Average Boy: Episode 1 - 21 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES

Average Boy – Episode 34

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Chapter 34



Tori Vega’s POV



I walked hastily to the white sand beach. I didn’t want to think everything that happened in the garden was real. But it was. Beck had been alive all these years. He had replaced me


But come to think of it, it wasn’t his fault. I had caused him trouble. His mother is in jail now. Isn’t that trouble?


I sighted Benedict and Tessa jumping and hailing at the surfers. I walked to them


Me: Bene, I’m going somewhere. Make sure you go back home later

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Benedict : mom, are you okay?


I nodded


Me: sure. Take care


Tessa: be careful Tori Vega


I smiled at her. I like the girl. Maybe it’s because she looks like me. I like people that look like me


I walked out of the beach, took my car and drove into town


I went to a fancy restaurant and sat at a corner sipping only a glass of wine. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I thought about Beck, how he had been all these years. What he had been doing. Why he didn’t come back for me. Who he has been with. And all those things


I twirled the glass and watched as the blue wine rolled about beautifully.

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I looked at my phone and it was almost an hour. I need a nap. I feel like this vacation has been ruined. I wanna go back home to LA.



I stood up, paid for the drink with my credit card and zoomed back home. I entered inside and found out that Benedict hadn’t returned yet. I dragged myself to my room, falling on the bed and fighting back tears.


I love Beck. I still love him. It’s been years but I still love him


I tried dating Emma Bellz and Dave Steve but it didn’t work out. They both complained I was too cold towards them. We broke up and I realized I couldn’t love anyone else.


I think I slept off cause the next time I woke up was in the evening. I went to the kitchen to take water and I found Benedict and Tessa making smoothies


Me: hey


Benedict : mom. You’re awake


Me: yeah


I sniffed and opened the fridge


Tessa: good afternoon ma’am


I looked at her. She was looking so excited. I guess she really likes me


Me: hi Tessa. How are you sweetie


Her eyes brightened


Tessa: I’m fine. I’m so fine


I chuckled


Benedict : looks like someone is about to explode


He was referring to Tessa. She laughed and continued slicing the fruits with safety knives


Me: you guys aren’t supposed to be doing that


Benedict : well, you were asleep. And we wanted smoothies



Me: you could have easily got them from the beach. I saw a stand for tropical smoothies


Benedict : we wanted to try our smoothie. Not theirs


I chuckled as I brought out water. I gulped it down and threw the can into the garbage basket


Me: is there anything you need help with?


Tessa: please, sign my album


Me: your album?


Tessa: my photo album. Please, I seriously need your autograph


Me: sure. Anything for you


She jumped up


Tessa : thank you


Benedict : you can go get your album if it’s here. Mom and I would finish up


Tessa: okay. I’ll be right back


She ran off happily


Benedict : she really likes you


Me: I can see that


Benedict : what’s up with you and her dad?


My heart began to race


Me: I don’t get you


Benedict : is he my dad?


I looked at him


Me: why do you ask?


Benedict : he’s the exact person you’ve been talking about. He’s the person in the pictures you’ve been showing me. Except for, you know he’s older now. Plus, the way you looked at each other, I knew something was there. And mom, I look just like him. Is he my dad? Or related to him?


I sniffed


Me: he’s… Mr Rudy, Benedict. Your dad is Oliver..And, that man is about thirty years, that’s why he could have a daughter of twelve. He must have gotten her when he was twenty or twenty-five. ( More interesting stories available on Topster Stories App)


Benedict : but..


Me: no buts Benedict. Now hand me that knife


He sighed and gave it to me. I don’t want to talk about Beck


Tessa returned with a big photo album.


Tessa: here it is


I looked at it


Me: I’m coming. Let me just put these into the blender


I washed the fruits then kept them in the blender. I turned it on and turned it off minutes later.


I poured out the juice into a glass jug then dropped it in the fridge.


Me: let’s go to the living room


We went to the living room and sat on the cushion. I opened the album and the first picture was that of her and a lady about my age. They were smiling and the lady had her hand over Tessa’s shoulder


Me: your mom?



Tessa: no. She’s my teacher. We took that picture in school, when she wanted to gain an impression on my dad.


I heaved a sigh of relief


Benedict : create an impression on your dad?


She told us about how all her teachers wanted to date her dad. Typically Beck


We kept looking through the pictures and I signed each page. All the pictures were either her and her friends or her and Beck. The more I saw the pictures, the more I knew it was Beck. My eyes were almost pulling out because they were heavy with reserved tears.


