Annabel's Little Secret: Episode 1 - 20 : TOPSTER STORIES

Annabel’s Little Secret – Episode 5

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Episode 5




Vanessa’s Pov:


We all sat in the hospital room in front Of Annabel as she laid on the bed – not looking weak anymore.


“So, luckily”, the doctor continued


“There are no brain damages, no internal bleeding. She’s perfectly fine. And so, she’s ready to be discharged today” he concluded and mum heaved a huge sigh of relief.


“Thank you so much doctor. I really appreciate” Dad said.


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“Sure. You’re welcome sir. I’ll be in my office” the genial doctor said and left.


“Annabel, how’re you feeling? Are you alright?” Renee asked, holding her palm.



“Please, you don’t need to worry about me. Like the doctor said, I’m fine” she replied with a smile.


Well, obviously she looked fine. She wasn’t having any injuries except for a scratch on her arm.


The police had luckily found her lying unconsciously by the road side.


“You got us really scared, Annabel” Esther grouse.

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“Yeah – what really happened?” Mum added and she signed and stared upwards at the ceiling.


“I…I was kidnapped” she replied and we flinched.

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“Kidnapped?” Dad repeated.


“Yes. I had gone to make use of the restroom. And while I was..using the washbasin, someone came up from behind and sedated me with a napkin over my nose and I passed out immediately.


“I woke up hours later and found myself in a strange dark room. I don’t know what their plans were but, miraculously, I was able to escape. I fred the ropes that bounded me and escaped.”


“You…escaped so easily?” Renee asked.


“Yes. Like I said, it was a miracle” she replied sharply and a short silence stepped in.


“I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I finally spotted the road. But by then, I had already become too weak. And that was how I passed out” she concluded with a sigh.


“Thank goodness. But…were you touched?” Esther asked and looked down at her legs.



“No, no. They didn’t do anything to me” she replied.


“But what could their reasons be for kidnapping you in the first place?” Mum asked.


“It’s possible they needed a ransom” dad replied.


“Then, why were they so carless to let her go easily?” Esther asked.


“Will you be able to recognize them if youyou see them?”


“Guys please” I chipped in.


“I think we should give her a break. The most important thing is she’s back and safe. So, I don’t think we should rack our brains over any other thing. Instead, we should just see it as a miracle”.


They all kept quiet for a while, probably trying to digest what I said.


“So, Annabel” I called.


“Do you think you’re strong enough to go home?”


“Of course” she smiled.






We arrived home hours later and Annabel kept gazing around the house.


Dad had already gone to the office and we were just left with mum.


“I’m so glad you’re home, Annabel. You really scared the hell out of me” Renee said as we walked into the sitting room and Annabel laughed.


“Yeah. You needed to had seen her, Anna. She looked like a ghost” Esther teased and Renee rolled her eyes.



“I’m really sorry, guys. Sorry for getting you scared” she replied as we all stopped walking.


“Annabel,” mum called.


“What would you like to eat?”


“Um…Anything will be fine. But for now, please take me to my room. I need some rest” she replied, dazily.


“O…okay. Come on then.” Mum said and we all climbed the stairs together, headed for our room.


In a short time, we were there.


“Welcome home, Anna” Esther said ad we walked into our big gorgeous room.


“Yeah…thanks” Annabel replied lowly, wearing a perplexed look.


Her eyes were going round the room.

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She walked slowly and sat on Esther’s bed.


“Hello? That’s my bed.” She scoffed.


“What’s wrong with you, Esther? We share our beds, don’t we?” I asked and she rolled her eyes with a “yeah”.


“Okay, Annabel. I’ll just get you something to eat, okay?” Mum said and tried leaving the room, but Annabel called her back.




“Yes dear?” Mum quickly turned to look at her.


“Can I…ask for a favor please?”


“Of course baby. What is it?” Mum asked curiously.



“I need my own separate room”.



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