Average Boy: Episode 1 - 21 (Season 2) : TOPSTER STORIES✅

Average Boy – Epilogue

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Beck Oliver’s POV



I rubbed my temples and sighed. It’s been a stressful week Thank God it’s over


For the past one month we’ve been into a movie. An action movie and it’s been stressful. This week was the finality of it and it was even most stressful


I took off my suit and shoes then went downstairs to collect my mails


When I got downstairs, I met a nineteen year old playing a guitar


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Me: hey Tess


She looked up


Tessa: dad


She stopped playing


Her nails were blue and she was wearing blue bracelets. She was also wearing a ring and her hair was now straightened. She had her lashes curled and a little make up on her face


Me: when did you get here? I thought you went out


Tessa: no I was in my room . Just waiting for San


San, her boyfriend.


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Me: where’s Benedict?


Tessa: buddy ran off to Jason’s house. Says he forgot his script


Me: he took which car?


Tessa: the blue one… He wouldn’t dare take yours again



I chuckled and walked to the fridge in the dinning. Tessa resumed playing the guitar


She’s now a singer and actress but mostly voice acting for cartoons and Mexican movies when they want to translate to English


Benedict on the other side now acts mainly for Nickelodeon. And he’s really popular with teenagers


Tori is still in the Music Industry. She’s now a grand music mama. With people under her


But I’m glad she kept her beautiful shape. Without plastic surgery or anything else


My babe is beautiful.


We didn’t get any other kids. These two are okay for us. Especially now that they’re grown up. When they were in their midteens, they almost turned the house upside now


I came back to the living room and met San taking pictures with Tessa


Me: you two need anything?


Tessa: no we’re good


San: HI sir


Me: San Diego


He chuckled. I always call him San Diego


Tessa: and mom is back. In a pretty bad mood


Me: really? I better go check on her


I raced upstairs to our room and saw her pacing


Me: who got the queen angry?


Tori: can you imagine? Beach Records chose Rina over me


I sighed


Me: is that it?


Tori : Beck you know how much I’ve worked hard to get into Beach.


Me: come here baby


I opened my arms and glared at her as she hesitated


Me: you are gonna come or not?


She sighed and walked into my arms


Me: do you know why Beach didn’t choose you?


Tori: I don’t know but it’s so pissing me off


I chuckled and rubbed her arms


Me: because you’re married honey. They need a girl who can pull down pants


Tori: hmmm


Me: and you can’t do that


Tori: well


I took her up and laid her on the bed


Me: Now let’s forget about that. Babe you haven’t seen me well for some time, come on, treat me good


She chuckled and got up


Tori: I’m going to shower


Me: whatever


I pulled a pillow under my head and took her phone


Tori: lock the door before I get out



I jumped off the bed


Me: now you’re talking


I quickly ran and locked the door.


The last time, Benedict banged in on us


Thank God we didn’t start then


I laid back on the bed and looked through her phone. I smiled as I saw our wedding pictures. So cute. These trouble makers have grown to independent young adults. I overheard Tessa warning Bene not to get a girlfriend yet. I had laughed because I knew he was going through a hard time with all those girls. That dude is twice as handsome as I was when in high school. His eighteenth birthday is coming up in five months and Tessa will be twenty next month.


Tori and I are planning to buy her a house or maybe get her a penthouse somewhere in New York where she’s studying Cinematography.


I laid on my tummy and closed my eyes. I was really grateful to God for taking me from Grass to Grace.


From Average Boy to millionaire dad and husband. I’m just so grateful


Tori: I’m out baby


Me: come give daddy a kiss then


I sat up and stretched my arms then grabbed her and pulled her to the bed.








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The End


Written by Hossy

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