Crazy In The New York City: Episode 1 - 48 : TOPSTER STORIES

Crazy In The New York City – Episode 31

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Celine’s Pov


I looked at everyone faces as they looked at me with pity, I was trying my burst not to burst into tears.


Mary comes to hold me but I shrug her away.


“Celine calm down okay, everything’s going to be ok. Am sure there’s an explanation for all this” Erin says placing a palm on my shoulder. I look at her and hug her.


“Please tell me Adrian is going to come” I said and whimpered.


A man comes and whispers in Romeo’s ear, his face lits up and he smiles at me.


“Your groom is waiting for you at the altar” He says and I heaved a sigh of relief.


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“Look at her, she was a mess in just 2 minutes” Jessica teased.


“Crazy things love can make you do” Mary says and pouts.


“Trust me Celine, Adrian is a lucky man” I smile nervously.


I suddenly found myself standing behind the two perfect bridesmaids one could ever ask for, Mary and Jessica.


My arm was intertwined with Erin’s.


“You ready?” She asked.


I breathed in and out.


“Not really” I squeaked out, I was getting married to Adrian Vandermir. That’s a whole lot of big deal.


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Erin chuckles.


“You’ll be fine. I can see you make each other happy.”. I smiled at her and then the doors opened and the music played,the bridesmaids filed out. I’m going to throw up.


I exhaled as if trying to breath the nervousness out.


I gripped Erin’s arm a little too tightly but she didn’t seem to mind, I clutched my bouquet and tried easing the nervousness.


We stepped out and the hall took my breath away, It was lit beautifully with delicate blossoming branches intertwined with small twinkling lighte in vases lining the aisle.


Guests stood and turned. Many different expressions covered the numerous faces. I ignored them and looked ahead.


My breath hitched when I saw Adrian at the end of the aisle, but something was wrong, that was not Adrian.


He was dark haired and the person standing at the altar was brown haired, he turns his back to face all of us and we all stopped.


“That’s not my son” Erin states


Romeo walks to the altar and grabs the collar of the young strange man.


“Who the fuck are you. Where’s my best friend” Romeo barks at him making him cower in fear.


People had started muttering and I was sure sooner or later the media was going to come over, I walked to the altar and faced the guy.


“Where’s Adrian?” I asked trying to look intimidating.


“I don’t know who the fuck Adrian his okay, someone just gave me some money and asked me to dress like a groom”


I glared at him and slapped his face hard, my palm left a mark on his face.


“Liar” I screamed him.


“You can’t just come to a wedding and dress like a groom, especially when they are all this security around. Tell me you bastard, tell me where Adrian is” I growled at him.


“Celine calm….”


“Don’t touch me” I tell Romeo raising my palm at him and facing the guy.



“Look I don’t know what you are talking about but I know the guy that sent me here is Deandro”


I open my mouth and stagger back.


“What’s going on, tell me Romeo what’s going on?” I asked.


I don’t know what Deandro wants from me and this is getting out of hand.


I looked around confused, I didn’t know what to do but I knew where to go.


Without thinking twice I took to my heels.


“Celine where are you going”


“Celine come back”


I ignored their calls and entered the street looking for a cab, it wasn’t up to one minute before I got myself lost in the media, asking different questions.


I snatched the camera from a lady and smashed it on the wall.


“Add that to your news” I snap and run forward. A car pulls up in front of me and fronts down the window.


“Get in” Mary tells me and I quickly get inside away from the media.


“So where are we going?” Mary asks, I knew Deandro’s house but I didn’t know the way there, but there’s Deandro’s company.


“Your phone please” I said stretching out my fingers. She hands them to me and I grab them.


I went straight to google and browsed for Deandro and Co. That was the name of his company.


I saw the address and showed it to Mary.


“No problem honey” She tells me.


My hands were shaking as I looked at the engagement ring Adrian had given me.


I pulled off the heels and throw my veil out the window, I tap my feet nervously and shake my head.



“Everything is going to be fine Celine, trust me” Mary assures me but that was not enough. It wasn’t just enough to make me forget the fact that my groom wasn’t present on my wedding day.


Mary pulls the brake and I get out almost immediately she did so.


“Calm down Celine” She shouts but I was way gone.


I got in and met the receptionist.


“Sorry Miss can I help you?” She asks politely.


“Where’s Deandro” I asked placing my hand on the counter.


“Calm down Madam do you have any appointment with him”


“Do I look like I have any appointment with him, where’s Deandro” I yelled at her.


“Sir has not been to work today”


“Are you covering up for him, you better bring him out or I’ll go up there and pull him out myself”


“Calm down ma’am I might be forced to call security if you keep going on like this”


I charge for her but Mary comes to the rescue.


“Okay Celine calm down” She says and pulls me out of the building.


“You have to take it easy Celine” Mary says.


I put my hand on my forehead and Mary hugs me whispering assuring words in my ear.


I just want to find Adrian, it was getting late and I was getting scared.


Julia’s Pov


Anthony and I got our eyes glued to the screen as the maid served us lunch. We were both watching a fashion show and I was the model killing the runway,

I had to put Adrian one side and focus on my career.



It was difficult to convince Anthony not to divorce me after what happened on our wedding day but luckily he needs me as much as I need him.


The show gets interrupted by breaking news, I got upset but my anger turns to curiosity when I see my sister in a wedding gown.


I read the headlines and chuckle, Anthony looks at me and I pretend to keep a straight face.


“I see you look happy” He says dipping his fork in his lunch.


