Clara - The State Governor's Daughter: Episode 1 - 60 : TOPSTER STORIES

Clara – The State Governor’s Daughter – Episode 46

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Episode 46




Clara’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the


previous episode




‘’you look very familiar, have we met before?’’ I asked


Celine, to see how she would react to the question. She


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smiled and nodded.




‘’of course we have ran into each other a couple of times but you probably never noticed me’’ she quickly replied. I shrugged and made way for her to enter the room while thousands of ideas ran through my head. .



‘’thank you dear’’ she soon breathed and headed out of the


room while I waited few seconds before heading out as






As I headed down the stairs leading to the main entrance door, Charles who was with about five guys in the sitting room instantly got up as soon as he saw me. He left his visitors and approached me with a visibly worried look. .

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‘’where are you going my dear?’’ he asked curiously,


grabbing my hand.




‘’I’m leaving. I have seen the house and it’s very beautiful’’ I


muttered, forcing out a smile.




‘’so you can’t even give me few minutes to attend to my friends?, that’s not fair’’ he protested.




‘’I came here willingly to see your new house, please don’t


spoil my mood by stopping me from leaving. You know


what happens when I get angry’’ I threatened. He drew back


and shrugged.




‘’very well then, I will ask one of my boys to take you home’’ he breathed while I nodded in acceptance. .






Ten minutes later, I was on my way home in Charles’s car. I couldn’t help but think of how to follow up with the



discovery I just made. Of course it couldn’t just be a coincidence that Charles’s assistant was at the same hotel the evening Vivian was drugged. She could be behind it all and yes Vivian was really right all along.


On getting home, I instantly called Val on phone.




‘’how do we see this evening?’’ I asked softly,




‘’huh? That can be arranged nau’’ he kind of stammered.




‘’just go to a good secured guest house, send me the location and wait for me’’ I nervously said to him.








Val’s side of the story continues


I was busy going over the CCTV tape from the hotel for the umpteenth time while thinking over all Clara’s mum said to me at the same time when my phone rang and it was Clara calling. I dropped all I was doing and answered her call, smiling as i listened to all she said. She wanted us to meet again in a guest house and of course I knew we couldn’t meet in such a place without another hot se.x session. I whistled happily as I tried to figure out the best guest house suitable for our meeting. Of course Owerri town is well known as a capital city with lots of hotels and guest houses. .Recommend you to download Topster Stories App for Exclusive Access To Erotic and Romantic stories



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‘’so have your director called you yet?’’ Clara asked as we


faced each other inside one of the rooms in a guest house


down town.




‘’no and I’m kind of worried’’ I replied




‘’but he promised to get in touch with you, anyway let’s wait till Monday’’ she breathed with a smile.




‘’Charles took me to see his new house today and while I


was there I met this tall lady who introduced herself as his


personal assistant. But the funny thing was that I equally


saw the same lady at the hotel the evening Vivian was


drugged. Oh God! I forgot asking you to bring the CCTV


record you got from the hotel, I bet she was at the bar with


Vivian that very evening’’ she added thoughtfully while I






‘’yes the bar had a lot of customers that evening and she


could be one of the ladies there at that hour. Anyway I


guess I will have to wait till I get home to check her out with


your description’’ I muttered with resignation. She smiled


and drew closer.




‘’you have to be very careful with Charles. There is no doubt he knows everything and could be planning something new for us. He might even be aware that we are here together



and seriously I still don’t know where our relationship is leading to’’ I breathed.




‘’who cares jor. You know I feel like taking you home and screaming to everyone that we are in love’’ she giggled playfully, turning up the passion in me. I softly reached for her, dropping a kiss on her lips that ignited the flame of love between us. In no time we tore off our clothes and began another round of passionate love making that left us breathless when we were done.


I had the opportunity to tell her of my encounter with her mother, but I couldn’t get myself to open up to her even though I swore to be honest with her in everything. .






I got home by 7:02pm to meet my apartment totally ransacked. My computer, some valuables and the CCTV record I got from the hotel gone. It sure looked like a break in but I knew it was no ordinary break in. .







Meanwhile back at the governor’s house Vivian is seen arguing with her boyfriend doctor Chinedu who appeared all shaken up and sad. He was kneeling and holding Vivian who was equally in tears as if something terrible just happened Vivian’s side of the story continues




‘’my love I can’t allow you to break up with me because of


your revenge plans. Just leave everything in God’s hands


and move on with your life. We can have a quiet wedding


and leave this country before Monday evening. You know I


came home solely to marry you and I can’t leave just like


that. I also can’t allow you to continue with this madness. I


was set up with drugs and you hid the real facts from me.


You equally got drugged and instead of learning your lesson,


you are asking me to stay away from you until you put that


bastar.d in jail. You don’t know how much that guy is willing


to go to ruin you. I can’t allow you to continue with this


madness. This is insane’’ Chinedu protested while I closed


my eyes.




‘’yes I’m in pain. I’m insane, I’m clueless but one thing I


know for sure is that I will be in court one day testifying


against that criminal. All I ask of you is to stay away from


me until my aim is achieved. I don’t want you getting hurt.


You can even go back to India I beg of you’’ I pleaded






‘’listen to yourself my dear. You said someday you will be in


court testifying against him. This is Nigeria. He has power,


he has money. The only thing you have on your side is just


the family name and nothing. Forget this madness my love’’


he pleaded strongly.




‘’if you are in my position will you just leave everything in God’s hands and walk away?’’ I asked bitterly.








At the other end of the house, Clara is seen gently walking back to her room after a heated se.x session with Val downtown. Due to the se.x guilt she’s having, she tries to avoid being noticed or questioned but unfortunately, she ran into Charles who has been waiting all evening for her .



‘’where went you my love?’’ he asked while Clara froze, leaving a smile of understanding on his face. .


To be continued




**CLARA(The State Governors Daughter)**





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