Confessions Of An Escort: Episode 1 - 46 : TOPSTER STORIES

Confessions Of An Escort – Episode 27

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If someone ever told me that I would end up with Jo as my wife, I would have laughed my lungs out – in their face. Jo has always been arrogant; full of herself and jealous of her sister, the woman who I have been in love with since forever.


Katie is the opposite of Jo, growing up she was the reserved type. She kept to herself most of the time and that is why we were all shocked when we learnt that she was going out with Ezra because he was her total opposite. For a while I hated



myself because had I made a move on her, then things would have been different. She would have been my woman but I let her go and I regretted it for a while but I had to move on. And so when Ezra left for Germany, I knew it was my chance to make a move. But she turned out pregnant, was disowned by her family and I was still very young to burden myself with her. I took the easy way out but what made me angry was even after Jo knowing that her sister was pregnant for Ezra, she still threw herself at him. He was the bigger fool because he knew somewhere Katie was pregnant and yet dated her sister.


Well life can be messed up at times, Ezra realized just the kind of person Jo was and he wanted out. She noticed this and because she has always been a psychopath she thought making him jealous would make him stay and I was used as a pawn. By the time I was realizing it, it was too late. What started as making him jealous, turned out into numerous dates until the only thing left was for us to tie the knot. For a while I was happy, I thought she had changed but I was lying to myself. She had everything planned out and was willing to file for divorce any time if Ezra decided to come back.


But he never did, he stayed in Germany and met Mer’vis. Her good girl act had dropped and the only thing that remained in our home was silence. The only time we ever talked was to make plans on family outings, but back in the house we were total strangers.

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Two years after being married my family and hers started pressuring us about having children, at this point I already knew about my low sperm count but because I knew if I ever told her she would use it to feed on my ego; I kept it to myself. She didn’t care about what anyone said because obviously she didn’t want to have anything to do with me.


A year ago during one of our family outings, Francis’ mum was around and she mentioned how Francis and Mark were coming back to settle in the country. And somehow Ezra came up and she also told us he too was coming to settle with his wife, who he would marry from here. That day I saw Jo mad, I don’t know what she thought. That Ezra would come back to her after being married to his friend for years, I don’t know. But I am guessing that is when she started making plans on how she would be pregnant for him, she is a very intelligent woman and when my investigator had told me what she did, I wasn’t at all surprised. And to continue



putting up faces, she had slept with me. After four years of being strangers but lucky for me I knew what she wanted.


I look at the documents on my computer once again, all the evidence that could bring her down. But a part of me knows that I am not that evil, hurting her would only make things worse and I know if this gets into Katie’s hands it will be bad.


So I call Francis.


‘Hey man.’ I say when he picks


‘Hey.’ He responds


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‘Are you home? I need to see you.’ I say


‘I am by Mark’s, it really isn’t a good time though.’


‘Even better, whatever I have to say it’s better that even Mark hears it.’


‘Okay you will find me here.’ He responds and I drop the line


‘I am heading out.’ I say to Jo who is busy reading a magazine


‘When did you start telling me about your movements?’ she asks not even looking at me


‘Jo we are going to be parents in a few weeks, don’t you think we need to find a common ground?’


She puts the magazine down and looks at me.


‘The only thing that is binding us is a piece of paper, what makes you think that a child would make it any different?’


I open my mouth to say something but close it.


‘I will see you later.’ I say then walk out



This hurts, I might act strong and all but a part of me wishes just maybe my life could have been half perfect. Here I am, the only one in my circle who has a loveless marriage and yet none of my friends know anything. I can’t even have Katie because my guilt wouldn’t let me, when I had the chance to be man in her life I chickened out and now this is the only thing I can do to make up for my wrongs.


I drive to Mark’s and I am there in thirty minutes.


‘You sounded like something is wrong on the phone.’ Francis says immediately I walk in


I smile


‘Is Jo okay?’


‘She is.’


‘And the baby?’


‘They are both fine.’ I respond taking a sit


I notice how Mark is looking and I can only guess it’s because of the photos Jo sent him, she has no idea I have her phone hacked and I know everything she does and who she talks to.


‘Whats up?’


‘I believe you will represent Katie if the worst comes to the worst not so?’ I ask


‘How did you know?’


‘I have always known.’ I respond


‘Know what?’ Mark asks


‘It’s nothing.’ Francis says


‘Katie is an escort too.’ I say tired of hiding it ‘What?’


‘George this is none of your business.’ Francis threatens ‘Katie is my business.’ I respond looking him in the eyes ‘This is messed up.’ Mark says scratching his head Silence


‘That is not why I am here.’ I say


‘What do you want?’


‘I thought you might use this.’ I say handing him some papers He peruses through them a while before handing them to Mark. ‘What the hell man.’ Mark says throwing them on the table ‘Does she know that you know?’ Francis asks ‘I don’t think she does, I was careful.’


‘Why are you showing us this? Isn’t she your wife?’ Mark asks


‘He doesn’t love Jo, it’s Katie he has always loved.’ Francis responds and I look at him


‘I have always known.’


I sigh deeply



‘Katie is going to use this to get back at her sister, but I know if she does so many people will be hurt. I don’t know how best you can help her.’


‘Thank you.’ He says


‘You are welcome.’


‘I should be leaving now, I guess my job here is done.’ I say standing up


Francis walks me to the door.


‘I am really sorry that you had to go through all this, wish I had known how to help you.’


‘I will be okay.’ I say with a smile


‘Take care of Katie.’


‘Let her go man.’


‘I will try to.’ I say and get into the car then drive off


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