Confessions Of An Escort: Episode 1 - 46 : TOPSTER STORIES

Confessions Of An Escort – Episode 5

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The week has flown by quickly, I have been trying to beat being a career woman, a mother and an escort. It has been really tiring and I would have loved to stay home and rest but there is the baby shower that I have to attend.


‘Get out of bed.’ Urah says walking into my room as if she owns it


‘Leave me alone.’ I say trying to put the covers over my head but she pulls them off


‘What is your problem?’ I whine


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‘You make twenty six look sexy.’ She compliments looking at me in just underwear


‘Gross Urah.’ I say getting out of bed


‘Now that wasn’t hard, see you are out of bed now.’ She says laughing I go to the bathroom to pee


‘Good morning baby.’ I say whilst on the toilet sit ‘Hey baby good morning.’ She greets back


I wipe, throw the tissue in the toilet then flash.


‘Urah really?’ I ask whilst laughing


She actually came in pajamas and is now in my bed. ‘Your bed is comfortable.’ She says when I join her ‘You and Sean are pretty much the same.’


She laughs


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We keep quiet for a minute


‘I am really grateful for you hey, you have been the realest friend I have ever met. Your raw nature is much appreciated.’ She says without looking at me



‘You are my sanity Urah, I have loved you for a long time and I will love you still.’


‘Do you think we are bad people?’


‘What do you mean?’


‘Our lives and all?’


‘Being escorts you mean?’


‘Yes that.’


I sigh heavily


‘Urah there is something called free will, we cannot conform to the standards that society lies out. How one person chooses to live their lives shouldn’t be a laid down structure for how you live yours. At the end of the day we will be answerable and accountable for our doings and that should be your main concern.’


‘Don’t you want to get married?’


I almost laugh


‘Hunny marriage is not for everyone.’


‘Katie come on.’


I sigh


‘I know you love Sean and all, I know you love your job and being an escort gives you a certain satisfaction but there is a void in you that can never be filled. We both know this, we both know that the mark Ezra left will never be erased.’


‘You are growing a conscious? Is it Mark?’


‘Don’t digress.’ She says



I chuckle, then sigh heavily.


‘I loved Ezra, I left home because I wanted to build something for myself but Sean came along. And no I don’t blame Ezra, he didn’t know that I was pregnant.’


I pause


‘But his mother did.’


‘I don’t know if she told him, but whatever the case here I am. Some days I wonder what it would have been like raising Sean with his father, I wonder if at all we would have been one happy family and all this wouldn’t have been my life.’


‘Sounds like there is a but coming.’


‘But I am happy, I might not get my Cinderella ending but this is enough.’


‘Besides Cinderella was a whore, what the hell was she doing dancing with a strange man at midnight?’ I add causing Urah to laugh


‘You just want to ruin the thoughts I have of fairytales hey?’


‘Deal with it.’ I say and laugh


She playfully hits me then we both end up laughing


‘I love you.’


‘I love you.’ I respond




‘What?’ I ask laughing


‘I have a client.’


‘What client?’


‘Mark’s elder brother.’


‘Oh boy.’ I say laughing


‘I need a drink for this.’ I say laughing


I ask Chisenga to bring us two wine glasses and a bottle of fat bastard Merlot and she does.


‘So tell me about this client.’


‘The way you like stories.’ She says rolling her eyes


‘Mark told me that his brother will be coming into the country, and his family has been putting pressure on him about how he is old and hasn’t brought any girl home.’


‘Okay.’ I say handing her a glass


‘Told me he has gone as far as going on dating sites to find girls and no one seems to appease him.’


‘Where do we come in?’


‘He checked into our site, I looked up his profile and how much he is offering.’




‘K5,000 to play girlfriend at a family reunion.’


‘Is his family that messed up?’ I ask




‘He is offering a lot of money that should make you question everything.’



‘Well he is Mark’s brother and I really want to help him, besides I will be there too.’ She says


‘You want me to take it up?’


‘Well I am a lot nervous about meeting his family, you being around will give me some leverage.’


‘And Mark knows about this?’


‘I talked to him, well not that you are an escort but that I would love you to pretend to be his brother’s girlfriend.’




‘Well he has heard so much about you and he trusts you are good people.’


I look at her intently, what she is asking me is absurd and out of this world.


‘What happens after that reunion?’


‘You both go your separate ways, he goes back to Germany or where ever the hell he is coming from and you continue with your life. Another 5grand added to Sean’s child fund.’


She knows just where to touch, I will do whatever job to secure a future for my child and she is doing just that right now.


‘Fine, when do I meet him?’




‘Excuse me?’


‘I left him at Mark’s and promised I was taking you to him.’


‘You don’t say.’


She laughs


‘But I thought you said coming into the country.’


‘Go and take a bath your majesty.’ She says pushing me out of bed


‘But Urah.’


‘This is a job and we always do best at our job now go.’


I reluctantly get into the bathroom and spend more time than usual scrubbing, I know I should be excited but I am not. In all the years that I have worked as an escort I have never known any of my clients on a personal level so this feels like a trap.


‘I picked out some clothes for you.’ She says


I stare at whats on the bed, black tights and an army green shirt with matching shoes.


‘This is what I am wearing?’


‘I know you are most comfortable in tights.’ She says


I sigh, she knows me so well.


I pass through Sean’s room before leaving then tell Chisenga I will be out for breakfast but will be back in time to prepare for the baby shower.


‘I hope I am never doing this again.’ I say as we drive out

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