Me: Benedict.. Why don’t you get the drink from the fridge and some glasses


Tessa: don’t worry. I’ll get it. Keep looking at the photos


She went and Benedict looked at me


Benedict : you still think he’s Mr Rudy, mom?


I didn’t reply. I know it’s Beck. He told me himself and he gave me proof


Then I opened to the last page, after looking through her baby pictures with Beck, I was surprised why there was no photo of her and her mother. It was just Beck.


I looked at the last picture and my eyes widened


Benedict : oh my goodness! That’s the same picture you have mom!

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I picked it up.


The picture Beck and I took in the class. All the memories of that day came running in.


The picture was in my phone and I had printed it out and kept it safe. Benedict even had a copy.



But my face isn’t clear here. I wonder why. Did he clean my face with vinegar. What does that mean? Why would he do that? Because he doesn’t want me in his life again?


Tessa came back with the glasses and jug.


I took it from her and dropped them on the table


Tessa: oh you’re looking at my dad’s picture when he was younger


Me: Bene, please get me my phone from the room


He went inside


Me: your dad and who?


I picked up the picture again


Tessa: he said that’s my mom


I looked at her


Me: what?


Tessa: I wouldn’t have even seen it. It was in the middle of some old books. I found it filled with dust and I cleaned it. I asked him who she was and he said she’s my mom. I had to take the picture later, because I couldn’t get enough of it


She took the picture from my frozen hand


Tessa: I wish I knew her


I blinked my eyes to get back into my senses


Me: you don’t… know her?


She shrugged


Tessa: she died when I was born… That’s what dad said


My heart became too heavy for my body to hold



I began to suffocate. Why would Beck do this. Ahh, I need explanation. Huge explanation


Me: where is your dad?


Tessa: he should be at the beach still, he was standing under a coconut tree for hours before Benedict and I left


I took the photo from her and stood up


Me: I’ll be right back dear


I kissed her cheek and she blushed


Benedict came out with the phone. I quickly grabbed it and entered inside, took my keys and rushed out


Me: I’ll be right back kids


I entered my car and drove to the beach. I looked around. Few people were still there


I looked under all the coconut trees and I saw him under the last one.


I sighed and walked to him. He didn’t see me


Me: Beck



Beck Oliver’s POV


Stupidity! Irresponsibility! Arrogance! That’s what I’ve been living in.


I’m so stupid. What the heck is my problem? Why didn’t I even think of going back home? How was I comfortable being on exile


I know I didn’t want to feel the pain of seeing her being kept in a coffin, but at least I should have stayed back.



And the stupid thing that haunted me most was that she was my sister and I slept with her. I couldn’t live with that guilt. I just couldn’t!


And now, Benedict is our product of incest


How could he live with that tag? That his parents are siblings?


I screamed and punched the tree. I’m burning inside.


My greatest regret is that I relocated to USA. If I had known, I should have stayed back in Canada.


But then, my greatest confusion is how Tori is alive. Did they resuscitate her? Or she didn’t even die.


I need answer or I’m gonna die of curiosity


I stayed, staring at the white sand for hours. Only the shade from the tree kept me.


I was thirsty but I couldn’t move to get any drink. That’s not my priority now


When it was getting late, I decided to go home. Meet Tori and talk things out. Then I heard my name. My real name. I knew it was Tori, she’s the only one who knows the real me


I gently turned back and faced her. She was looking pale


Me: Tori


She cleared her throat and looked at the ground


Me: what is it? Are you okay?


Tori: I’m sorry for walking out on you


She looked up at me


Me: it’s okay. I’m not holding it


Tori: can we please… Talk?


Me: sure… Now?


Tori: let’s go to a secluded place


I nodded and she took the lead. We kept walking silently towards a quiet place. The evening wind began to blow and we settled down on a rock, just before the ocean.


Tori: thanks for following me here


I smiled


Me: what’s it you want us to talk about?


Tori: lots of things


Me: how should we start?


Tori: I didn’t die…


Thank God she decided to start with that. I really needed the answer to that question


Tori: someone wanted me dead. She paid a nurse to inject me but the nurse was Jade’s sister and she knew that I was Jade’s best friend. She told Jade and one thing led to another. She didn’t inject me but told the doctor to announce that I was dead.


Me: why would someone want you dead?


Tori: because she wanted me out of the picture so her son would take my place


Me: who is she?


She didn’t answer


Me: Tori…


She looked at me



Tori: I’m sorry Beck. But it’s your mom


My eyes widened


Me: what?


