Beauty And The Beast: Episode 1 – 34???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Beauty And The Beast – Episode 24

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The car came to a halt in front of the company’s parking lot.


I opened the door and stepped out taking my clutch with me as I hung it over my shoulder.


“Thanks for the ride”


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he smiles “Anytime. Bella?” he called forcing me to keep my gaze at his. “Yes”


“about what I said,” he paused “I meant us being friends, I really mean it.”


“It’s not a problem Mr Ramsey. I don’t see why not”


“Thank you”




With that I walked inside the building and straight to my office.


The minute I walked in, Kim, Alex and Alyssa came running to me. I threw my bag on the desk and slumped on my chair, trying to catch my breath.


“So how was it? Did you guys finally manage to bail her out?” Alex asks and I nod “She’s out. According to the police, Maria didn’t press charges” “Oh thank God” Kim heaved


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“She would have rot. I can’t believe she tried to steal your design and pass it off as hers. I never knew Director could be so cunning. if she wasn’t caught today, she would have gotten away with it and then she tried to put the blame on Bella. Thank goodness Bella wasn’t framed” Kim said tucking her hair behind her ears. “I hope she gets suspended and never return to work.”


“Guys I’m fine. enough with the Denisha talk, it’s time for real business. finally we’ve been given a chance to call a board meeting and if all goes well, they’ll work on our new design” I said and they cheered


“Great. one good news despite all the drama today” Alyssa said rolling her eyes. “Indeed. so I want all hands to be on deck. I’ll schedule the board meeting for tomorrow so that they can get to work. how does that sound?” “Lovely” they all Chorused


“It really was in good time” I said with a smile.




I occasionally glanced at my watch as I scanned through some files on my table.


I had a dinner date with Miguel and I don’t want to be late.


A smile found it’s way to my lips as I thought about it but I quickly brushed it away.


After sorting out the files, I passed it on to my coworkers then picked up a few of


my stuffs to leave for home.


“Bye Lady Bella”


“Bye. don’t forget to lock up. we don’t want what happened today to repeat itself” I


mocked and we ended up laughing






I stepped out of my office as I made my way to the parking lot.




I turned around to see Chad walking up to me. Goodness!


what does he want now?


“Heading home?”


“Obviously” I stated


“I could drive you home if you want” he offered


“That won’t be necessary cause I came with my car” I said pointing at it so he could see it.


“Oh right. Thanks for today again”


“I thought we’ve talked about this?” I said tilting my head slightly “Yes but I just can’t help it”


“It’s alright. I think you should be heading home now, your wife must be missing you already” I said and I noticed his face go sour. “Yeah”


“Ok. see you tomorrow then. bye” I waved at him and walked towards my car.


I started the ignition immediately I got in and pulled out, driving home.








I was feeling restless.


I sat on the couch waiting for my so called husband to come home.


I can’t still believe he stood me up for That woman.


I competed with her in life, death and now in a lookalike form.


Ivy was already asleep.


I glanced at the clock at it was almost six thirty in the evening.


he’s so gonna get it from me I swear.


My mind kept on wandering that I didn’t hear his car pull into the driveway until he opened the door to the house.


I sprung up from my chair and rushed towards him



“How dare you Chad. how dare you humiliate me in front of that woman?” I asked feeling betrayed by my own husband.


“I can’t believe we’re going through this again”


“Yes we are. are you so naive or should I say blind that you didn’t notice that she was trying to frame me?”


“You asked for it. you tried stealing and got away with the wrong book. so please


explain to yourself madam Denisha, how does that account to framing you?” I fired






“Don’t forget that I know you Denisha. I know everything about you so I wasn’t too surprised that you did it. you killed Amber due to your jealousy and now that same jealousy pushed you into stealing Bella’s design”


“Chad” I yell


“I wonder what people would be thinking about us now? up till today, I’m still


regretting the fact that I ended up with you. you’re so shameless” he spat making


the tears trickle down my cheeks.




“I didn’t steal from her” I cried


“But that doesn’t change the fact that you went inside her office and took a book now does it Denisha?”


“She’s trying so hard to split us off”


“there wasn’t really an “us” but if she is then hallelujah” I mocked “Chad!”


“Just keep quiet. my daughter is fast asleep and I don’t want your tantrums waking her up”


“You still love Amber?”


“I always have and always will. I’ve told you before, don’t make me repeat myself.


you’re nothing but my child’s mother” He said and made for the stairs.


I picked up a vase and threw it at him but he dodged it.


“Are you trying to kill me too?” he asked and I bit my lips angrily as the tears flooded my eyes, blinding my vision.


“You’ve succeeded in killing an Innocent girl and now you’re coming after me. please put your temper in control cause I don’t want my child growing up without a father.” He fired back and stomped upstairs to our room.


“God I fucking hate that bastard. I hate you Bella” I wailed and curled up myself


crying my eyes out.








“So when is mommy coming back home?” Genie asked startling me from my thoughts.


“Anytime soon honey”


“But I’m already dressed up” she whined


“Does daddy look good?” I asked and she gave me a thumbs up.


“You look handsome daddy like you always do”


I picked her up from the floor and nuzzled her nose.


“I love you daddy”


“Love you more baby”


“I’m home, I’m home, sorry I’m late” Bella announced walking up to us.


She kissed Genie on her cheeks and did same to me.


I tried not to act too surprised.


“You’re late” Genie stressed out


“But at least I’m back. I’ll go shower. just give me a few minutes” she said running upstairs leaving Genie to our father and daughter moment. .


