Overlook Love – Episode 10

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My first mission was achieved without any struggle. When I entered my apartment I felt so relieved. I took off my clothes and started dancing in my bedroom half na.ked, only with a bra and pant. Some if the advantages of being single and living alone. I listened to the recording and all was there, loud and clear. Intact and secure. I was tempted to call Tess but I knew she was busy pressing or massaging a “lifeless” body in a hotel room. I knew she would call before going to bed. She called and it was exactly what I had expected to happen.


Ryan had rang her before and fabricated sweet lies about the whole thing, but Tess played her part well. She told him that she would deal with me when she is back home, and it had to be face to face because she will have to go to the root of the issue first coz the accusations were grave.


TESS: He told me that you wanted to kill Raksha.


JADE: And did he tell you why he was there?



TESS: He said that at around 8pm, Raksha called him to come to the house because she wasn’t feeling so well and I was far. Actually he said that he had gone there to take her to the doctor. But on arriving, you were leaving the house and mum was lying unconscious on the couch. You found mum unwell and decided to give her alcohol instead of medicine, so according to him, you went there to kill her.


JADE: That guy is a liar to the core. I agree I laced her drink a little so that she could talk and I got all the info as I promised. But for him to say that I went to kill Raksha is overboard. When all this is over, I will make sure he is castrated I swear! What a crooked man. Can you hurry back I fill you in please. This news is killing me.

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TESS: I am leaving here first thing tomorrow morning. I can’t wait to listen to what you’ve got. I will tell Jim I have an emergency and leave very early. Breakfast will be at your apartment.


JADE: Who is Jim?


TESS: My boss, you mean you don’t know his name?


JADE: No, you always say “my boss”. You never mentioned him by name.


TESS: My bad, he is Jim. Second name is complicated I can’t even pronounce it when sober.


JADE: Go back to dealing with Jim, sleep well and see you tomorrow pretty.


TESS: You are sleeping now?


JADE: No, I have a few calls to make, and then I sleep.Kindly share out more interesting stories from generalloaded.com using the floating social media icon button below.

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TESS: I wish I were there right now. I can’t wait to blast those two, especially Raksha. But if they know I have not bought their story I am sure they will try to either ask you not to tell me anything or they will threaten you.



JADE: Good thing they have nothing on me, they can only threaten me with death.


If they try to ask me to shut my mouth, I will surprise them, wait and see.


We wished each other goodnight and I went to the living room to watch a short movie before going to bed. Tess kept her word and by 9a.m. next morning she was in my apartment. She didn’t tell Skyla that she was back, she rang to check on her and the house manager said everything was fine. She had detained her that weekend because it was the first weekend that Skyla didn’t go to Raksha’s. Tess couldn’t leave the daughter alone. I had offered to stay with her, but my mission had to be done on that same night. She lay on the couch as I prepared Tea and pancakes, she was so impatient but I told her to relax. She was sure Ryan had slept at her mums but she didn’t want to go there and burst them. Time was coming for that.


We settled on the dining table for tea and I put my recording on. Tess listened without blinking. She was so quiet and attentive I thought she would explode, she didn’t and I was glad. I wasn’t to deal with drama like it happened in the club.


TESS: So it is true she is not my mother. I don’t know what to say Jade. Why couldn’t she tell me from before? I would have still accepted her as my mum coz I have no one else. Why hide something like that? I am not a child anymore.


JADE: Don’t worry about it darling. Just thank God that she raised and educated you, though that doesn’t mean that she is off the hook. She will have to pay for what she is doing to you currently.


TESS: You know when she got me my Job through Jim, she lied to me that Jim was my dad’s friend. Only to learn now that she was sleeping with him! I feel stupid and lied to.


JADE: But you told me you have never slept with Jim.


TESS: Never, he just enjoys my company and how I make him relax. He is young at heart but I think the wife is old school and boring.


Our chat got interrupted by a phone call. It was Ryan the Rogue. Tess told me to put him on loud speaker, I did.



JADE: Hello




JADE: Who is this?


RYAN: It is me, Ryan


JADE: What do you want?


RYAN: We need to talk about last night.


JADE: What about last night?


RYAN: Stop acting ignorant , you know very well what I am talking about.


JADE: Honestly I don’t know.


RYAN: How much for your silence?


JADE: My silence? You are so Corky Ryan. What are you talking about honestly? I am lost.


RYAN: Call me back when you have a figure in mind.


He said and hung up. Tess couldn’t believe what she had heard. We both looked at each other in shock. He had told Tess lies and now he wanted me not to say anything to her. Meaning he knew what they were doing is no longer a secret to me. Raksha must have told him that she told me about her mystery guest and obviously he was the one.


TESS: I am sure they are still together in her house till now and she is the one who has told him to call you. They wanted my money and now the tables have turned. I am going to milk their money through you, what do you say?