Her voice began to crack, a sign that she’s fighting back tears


Tori: she wanted me dead so she could make sure you took my place. She said she did it because she knew I’d stand in her way because of my love for you


Me: no. I can’t believe that. My mom can’t hurt a fly. How sure were you guys?


Was there any proof?


Tori: yeah. A video


I closed my eyes. Mom! I knew something was wrong then


Me: where is she now?


Tori: serving a jail term


My heart sank. What did she get herself into?


I feel really bad


Tori: and you’re not my brother


I looked at her


Me: what?


Tori : the DNA test you conducted that day, the results came out. You’re not a Vega


My heart jumped for joy. I wanted to scream out loud and dance in the waves. So mom lied. Well thank God. Tori is not my sister and Benedict isn’t a product of incest


Tori smiled as she saw me smiling


Me: I’m glad



I took her hand and squeezed it


Me: I’m really sorry I ran away. If only I knew the way things turned out, I would have stayed back


Tori: but why didn’t you come back?


I sighed


Me: my life has been like a prison. I didn’t care about music anymore, I hated the television and internet. Tori, for the past ten years I haven’t watched TV or listened to music. Except for church hymns. That’s all


Tori : why would you live like that?


Me: because I thought news of your death and our problems would be all over


Tori: but then, how does your daughter know me. She really loves me and listens to my songs.


My eyes widened


Me: what?? Tessa listens to music?? Gosh! That girl!


I clenched my fist. She’s such a good undercover agent


Tori: you didn’t know?


Me: she knows how much I hate music. She wouldn’t dare to let me know


Tori: I don’t like it that way


She looked at the sand and began to write something on it


We were quiet for minutes. I was looking at the gentle waves. The sun would soon set.

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Tori: did you get married?


smiled Me: yeah



She nodded and looked back at the sand. We were quiet for minutes again then she looked back at me


Tori: but what happened to Tessa’s mother?


Me: she died


She looked back at the sand again. This time, I looked at her. I know that face. That’s jealousy


Tori: but why did you tell her I’m her mother? And why did you wipe my face off?


She showed me the picture she was holding. I knew Tessa came back to take it


I chuckled


Me: because I didn’t want her to ask me further questions that I can’t answer. And I didn’t wipe your face off. I didn’t even know that picture would get exposed to moisture. I kept it in some books years ago


I remember I had that picture printed out before I sold my phone, when I first entered Mexico


She nodded and continued writing on the sand. I shifted close to her and grabbed her hand from the ground


Me: what are you writing?


Tori: no no no. Don’t look


I looked and my heart melted. She wrote ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP LOVING YOU






I chuckled and released her


Her face was pink with embarrassment


Me: I missed you


She looked at me


Me: you didn’t miss me?


She looked away


Tori: am sorry about your wife. Tessa said she died when she was giving birth to her


I laughed


Me: that’s just a story I made up. I never got married


Tori: what? Then how did you get Tessa?


Me : I adopted her when she was two years, from an orphanage nearby. She was so tiny and malnourished and sick. I adopted her because I didn’t want her to die


Tori : Tessa’s not your daughter?


I looked at her


Me: she’s my daughter. And will always be my daughter


Tori : I understand that


Me: so you got pregnant, from that our little play?


She covered her face


Me: Benedict what is he?


Tori: Oliver


Me: Benedict Oliver. Beck Oliver….


I looked into her eyes


Me: Tori Oliver… Tessa Oliver


She twitched her lips and tried not to smile


Me: if you’re not single then we can just forget about the….



Tori: no no no… I’m single.. I’m so single.. I’ve been single all my life. I’m still single


I laughed and pulled her to me


Me: I’m sorry for all the pain you passed through..I’m so sorry ( More interesting stories available on Topster Stories App)


I arranged her hair and she hugged me sideways


Tori: it’s okay. Everything happens for a reason


I looked at her face and smiled. I’ve missed this fairy. I’m so glad she’s back. And I’m not letting her go ever again


Tori: Beck… Please do me a favor


She pulled away from me


Me: what is it?


Tori: please kiss me


I raised a brow.


I’m not sure if I know how to kiss anymore


I pulled her again and placed my lips on hers. Well, the memories came back. I kissed her


She smiled and hugged me sideways again. We sat and watched the sunset. The feeling was back afresh. It was magical


Me: I do have a question though


Tori: what is it?


Me: is Jade still mean and vicious?



Tori: hell yeah. Even worse now that she knows Kung Fu and can handle all sort of guns. She’s the bad ass now


Me: oh no! I’m dead
















To Be Continued


Written by Hossy

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