“Thank you Russell again” Mary said smiling at him.


“It’s nothing, it’s a good thing I saw Celine come out from that cab, I was in my apartment then…”


“You live around here?” I asked.


“Sure, moved in like almost a week ago” He replied. I looked at Mary and took her hand in mine.


“It’s no longer safe for you here. Come live with me” I said. She smiles sadly and sniffs.


“Not now Celine, the tension between you and Adrian is more than enough, I can’t add to it” She says.


“That doesn’t matter Mary, Fred will be back am sure of it and your life and your baby’s is more important than anything” I tell her hoping to be able to convince her.


“Am sorry Celine but I….”


“Why doesn’t she stay with me” Russell suggested and honestly the idea seemed okay but Mary wasn’t interested in it.


“You’ll have to pick one Mary, stay with me or stay with Russell”


She weighs her options and sighs deeply before finally making her decision.




It was after 10 and I set to leave Mary’s place, Russell offered to stay with her since she refused to go to his house or mine.


Russell is being sweet to a woman which is a good sign since I am the only one he’s always free with.


I wonder what happened to the mother of Ryan, she’s still alive and I know this because he told me Ryan was staying with her for the meanwhile.


Its probably a failed relationship, just like Adrian and I.


But Adrian and I still have a light at the tunnel, the foolish man is in love with me but doesn’t want to admit it.


I walked distance away from Mary’s house to the bus station.


It’s going to be hard to see a cab so late so I’ll just take the bus.


I felt someone was following me and I increased my pace, my nerves become unsteady.


Someone whistles at me and I became scared, it was late and I was probably the only one in the deserted street. The thought of someone following me scared me.


I could hear footsteps behind me and once I stopped the footsteps stopped, I got alarmed and took to my heels.


A car pulls up in front of me and I was bundled inside roughly.


I tried fighting but got hit in return, I saw the faces of the men.


They were all black and I wondered what they want with me, the car stopped and I was was thrown outside.


I was pulled in a tunnel by the hair and I screamed out, I tried fighting but I couldn’t defend myself against 4 men.


I was thrown to the floor and my eyes met the feet of someone.


I looked up to see Fred smirking wickedly.


I knew I was in trouble.


“Do you have the camera?” He asked and they all nodded.


“Good cover your faces y’all” He says and grins at me.


“I told you I’ll deal with you” He puts his hand on my face and caresses it gently. I swipe his hand away and glare at me.


“Let go of me” I demanded.


He laughs and covers his face.


“Soon dear, I’ll let go of you soon”


He held my arm tight so tight I could hear my bones crack.


I struggled to get out of Mr. Fred’s hold, he throws me to the floor and takes a step back.



“Now sweetie, be good and nothing bad will happen.” He sounded as though was trying to placate a child.


I scooted back away from the him.


Before I could comprehend I was cornered.


Fred’s smile widened and he squatted down and took a hold of my ankles.


My eyes widened and began to push him away from me. I scratched and clawed at his skin and even his face.


Tears flowed freely slightly blurring my vision.


“Be good now.” He growled and tore the skirt from the small split on the side. He pushed me back by my shoulders. I was helpless against his sheer size and weight.


“Am going to enjoy fucking you Celine” His voice rung in my ears and I was sure I was going to throw up any second.


“No! Please!” I begged. “Let me go!”


I cried and screamed but nothing worked.


He kept the assault on my body up. He touched anywhere and everywhere.


He ripped my shirt. Buttons popped and scattered along the floor.


“Just give up!” He yelled and slapped me across the face.


That didn’t stop me though. I managed to push him back enough for me to move out from under him.


“Fuck!” He exclaimed.


“Get back here.” He tripped me over and I fell face first on the ground.


I hit my shoes on his face which only enranged him more.


“I think you need to be taught a lesson first” He growled as he stalked towards me. Quickly, I tried to run past him. I wasn’t fast enough. He grabbed my arm and flung me to the ground.


A laugh escaped him. After that. His assault started.


He punched me in the face and stomach. He kicked me in the head and anywhere else he could get to.



I cried and pleaded but nothing stopped the onslaught of fists, feet, knees and even elbows, I could taste my own blood.


He pulled me up by my hair and collided my face with his knee.


By this stage I had given up trying to shield myself.


I fell to the floor and heard him unbuckle his belt and slide it out of the loops. Please no!


A crack resounded around the room. My cries followed along with the stinging of my flesh.


I slipped in and out of consciousness. The sudden feel of two cold hands around my neck pulled me out of the darkness.


I gasped and sputtered as his grip tightened on my throat.


My lungs burned from the lack of oxygen and my heart was pounding.


Black spots started to appear in my vision.


Just before it all took over and my eyes completely rolled to the back of my head, I was dropped to the floor.


I sucked in the air. As much as I could at a time.


The sirens I heard gave me slight hope.


“We have to go now, the cops are around” One of them said.


Fred refused still wanting to torture me but he was pulled away.


I was kicked in the stomach again before I heard footsteps retreating Everything was hazy. My vision, my hearing, my voice.


After what was probably an hour trying to collect myself, I stumbled up. I limped up and wore my shoes.


I threw my bag over my shoulder and hobbled out to find a cab. I did my best to ignore the pain.


Thankfully there was no one on the streets. I didn’t even know what time it was. I couldn’t even see enough to check my watch, which I’m pretty sure was




I hailed a cab and kept my head down the entire way.


I refused the kind offer from the driver to help me out but I made it home.


Adrian’s Pov


I was lying in bed when I heard Celine come back. I could hear her footsteps and the sounds of the shower running.


