Angela: Episode 1 - 30 : TOPSTER STORIES

Angela – Episode 6

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Angela slowly opened her eyes and found herself

at the hospital with a drip connected to her,

tears stream from her eyes and as she sat up

and saw Elsa beside her.

‘Elsa, she call out slowly,”

”you need some rest dear, just lye down, those

bitches will gonna pay for this,” said Elsa in tears

as she held her hand softly.

”thank you Elsa, what about Fiona? what has the

school done to her? Angela managed to ask.

”she’s just on two weeks suspension without any

punishment just because her parents came and

am sure they must have bribe them and she’s

purposely on suspension because they don’t

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want anyone to complain of been being so

partial,”’ Elsa explained.

”what! i can’t believe this school could stoop this

low to collect bribe from her damn parent for

hurting a poor orphan like me.”.

”Angela, you need to rest, you don’t have to talk

too much just let it go, let God led,” Elsa advised

while Angela lye back on her bed still in tears.

The door went open and Chris entered as he

moved close to them.

”Angela, am really sorry for what happen? Chris

apologies as he caress her hair softly.

”just leave Chris, i knew that was what you’ve

always wanted just leave..She yelled.

”calm down Angela you need to rest,” Elsa said

so worried as she turn to Chris. ”i guess you

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have to go i wonder why you have to do that to

my friend,”.

”okay then i will leave, but Angela i gat nothing

to do with this, get well soon,” he winked at her

then left.

”he’s so annoying, i can’t believe he’s siding with

foolish Fiona and her damn stupid friends,”

Angela yelled so angry.

”Ange’, even on sick bed you still talk too much,

just rest a little,” Elsa sighed.


Angela dancing team all came in group on their

way to her ward they saw Chris who was just

walking out and Suzan mouth flew opened.

”wow!, i guess you’re Chris Peterwerth,”Suzan

asked smiling at him.

”sure, he replied, he was surprise to them

dressed so Roget and wonder who’ve they come

to visit, as he left.

They walked in straight to Angela’s ward and

was surprise to see her in such painful condition.

”gosh! these girls fuck up, and we have a show

to attend tomorrow night that means we can’t

dance without Angela,” Said Karen feeling so


”gosh! who even has the gut to touched Angela,

our dancing leader, who the hell did those rich

kids think they are, well we gonna show them

anyone mess with you also mess up with us you

are the main source of our group we can’t dance

without you and you know tomorrow show will

gonna be a great show, i mean it be gonna be a

grand party,” Suzan said almost loud sounding so


”girls, you can dance without me, believe me am

gonna be fine soon,” Angela assured them as she


”just Shut up Angela, we can’t dance without

you, just tell us straight who did this to you,”

Jane asked.

Angela was quiet and couldn’t say anything but

Elsa quickly speak up for her.

”it Fiona and her friends,” Elsa answered them.

”Fiona! Girls i know her too well, well Ange take

care will gonna make sure we put her in her right

place,” Suzan assured her as they all left.

Elsa watched them leave and felt so worried.

”The really care so much about you, but i guess

this not the kind of people you should keep,

they’re so Roget even by their dressing,” Said


”No Elsa, they are good people, i have no option

than to keep them because we all grew up in the

street together without families and no one to

cater for us,that how we all grew up in pain,”

”but you are quite different from them Angela, i

mean you are unique, you’re focus in life,” Said


”i don’t think that’s true,”

”Angela, i have to leave you now maybe you can

rest,” said Elsa as she stood up to leave.

”please stay with me, i just need someone by my

side,” Angela held her hands tight.

”okay then, you have to keep your mouth shut or

sleep, agree? she asked.

”sure,” Angela nodded as she lye down to sleep..


Fiona lye on her bed so angry with herself, she’s

actually on two weeks suspension and today is

just the sixth day, which remain eight days for

her to resume back she really miss school and

want to go back even for the sake of Chris, she’s

want to do everything she could to be his she

just hope he won’t fall for Angela. She quickly

picked up her phone and call Seth one of her

male friend at school.

”Seth, how is school? what about that poor thing,

have she resume? she asked in a low tone.

”not yet,”

”thank goodness, so what about my Chris,” she

smile biting her lip.

”trust me he’s doing fine, i miss you so much

Fiona,” he said.

”miss you too, don’t worry i will be back to

school by next week and that won’t stop me

from dealing with that Angela again,” she

laughed as she hanged up and taught of what

next to do to Angela.


Chris came to Fiona’s place to see her at their

house she was glad on seeing him as she hugged

him their.

”i can’t believe you’ve come to visit me,” She

smiled trying to hug him but he push her back.

”what the hell did you tell Angela, i don’t

understand you? he asked very angry.

”oops! don’t tell me you’ve actually come

because of that thing,” Fiona laughed.

”you know what you can go ahead and spoil

others reputation but not mine, why will you have

to lie against me? he asked so furious.

