Blind Love: Episode 1 - 15???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Blind Love – Episode 4

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Blind in love


*Part 4*


Nancy:Hey Nom have you seen Sim anywhere.


Nomsa: Nope let’s go we will be late.


When we arrive in school we find Simon already there.

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Nancy:Why didn’t you tell us that you have already left?

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He just kept quiet and went to sit down. Class continued. At break we went to buy food at the school spaza. I saw Sizwe there. I raised up my skirt to make it shorter.


Sizwe:Hey Nancy


Nancy:What happened to Sthandwa sam?


Sizwe:Not in school okay.


He looked really scared but I just brushed it off . I kissed him and he didn’t kiss back he just stood there looking like he’s seen a ghost.


Sizwe:Meet me behind the library in 10 minutes.


After 10 minutes I went and met him he looked angry.


Sizwe:(Slapping me)What was the stunt you pulled at the Spaza?

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Nancy:(Crying)Sizwe I just..


Sizwe: Shut up! Don’t ever do that in school ever again.


Simon approached and stood in the middle of us.


Simon:How could you slap a chick mara?


Sizwe:Shut up Veg boy!


Sizwe pushed him to the floor.


Sizwe:For someone who eats veggies you ain’t that strong.


Sizwe left. I kneeled next to Simon.


Nancy:Are you okay?


Simon: How can I be okay when you let this guy cheat on you,rape you and slap




Nancy:Rape me?


Simon: I came to find you because I wanted to show you that your sex tape is on all social media platforms.


Nancy:(Tears falling down my chin)What!


Simon hugs me.


Simon:I’m sorry Nancy. You have to open a case of rape and assault against him.


Nancy:You don’t understand Sim..I love this guy.


Simon:Does he love you?


The question rang through my mind. The school bell rang and I noticed how people were giving me dirty looks. I couldn’t believe Sizwe had done such a thing to me.


Mr Nkosi: Nancy! I am talking to you!


Nancy:What did you say sir?


Mr Nkosi: What is momentum?


Nancy:I…. don’t know sir.


Mr Nkosi: Obviously all you know is having sex with boys.


The whole class laughed except Simon. I felt so embarrassed I couldn’t even hold my head up high



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