I looked at the clock and saw it was after midnight, I wonder what she was doing outside by this time but I didn’t care.


I was still pissed that she deleted the presentation, that little minx.


I sighed and rolled over.


I hadn’t eaten properly since the whole thing happened.


I closed my eyes and rid myself of any thought. I dozed off only to wake up 2 hours later.


Standing up I pulled on sweats and a t-shirt.


I was going to go downstairs and get a glass of water and maybe watch some tv.


When I stepped out, I frowned. Celine’s shower was still running.


I walked down the hallway and found her door slightly ajar. There was no light coming from the room.


“Celine?” I knocked lightly. I recieved no answer.


I pushed the door open and saw a stream of light come from the bathroom. The door was wide open.


“Celine?” I called again. There was still no reply.


I made it to the doorway and called again. I got nothing.


I walked in and noticed the lack of steam.


As soon as I turned to look in the shower, my breath hitched.


I sunk to my knees, eyes wide, I was trying to comprehend the scene I was witnessing.


Celine was slumped in the corner all beaten and battered. Her face was black and blue and swollen. Her right eye was swollen shut. I saw blood that was getting washed away by the water but had stained her clothes.


“Celine?” I breathed out. I reached out to touch her but quickly realised the water was ice cold. The tap was set to a warm temperature, all the hot water had run out of system.


I reached over her and turned the shower off. Celine didn’t move an inch. Her left eye was open, but she wasn’t there. Her skin, where it wasn’t bruised was pale and her lip was busted and almost blue.


I grabbed as many towels as the bathroom held to wrap her up in.


I touched her arm and she immediately flinched away.


As I thought her skin was freezing cold.


I could see the trembling of her body. Whether that was because she was afraid, cold or both, I didn’t know.


Disregarding it, I wrapped a towel around her as best I could. I pulled her from the floor and stood up with her in my arms.


Her soaking body soaked my own.


Whimpers left her ice cold, almost blue lips.


I whispered sweet nothing’s and reassuring words.


My mind was racing with questions that were going to have to wait to be answered.


I laid her on her bed gently.


When I got a better look at her my blood was boiling.


Her shirt and skirt were both ripped. She had deep blue or black bruises all over her body.


Large hand prints even wrapped around her neck.


Painful, bleeding welts and scratches covered her arms, legs and back.


I padded her off gently. I was trying my best not to hurt her.


I debated with myself on whether or not to undress her.


I knew I wouldn’t get her dry and warm in the clothes she was in, but I didn’t want her to feel violated.


I carefully pulled off the torn clothing and threw them on the floor.


I was only further angered when the material had moved. Even her panties were torn and barely hanging off of her hips and only one strap of her bra remained. I could see bite marks and hickeys all over her neck and shoulders. Once I had her dry I pulled the driest part of the duvet over her.


I walked into her closet and felt completely lost. I didn’t know what would be best.


I grabbed a pair of panties and rushed to my room for a shirt. It would be loose.


Leaving plenty of room for her sore skin to breath.


I dressed her and tried to dry her hair.


I pulled a throw blanket out and wrapped her up and took her to my room and placed her under the dry, warm blankets.


As soon as she was under the covers I grabbed my phone from the bed side table


and dialed my family doctor.




“Dr. Ethan it’s Adrian Vandermir. I need you over here now. It’s an emergency.” I practically barked at the sleepy man.


“I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Without waiting for a word he hung up.


I looked down at Celine and saw her eyes were closed. I touched her face and neck and found that her skin still felt cold. I climbed in next to her and ignored the flinch when I wrapped my arms around her. I rubbed her arm up and down to create some friction and generate some heat.


“What happened to you Baby?” I whispered.


I heard the buzzer go off downstairs and slipped out of bed.


Thankfully, it was Dr. Ethan. I buzzed him up and 2 minutes later he was in the building.


“Adrian, what’s happened?” The tall lanky older man had clearly gotten dressed in a hurry.


His hair was a mess and his shirt was messily tucked into his slacks.


“My wife came back a few hours ago. I was already in bed, but I got up and thought something was off. I found her in the shower completely beaten and freezing.” I spoke as I walked him up to the bedroom.


He walked in when he saw the small body on the bed.


“I’ll have to ask you to wait outside while I examine her.” He stated calmly. I could see anger lighting his brown eyes.


I nodded my head and reluctantly left the room, closing the door softly behind me. I called my mom who didnt mind that it was late, she promised to be here in 30




I felt guilty, this was all my fault.


It wasn’t even up to 30 minutes before Mom came.


“What happened?” Her voice cracked and her eyes were filled with worry.


“She was attacked and beaten.” I frowned.


Feelings of failure and guilt weighed heavily on me.


“I’ve completed the examination on Celine” Doctor Ethan says as he descended.


“She’s still unconscious but I don’t think she has a major concussion. I think she’s incredibly exhausted….”


I clenched my jaw and ran my hand through my hair. I could hear Mom silently sobbing.


“I would like her to have xrays taken and I will call in when she’s awake to do a proper assessment and check for any brain damage. I have given her pain relief and an antiinflammatory for her injuries.”


He looked at me and stopped.


My gut wrenched, I was raging mad.


“Adrian calm down” Mom cries but I had lost it already.


“Do not tell me to calm down Mom, someone hit my wife and the person is going to pay for it. I don’t care who the person is but I’ll make him regret the day he was born, nobody touches what is mine and gets away with it. They touched Adrian Vandermir’s woman, I’ll commit murder and I won’t regret it” I growled meaning every word.




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