“What’s taking mommy so long?” Genie asks and I glance at the clock “She’ll be down any time soon. be patient”


“We’ve been doing that for the past thirty minutes” she said dryly making me chuckle.


“we had to wait for nine whole months before we got to see you”


“You didn’t get tired?”


“Well most times but in the end it was worth it” I said and she smiled.


“If you both waited for nine whole months then a few minutes wouldn’t hurt” “That’s my girl” I smiled kissing her cheeks. she’s just so smart.


“I’m ready” Bella announced and we turned our heads to the stairs.


“OMG you look pretty” Genie took the words right out of my mouth.


“Thank you baby”




she was clad in a white jumpsuit and black heels. her hair was tied in a messy bun


and few strands fell around her face.


I swear she looked perfect.


“Earth to dad” Genie said clicking her fingers at my face.


“Naughty girl”


“Are you ready?”


“I am” I said picking Genie from the floor and placing her on my shoulders as Bella clung to me.


we fit perfectly, it’s like she was made just for me.


“Where are we off to?” she asked after we took our places in the car.


“You’ll see. I made reservations”




“Sauta Voche” Genie Screamed immediately we pulled into the driveway.


“Lasagna” we all echoed at the same time.




I opened up the door and we stepped out making our way to the restaurant.


We were led to our table at the far end of the room.




A waiter came to our table to take our order.


“What are we having?” Bella asked


“I don’t know about you too but I’m going for the Lasagna” Genie squealed making me giggle.


“A bottle of champagne” I paused to read Genie’s excited face “and Orange juice for the little lady” I add and Genie’s face fell. “Not fair” she whined


“You’re way too young to have wine”


“But I just want a sip”


“You can have from your dad’s glass but definitely not mine” “Daddy” Genie called with pleading eyes and I winked at her.


I think she got the message cause she winked back at me with a smile playing on her lips.


“You’re right. I’m too young to have wine” she said and her mother nodded. I laughed cause she’s finally succeeded in fooling her mom. “Why are you laughing?” she asked me


“Nothing. I just laughed at what Genie said that’s all”


“I thought so”


“Okay.” I said turning to face our waiter “A plate of lasagna and beef steak. that’ll be all for now” I said and he scribbled it in his notepad and left to get our meal. .


“So how was work?” I ask trying to make a conversation


“it was beautiful. I’ve set a meeting with the board for my new design and I’m one hundred percent sure, they’ll approve it” I tell him


“They have to. you’re great at what you do anyways”


“Thank you. and thanks for coming through for me” she said and I smiled understanding what she meant by that. “Anytime”


“You look beautiful tonight by the way” i said and a blush found it’s way to her cheeks


“um.. thanks” she said trying to hide her face cause she was beyond shy and embarrassed. she doesn’t want me to know exactly hoe I make her feel.


“You guys should just kiss already. you make dinner dates so boring” Genie said


rubbing her face in utter frustration.


“What?” we yell at the same time


“you’re way too young to say stuff like that”


“Daddy has been staring at you since we left the house and you’ve been blushing like crazy. just kiss already”


“Keep quiet Genie Ramirez.” her mother scolded


“Sorry” she apologizes “But I know you want to” she said under her breath but


loud enough for us to hear.




“Lasagna for the lady,” Our waiter said cutting me short and interrupting our little






“Beef steak and champagne, Orange juice for the little lady again”


“Thank you” she said digging into her meal.


“Oh um sir could you please package a medium size marshmallow pizza” she requests


“What do you need that for?” Bella asks


“Take home snack. I might’ as well take advantage of the opportunity” she replied causing the waiter to laugh.


The waiter looked at me as if asking for my opinion. “Sure. whatever she says” I said and he walks away. “I love you daddy”


“Love you too” I said taking the bottle of champagne.


I opened it and poured inside Bella’s Glass then mine.


I took a sip and passed it to Genie when Bella wasn’t watching.


she muttered a thank you as she fluttered her brows.


“come on dad, feed mommy” Genie requests



“Okay” I said picking a fork and knife as I sliced the beef placing it on Bella’s mouth and she opened her mouth to eat. “Yay” Genie clapped her hands


“Feed my father, mom”


“You are just too much”


“Dad didn’t complain” she fired back.


Bella took a slice and I ate off her hand.


“I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t have anyone to feed her” she stated. so dramatic. I gave birth to a drama queen.


“You’re right about that” her mother said rolling her eyes “Not fair”


We all laughed.


I haven’t laughed like this in a very long time and I’m so happy that Bella was having a great time despite everything.


I love seeing her happy and I’ll do anything to make sure it stays like this.


“Eat up” Bella said shoving my arm






We finished with dinner and paid for our meal and of course Genie’s Marshmallow pizza then drove home after taking pictures which was initiated by my darling daughter of course.


“I look more beautiful in this picture but mom always beat me”


“Cause I gave birth to you. you got your beauty from me” Bella said and Genie


stuck out her tongue in disagreement.




We, arrived home and after changing from our clothes, we each had a slice of pizza and then we got ready for bed.


“You owe me a bedtime story but I’ll let it slide cause we all had a long day ” she said and I smiled before switching off the lights. (Topster Stories) “Good night Munchkin” I said kissing her hair


“Good night Daddy. Night mom” she said and closed her eyes and we retired to our






“I had a great day Miguel”


“I did too. thank you Bella” I said and took my place on the bed.


“Nope thank you”



I inched my face closer to her and before she could object, I placed a kiss on her lips and she reciprocated with her eyes closed. We pulled away from each other and closed our eyes to sleep.


I’m not sure either of us are gonna sleep this night and I don’t know why I did that but it felt just right. . .



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