”i didn’t, Chris so don’t accuse me because of

what that Angela told you just leave, She yelled

at him.

”really Fiona, i will go but i want my name clear

out of this because i know nothing about it,” he

yelled as he left in anger.

..”gosh! i can’t believe Angela caused all these,

how dare she made me look like a bad person to

everyone even Chris,” She was so angry.


Chris and his friends were done with playing

basketball at the court, as they sat down on a

bench enjoining the fresh air.

Chris picked a bottle pf chill water from his bag

and pour it on his body, he removed his shirt and

sat down on the next bench.

”so what about Fiona, i guess her suspension

will be over tomorrow, that means she will

resume to school on Monday, that good,” said


”who cares, i wonder why she keep on hurting

Angela,” said Chris.

”and i also wonder why you have to get so

worried about Angela this way,” Greg cut in.

”am only worried, we all know Fiona is such a

bad person,” Chris quickly said defendly.

”have you forgotten what Angela did to you at

first, she’s just full of herself and moreover a

prostitute,” Greg replied back.

”i guess we have to stop this here, Angela is not

a prostitute you’re just mistaken her for that,

said Chris so pissed off.

”of course she is, Chris i don’t know why you

keep on defending that girl, she’s a bar dancer,”

Greg yelled.

”enough guys you don’t need to argue over

Angela who don’t even like you, let just forget

about her because i can see you guys are all

angry with each other,” Leam scolded them.

”well who cares,” Chris stood up and drank a

little water from the bottle then turn to leave and

was surprise to see Angela back in school, she

has actually recover so soon.

”Angela,” He quickly walked towards her and


”i hope you won’t blame me for what happen,

Fiona is such a bad person,” he said.

Angela stared at him, then at his muscular firm

chest. ”he looks more handsome,” she thought.

”what are you staring at? so you like it? he smile

then wink at her.

”huh? like what? she asked

”my amazing chest,” he smiled.

”gosh! damn it, Chris just let me be,” she yelled

at him and walked away.

They settled at the class and Elsa brought out

popcorn from her bag.

‘let enjoy ourselves,” said Elsa smiling. ”but you

should have listen to Chris, you know Fiona is

capable of doing anything,” Elsa suggested.

”i love Chris, i love him so much right from the

first day i saw him in this school my hear beat

for him, and only you know about this, i just hope

you will gonna keep this a secret, just that am so

mad at him if he side with Fiona to beat me up,”.

”come on Ange’, you know Chris can’t do that,

just try to be nice okay..

”i really don’t want to force myself on him, if he

don’t love me then fine i will try so hard to forget

him, ..gosh! but no matter what i can’t take

away the thought of Chris from my heart, well let

just forget about him for now. I really want to

deal with that Fiona but i don’t know how, she

made me hate her so much,”.

”Fiona will gonna regret this, she always thinks

money can save her from everything but she’s




Angela went to check on her dancing team on

Saturday evening and saw their was a

celebration and they were all happy.

”what the occasion girls? She asked as she sat


”Mission accomplish!, said Suzan laughing.

”job well done,” Karen laughed

”wait girls! which mission, i hope you’ve not

steal or do something bad? She asked and her

heart was beating faster.

”well you should be more happier because your

enemy was put to shame today,” Said Karen as

she sip her drink.

”what did you mean girls, which enemy? Angela

asked still confused.

”Fiona of course, thank goodness we beat the

hell out of her with her two friends, they nearly

die, we make sure they bleed all lover their body,

in fact i suggest we kill them but this girls

refuse,” said Suzan smoking cigarette.

”what!.. but.. why?.. you shouldn’t have done

that they might thought i send you girls,” said

Angela holding her head.

”shut up Angela, you fear too much, no one will

suspect us neither you, we’ve beat them so

badly, no one dares to touch our leader,” said

Jane laughing as she hand over a glass of wine

to Angela.

”girls let celebrate, cheers! now am sure no one

will try to touch you Angela again.” Suzan smiled.

”okay.. girls, this really a good idea but a bad

one also well thank you guys but please don’t do

it next time i don’t want any of you to be caught

by the police,” said Angela.

”Angela the good girl, remember we are all here

to help each other, i guess that Fiona will have

to add additional one month for her to fully

regain back herself and go to school,” said


”thank you girls,” Angela smiled as she sip her

drink. they played music and dance to the full

while Angela watch them smiling, with tears in

her eyes. ”this the kind of life i live, am the

most luckiest among them because only i gat

the opportunity to be in a very quality school, i

can’t denied the fact we all are ‘BAD GIRLS’

since we all are bar dancers, we grew up

together, hawk when we were kids, they were

they only one i had and from their we form a

dancing group and i teach them how to dance.

Life has been so unfair but yet we never let our

happiness to depend on anyone.. Angela

watched them dance and she smile to herself

with tears streaming down her cheeks.



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