Badass Bitches: Episode 1 - 29???? : TOPSTER STORIES

Badass Bitches – Episode 5

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Episode 5




Authoress choizey onas.




Promzy pov




We walked behind the middle aged man into his office


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Well I guess he owns the school, I maked sure Skyler was behind me




She’s my idol and I can do anything to protect her just like my own sister




We walked to the office, the man sat down and glared at us angrily




“You know the rules of this school, fighting is not allowed”


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But I can see you guys are tempting me, so tell me now, what Happend”




The dancer girl made a sad face




“” sir I didn’t do anything wrong,




I only approached her in a friendly manner buh she slapped me”






Wtf, I never knew she was a lair,




I kept mute and stared at her in angry way




“So can you tell me your own side of the story?”




The man asked looking at us




“Look here sir, I hate being questioned, this is a big school right?




and am sure you also got security cameras,




maybe you could watch it and see what Happend ”




Skyler words left the man looking amazed




Pls sir can we leave now I can’t afford to miss my first class




jenny said with a smirk




The man couldn’t say a single word, the kept staring like Skyler




There was tension in the air buh wat is going on I asked myself




Skyler POV




The look from the man’s eyes gave me weird feelings, he looks familiar tho




Buh I can’t really remember where I met him




“Young lady what is your name?” He asked in a calm way




“My name is Skyler pimenova “I replied with a smile




“You all are dismissed , Skyler see me after your class the man said looking at me




Okay have a nice day we walked out leaving the dancer girl behind




Guys my day started in a bad way I blurted out tiredly




Jenny and promzy giggled as we walked towards our class




Seriously, am a quiet girl on a norm, I don’t talk much in a crowded place




And am sure am gonna zip my mouth through out today




Okay guys, we will have to chat I’m class through text message okay?




OK girl we walked into the class holding hands




Omg, a teacher was in the class, well she was taking attendance




So I guess she is our form teacher




We stood at the entrance of the class staring at the crowd


Wow, my classmates are pretty much




Oh hi girls come over here the pretty lady said with a huge smile on her face




I was wearing a jean trouser , a little half bra lace and a jacket with a cap




Okay everyone attention pls!”




Here is our new students,




pls introduce yourselves she said with a smile




Jenny and promzy introduced themselves, well its my turn




Jeez, I felt a sudden cold, am not really good in talking to much people




I took in a deep breath




Ummmm hi guys




My name issssssssss I said stressing the s




well my name is Skyler pimenova




The girls in the front roll looked at me in admiration




Ewww, I guess I got new friends at first sight




Okay girls there are two empty seats at the middle just at the back




The form mistress didn’t finish before promzy and jenny ran to find their seats




Gosh, so frustrating for me




I found a chair at the fourth seat before the last seat




I slowly walked down there, the girls in the first roll couldn’t get their eyes off me




Hey Skyler I love your outfit and your shoe, oh I love your hair too”




Jeez this girl is something else but I love her




Awww thanks girl I replied with a wink




I dropped my bag at my desk, promzy and jenny were busy with their phones




I plunged in my headset, I sat down uptight and closed my eyes




I hate noises, I was listening to perfect by ed shereen.




The song really got me, I was just humming to the lyrics of the song




I felt a hand from behind pull the headset from my ear




I turned to see who it was




Jeez, it was Rhett, my heart skipped for a second


“Hi” he said with the preetiest smile I have ever seen




I swallowed my silava , oh hi I replied with a plane face




Even tho he’s handsome like a god, I didn’t like what he did to me earlier




“Its time for gym class” run along before the dean meets you here” he said




He dropped my headset and walked outside




Everybody in the class room couldn’t take their eyes off me




Jeez, I guess the guy is so popular,




we’ll they shouldn’t get mixed feeling because I hate him so much




Jenny and promzy walked up to me, they look happy and comfortable




We walked behind our classmates to the gym class




Well, am here for music and dance so I guess dancers must be fit




Am used to gym, its not a new thing to me




We got into the hall filled with instruments,




wow this place look amazing




As soon as the male teacher walked in,




everybody adjusted and stood on a straight line




Gosh Jenny and promzy left me standing behind




I managed to hid myself in the midst of two fat girls




I realised everybody were on their sport outfit,




but I was on my mufty clothes




Jeez, so much trouble just for today




A guy on black sport trouser was sitting at the upstairs,




he was wearing a red hood




He wore a nose mask and his whole body was covered leaving his eyes




Buh I could barely see his eyes because he was far away




Uhmmm strange people are pretty much in this school tho




The first person was called out to drag a heavy sized chain




Seriously I tried controlling my laughter, she couldn’t move an inch




Buh my focus went to the dude at the stairs,


he was climbing down the stairs slowly




Hey you’re next a male voice echoed into my ear




I stepped forward to meet the teacher




“Where are you sport wears” he asked sternly




Uhmmm my form teacher didn’t give me any till now,




am a new student I replied calmly




Okay now you gonna lay down on your back and raise this iron for ten times




“Pull off your shirt miss” he said in a husky voice



Kindly share out stories from using the floating social media icon buttons on the bottom of the screen

Wait? What?




Oh no!




I slowly pulled off my shirt revealing my lace shirt singlet/bra




I hate this shit, before I laid down,




the strange guy was standing close to the teacher




Sir pls can I do this standing? I asked with a baby voice




Sure you can he replied




I squatted and raised my waist at an average level like I was going to twerk,




I pulled the iron on my shoulders, I raised myself up slowly




Gosh this goddamm iron is so heavy buh I got no choice




The students cheered at me like they just saw a miracle




I carried it for the tenth time and I dropped it and fell on the floor fighting for breath




Jeez that was close




Bravo bravo that was impressive the teacher said with a smile




The guy in the hood squatted right before me




“Yo girly you got a nice waist and ass”.




“Am impressed keep it up”




Nobody heard what he told me,




he walked out with his hands in his pocket




Goddd, a shiver ran down my spine, his voice alone made me fall for him




There was a big murmur from the crowd


Omg, did I just talk with the son of the president????




I stood up and walked back to the line




Everybody were staring like me, like I am a ghost or something




I asked the girl standing in from of me




“Please who was that guy that went outside earlier”




“Oh he is the son of the founder of this school”




“His father is the richest man in many continent’s”




He is the closest friend to Rhett”




“They are actually three in numbers ”




“He only comes to practice once in a while, he’s a god of dance”




“I don’t think you should step in their toes”




“Oh and he barely talks, no one dares him in this school”




Oh really? I replied with a smirk




Well well, I normally dare everybody, let’s see how it goes







Badass bitches

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