Billionaire Sisters: Episode 1 - 72???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Billionaire Sisters – Episode 59

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Episode 59

Dylan POV.


I woke up Abit early today so I could prepare breakfast for everyone. Elle slept peacefully in my arms , I smiled and pecked her forehead. “Rise and shine sleepy head” i whisper into her ear .


She groaned and pouts childishly in her sleep.


“Come on wake up sweetie or am gonna spank your *as ” I smirked . Her eyes flushed open immediately.



Don’t even dare or am gonna deny you access to my V” she winked and pecked my lips.


Oh come on it hasn’t gotten to that Babe. Okay I won’t spank you, go take a shower while I fix breakfast ” I said and stood up from the bed.


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Come back here baby boy ” she said mockingly.


“Am sorry but I can’t you told me not to come closer to you babe and your wish is my command” i winked and ran out before she could nag endlessly.


Lauren isn’t back yet , this week she’s running the night shift so she only comes home by morning.






I went to the JBL boom box and turned it on playing soft music .


I whistle all the way to the kitchen as I went through all the contents in the fridge .


I guess am just gonna make beacon and scrambled eggs with soda .


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In no time I set off to cooking as I placed my mixed up eggs into the frying pan and made sure there wasn’t much heat from the cooker .


Soon I was done as I set the dinner .


“Aww my baby is hardworking” Elle said descending the stairs.


You got that right sweetie” I stuck out my tongue at her.


Oh please” she rolled her eyes at me as she walked to the dinner, I pulled out a chair for her before taking mine beside hers.


Lauren walked in immediately.


“Good morning dearies” she said hapily as she saw us together.



” Morning Lauren ”


” Morning sis” I grinned.


“What did I miss ? ” She took out her seat on the dinner.


“Nothing miss pockey you right on time for breakfast” I licked my lips.


Oh jeez just tell me you didn’t made it” she scoffs.


He did but he won’t stop boasting about it ” Elle rolled her eyes and took a mouthful of eggs.


That’s because am a far better in cooking than all of you ” I winked and pick on my beacons.


You wish ! ” Lauren said as she served herself.


We all enjoyed breakfast talking about random stuff and make fun of one another.


This is the perfect family I pictured.






Billionaire sisters

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