Child Abuse: Episode 1 - 20???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Child Abuse – Episode 13

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*Rose POV*




He absolutely knew what was happening to me as fear registered on his face. He quickly dressed up and went out but not without instructing me not to go anywhere. He came back in less than twenty minutes’ time and handed me something tiny…




Olamide: “That is called a p-strip, go and urinate inside that small bowl we use in the bathroom and dip it inside it, don’t allow the urine to go above this line here”


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he said pointing at the line while I looked on lost. “Bring it to me when you are done” he finished and nudged me on towards the bathroom.




I did as I was instructed without saying a single word and took the strip to him. The look on his face when he checked it made me pray to be swallowed up in the mother earth through an earthquake. I didn’t know what he saw but I thought I had been stricken by a deadly disease because of his facial expression, he looked like one who had seen a ghost. I knew I had to say something, it was my life anyway.




Rose: “What is wrong dad? Am I sick? Like terminally sick?” waiting for him to drop the bombshell.




Olamide: “Yes baby, you are terminally sick but don’t worry, there is nothing dad cannot take care of. I will take care of this too and you will be fine in no time. Not to worry okay?”



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Rose: “But what exactly is wrong with me?” I demanded




Olamide: “I don’t know its name. I will go to a chemist to get you drugs soon” he tried to quell my fear, even though his voice shook when he said it.




I knew he was lying when he said he didn’t know its name. I was terribly afraid and even at that moment, I felt so tired and weak. All I wanted was to sleep, meanwhile I had school to attend.




Rose: “Okay. I want to prepare for school now” I announced.




Olamide: “Oh no! you will not be going to school for now. You need to stay at home and rest for like a week or two after taking the drugs. Don’t worry, I will get a private tutor for you after then”




Rose: “Okay” I was more than happy to know I wouldn’t have to go to school for another two weeks. Going to school had become a burden for me, a task I could do anything to avoid doing.




Olamide: “Good girl” he said squeezing my breast and I jumped out of his reach.




Rose: “Please can I go see mum today? I have missed her” I had to say.




Olamide: “No way! Not when you are sick” he replied with a note of finality on his voice but even I was adamant too.




Rose: “Last time I saw her, she looked very sick. I promise not to tell her anything. I just need to see my mum even if it is for the very last time. Please da…” I wanted to say dad but of course like you would guess, I had stopped calling him dad, a man who has carnal knowledge of a girl his seed formed sure can’t be called her dad still right?


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I hated him and wanted to run away but where would I have to run to? My grandparents were so far away and mum even said they weren’t aware she had left him- were those the ones I could have ran to?




Olamide: “Okay but this will be the last time you will see her I promise. Your mother is a bad woman, can you imagine she wants to take you away from me forcefully by pressing charges against me in the court? Can you imagine how heartless she is?” he looked like a child trying so hard to win the favours of an adult at the expense of his friend’s reputation.



Rose: “Yes” I replied even though I did not really mean it. I felt bad for her despite knowing everything was her fault. Bringing me into the world was also her fault but what could I have done, they did say blood was thicker than water anyway.




And so he took me to her place and without taking a step inside, instructed me further not to forget what he told me and to keep my mouth shut even about my sickness- I concurred.






And so she continued telling me the story of her life even though she had exhausted it all…




Ahunli: “Baby come and sit on my laps” she said tapping her laps lightly




I walked up to her on calculated steps careful not to make her notice my sickness. I wore fake smiles and energy. I sat on her laps, aunty Alexis was not at home that day and I didn’t bother to ask her where she had gone to.




Rose: “What is wrong mummy?”I asked peering into her face.




Ahunli: “I just miss you baby” she replied, the soft look in her eyes told me she was telling the truth.




Rose: “I miss you too. Mummy let’s go live with grandpa and grandma. I don’t want to live with dad anymore” hot tears welled up in my eyes.




Ahunli: “Why, Did something happen?” she turned me to face her squarely and I blinked back tears knowing I must never tell her what was going on at home. Dad would take me to a psychiatrist hospital if I did.




Rose: “Nothing is wrong mum. I just miss living with you. He said he will never allow me to come see you again because you are trying to take me away from him. I don’t want to stop seeing you mum” the tears I had been trying so much to keep at bay came rushing down in quick succession.




Ahunli: “He is just bluffing. He will never do a thing like that and sweetheart, give me just a little time, just a very little time and you wouldn’t need anyone’s permission to come see me anymore. We will go visit grandpa and grandma then okay?” she wiped the tears away with her fingers.




Rose: “Okay mum”




Ahunli: “And don’t forget, big girls don’t cry” she said and reached out to wipe off the tears on my face while I did the same to hers. “So did I tell you Uncle Francis said he wants to marry me?”




Rose: “He did? That is good news mum” and yeah, Francis never really got over my mum abandoning him like that. Even after thirteen years, he was yet to get married.




Ahunli: “I cannot marry him, I told him that”




Rose: “But why mum? Why?”




Ahunli: “I cannot love him” she announced sadly.




I didn’t have the words to try persuade her with but I equally wasn’t happy with the way she was. She was getting another opportunity at living a good life but she



was tossing it to the dogs. I laid on her laps like that not knowing when I slept off. All of a sudden, we heard a knock on the door, we both jumped with fright. Kindly share out stories from using the floating social media icon buttons on the bottom of the page. She went over to open the door and was sent flying back immediately. A man walked in holding an axe…




Ahunli: “What are you doing? Why did you do that?”




She asked and tried getting up to her feet but he pushed her back. I could not believe who I was seeing though. I just couldn’t believe it but why was he hurting my mum? I ran over to her but she pushed me back, knowing danger was looming.

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Man: “Are you asking me? I have come to take what is mine. What is rightfully mine” he belched loudly. He was obviously high on something.




Ahunli: “Even if you have come to take what is yours, why must you come with an axe?”




Man: “Because I am going to kill you very slowly” he replied and laughed loudly. I looked outside but it was already dark, I didn’t know what to do, how to save my mum. I just stood there doing something I had never done before; begging God to intervene. “And you girl, you should better be ready cos I am coming for you when I am done with her. I warned you all didn’t I?”




Rose: “You can kill me but please let my mum go” I began to cry and sweat profuse. I watched him lift the axe up and land it on my mum’s leg, she screamed. When he realised his folly, he quickly reached over, took out his handkerchief, rolled it into a ball and pushed it into her mouth. Went over to the window to check if her screaming had attracted anyone but it obviously hadn’t from the look on his face.



Man: “I will kill her immediately if you as much as make one single sound” he warned me and looked at my mum who was writhing painfully on the floor. He lifted the axe again and this time, the leg was totally severed from her body, her screams were muffled, sweats poured from her forehead, as he bent down to admire his handiwork, she looked to me begging me to run away with her eyes. I wanted to just collapse but I knew that would make her suffer more so I held on to my sanity. He was so enthralled by his deed that he did not notice me sneak off and out the door…

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