“Why would I be, it’s my sister we are talking about here” I reply avoiding eye contact


“But you don’t look upset or surprised. It’s like you knew this was going to happen”


“What are you talking about?” I yank at him.


“Am just saying, it’s obvious you are still deeply in love with Adrian Vandermir”


“How can you say that, am married to you” I feign ignorance and walk out on him.


“Karma is real” He sings as I walk away.


Son of a bitch.


I got in my room and called Deandro.



So you were right after all



Look Julia I don’t have time to talk, I have to go now


He ends the call but I wasn’t in anyway upset, my sister Celine is in for a big shocker.


Erin’s Pov


I made calls, a lot of calls, Deandro and Adrian was no where to be found.


We got the impersonator arrested but he refused to spill anything, he only kept on saying Deandro.


I wonder where my son is, if marrying Celine is going to put his life in danger then I won’t let them get married.



The hall was empty already, Romeo had gone to look for Adrian, Jessica stayed with me trying to help me recover from the shock I was in.


The commissioner of police walks towards me and both of us, I mean Jessica and I got immediately.


“Where’s my son?” I asked looking behind him but no sign of Adrian.


“We’ve gotten Deandro Ma’am,he tried escaping. He already booked a flight for England. He’s in police custody now”


“Take me to him” I commanded.


“Yes ma’am” He replies and walks out of the hall while I followed him behind.


Celine’s Pov


Blinking away the last remnants of sleep, I yawned and sat in bed, my eyes rapidly adjusting to the dim unfamiliar room. A quick glance around through and it all came crashing back…. Deandro….Adrian…Wedding.


“Oh God” I groaned in dismay. Was it too much to hope it was a nightmare, maybe today was the day I was getting married.


“You’re Awake” Mary says and sits beside me, the bed shifted beneath Mary’s weight as she climbed in bed beside me.


“What happened” I asked wincing as the pounding in my head resumed with full force.


“You passed out Celine”


“Any news on Adrian, I have to go to the police station” I say and sprung to my feet.


“Calm down Celine you are not in a good state. Have you looked at the mirror?”


“That’s not what matters”



I pick up my phone and look at the missed calls, 12 from Romeo, 3 from Erin and 21 from Jessica.


I sighed and dropped the phone but picked it almost immediately when I saw the notifications that popped on my phone, Adrian was the topic.


Hoping to find good news I click on it.


*Forbes updated the list and Adrian Vandermir has gone from the third to the richest person in New York. Adrian Vandermir is the richest person in the state, according to a ranking released by Forbes yesterday. The 29 years old and co-founder of Vandermir Corps has a net worth of $53.8 billion, the publication found…..*


I stopped reading and threw my phone away, all I wanted was Adrian.


The headache was becoming more furious and I needed to take care of it.


“Can I get some aspirin please?” I whispered, my voice raw and scratchy.


“Of course I should have a bottle somewhere” Mary smiled and went to hunt for aspirin.


Mary pads back into the room brandishing a bottle of aspirin with a broad smile.


I swallowed two pills and prayed for the effect to be faster than it usually is.


My phone rings and I look at the caller, it was Jessica.


I click the call button.




Jesus Celine are you okay, why didnt you pick my calls worried and anxious.


She sounded



Have you found Adrian


I ignored the question and I guessed she was frowning.



We’ve found Deandro but nobody is saying anything I got up and let out a shock gasp




Where’s Deandro

I frowned




You have to calm down Celine okay


She says.




I got out of the car and head in the station, Romeo was the first person to see me.


My eyes caught Deandro and I charged towards him but Romeo stopped me.


“Let go of me Romeo, He’s going to have to tell me where Adrian is whether he wants to or not”


“Calm down Celine, there’s more to this okay” Romeo says.


I calm myself down and walk to Deandro, he looks at me and laughs mockingly, this made me more upset but I need to know where he kept Adrian.


“You are so foolish” He insults and resumes to laughing. I clench my fist and sighed deeply, Deandro gets a hold of himself and I release my fist.


“I’ll tell you a story Celine Greene” He clears his throat and tells me everything that’s going on.






My feet threatened to loss balance as I watched Adrian smirking victoriously in front of me. I only wanted to hear one word.




Or am probably in a bad dream.


“You know I told you Celine I’ll make you pay, you’ve crossed me one too many times and I always thought what exactly would I do to you, then Deandro comes. The overconfident bastard just had to dare me, he made a bet with me and trust me it wasn’t easy to win this bet. He didn’t only make a bet he also placed his company as stake. Okay let me tell you something…” He clears his throat and continue.


“We both signed a ownership deal that whoever gets Celine Greene’s signature on a marriage Certificate gets to become the owner of the rival’s company. Trust me I was ready to marry you but Deandro had to be forward, he knew I was winning and he was losing patience so he kidnapped you and forced you to sign the marriage certificate. That gave me an opportunity to get you to sign the certificate without getting to marry you, God am so blessed”


I let out a short gasp, eyes flooded with hot tears.



“You know when you brought that stupid challenge and you were already losing, I had to make you win so I got Mary house blown up and even that day the car stopped while we were going to Brooklyn. The car never stopped it was all my plan to get you closer to me without you realizing it. Yeah I spent some money and took you to places but that was nothing compared to what I knew I was getting in return”


He grabbed my shoulders, his hand bringing me back to reality.


“If you don’t understand what am saying then I’ll spell it out for you”


“I Adrian Vandermir used you Celine Greene to get revenge and also get richer” He released me and smirked wickedly.


“Now leave here before I ask security to throw you out” He says and walks away.

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