JADE: As long as I get my commission.



TESS: Girl, you are obsessed with commission.


JADE: Commission is a must, that’s what I live and work for. Now, let’s do the math.


TESS: Ask them for 2 million


JADE: What? Where will they get the cash?


TESS: My mother has money Jade, a lot of money. I don’t even understand why she is bitter with me regarding Jim. I didn’t even know he was with her before and how was I to know yet she told me he was dad’s friend? She is a twisted woman. She has all the money she needs and still sends Ryan to get more from me! I want us to attack them right away!


JADE: No! That’s a bad idea. If we erupt now, I will lose the bribe for my silence.


TESS: Call him back and ask for three million, I am sure he will negotiate to two million. Still you will get our target money.


JADE: One thing I know for sure, once I give him that figure, he will call you and ask you when you are giving him what you promised in turn, they will pay me with that .


TESS: If that’s what they pay you with, then we will have four million, because I will immediately demand for my money back or I threaten his ass to the high waters.


JADE: Threaten him with what?


TESS: To tell Jim everything he has been doing to me and my mum. You know Jim tells me that apart from his two sons, he has a nephew who he raised and provides for. And that he even opened for him a big business in town. Now I know it’s Ryan. Imagine if that is taken away from him? And trust me, Jim will for my sake.


JADE: What makes you think he will choose his side chick over his nephew?


TESS: Coz I know things he wouldn’t want anyone to know about. Things that he does in the organization.


JADE: This is where I say, I am dead already! Let me place that call and we strike gold.


I rang Ryan and Raksha is the one who came on the line. What a shame, the two lovers were still together! I wished we could go and storm that house like a Tornado. But our agenda was now to make money first before blowing the whole thing up. I signaled to Tess that it was Raksha who was on the line and she told me to put her on speaker, I did. She attacked me without even saying hello.


RAKSHA: I thought Tess was conniving but you are worse. You know what Jade? You are a green snake in green grass. You come to my house and try to kill me with whisky. Are you normal?


JADE: Mum, you drink, how can a few tots of whisky kill you?


RAKSHA: You kept refilling my glass until I passed out you bitter woman.


JADE: And did I have a gun on your head? You made me your waiter and I did my job perfectly well. Now I am a killer for performing my duties? I don’t think so mum.


RAKSHA: You are so arrogant and stopping calling mum, I am not your mother.


JADE: You are the worst there is, I have you right where I want you. Get it right from me and thank God, Tess doesn’t know that you are banging her boyfriend. I know you are working with Ryan to con her if her money. I know Tess is not your biological daughter and what you did to her mother who was your blood sister. And what killed your husband again? Do I have your attention now? How much is your offer?


RAKSHA: Do you know what I am capable of?



JADE: The only thing you are capable of is sleeping with the same man that sleeps with your daughter who is not your blood. I need 3M and nothing less; otherwise this town will be very small for you. You are uncouth, uncultured and uncivilized. You and Ryan both.


RAKSHA: Where will I get 3 million? I don’t have that kind of money.


JADE: I don’t care, just get me the money latest tomorrow evening otherwise I will have a meeting with Tess.


I said and hung up. Tess gave me a hi-five which almost broke my hand. I always knew I was a bad bitch, but that conversation made me the worst of the worst. I didn’t mean to take it that far, I didn’t want to disrespect Raksha, but she pissed me off by threatening me. I also knew people who could turn her into minced meat in minutes. Tess was shocked. She didn’t expect me to be that cold and crude. I told her that was the best way to deal with those two. We were not bad people but sometimes you have to pay back with a bang! That was just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. The worst was yet to come.


JADE: Was I too much for her, I hope you are not regretting this.


TESS: The uncouth, uncultured and uncivilized part knocked me off. Which University did you attend?


JADE: I am a form four drop out. I learnt things on the streets. Anyway I am sorry if I went overboard


TESS: Who cares about overboard, get those fu.cking millions we start a business.


We were in the middle of planning more strategies and how to bring double R down when we heard a loud knock on the door.


TESS: Whoever is behind that door is a cop


JADE: Why?


TESS: That knock is unique



JADE: I don’t care who it is, I have done nothing wrong. I told Tess to hide in my bedroom. She picked up her handbag and shoes and went in closing the door behind her. I went to the door and unlocked it. Standing right in front of me looking battered and bruised was the Ryan the Rogue. I tried to close the door but he pushed it back by force and dashed in.


JADE: What do you want and how did you know this is the apartment?


RYAN: I need to talk to you. Please hear me out.


JADE: You and I have nothing to talk about now if you will excuse me I have chores to do.


RYAN: Jade, it is you I love. It has always been you. Please give me a chance.


And in that moment of confusion he grabbed me and forcefully kissed me! He did expect the thunderous slap that I gave him. But deep down, his kiss made a mark on my lips.







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