A Night With The CEO: Episode 1 - 30???? : TOPSTER STORIES

A Night With The CEO – Episode 8

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????????A NIGHT

WITH THE CEO????????

????[In Bed with my Boss]????


????Episode Eight????


Chloe’s POV cont.d????


He left without even saying a goodbye and spilled the cash all over my overall after raining insults on me…


Oh God he said I took advantage of him,the bastard slept with me for crying out loud….


I simply left the money and sat on Anna’s porch and the next thing I knew tears started falling…


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I came to New York with a goal to be a successful businesswoman and now I’m being accused of being a cheap whore…


‘Everything is going to be okay Chloe,you just have to forget about him’..a little voice in my head said and I cleaned the tears in my eyes…


I don’t care about anyone anymore,I don’t care about falling in love cause true love is scum…


in fact all men are scum!!!..


‘Men are total scum!!!’..I screamed at the empty street and crouched down crying again…



I’m not sure I’ll get over this….



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Alexander’s POV????


‘Look William I’ve taken care of the whole situation, she’s not going to bother me anymore!!’..I said and he choked on his coffee..


‘What do you mean by you’ve taken care of the whole situation?,she’s not going to bother you anymore?,Alex what did you do?’..he asked and I smirked…


‘i simply gave her some wads of cash and told her never to bother me anymore’..I replied coldly and he spilled the coffee all over me…


‘What the fuck dude?!!,you told the poor girl all that,c’mon Alexander this just proves that you’re a cold bastard!!’..he screamed and I frowned…


‘What would you have me do?,huh?,she was going to ask me for cash later on!!!’..I fired back and he groaned loudly…


‘You’re an idiot,a useless jerk and a fucking bastard!!’..


‘That’s enough William you’ve said enough!!!’..


‘No I’m not done with you Alexander,dude not all girls are messed up like your step mother!!!,you’ve got to let go of the past dude!!’..he and clapped his hands in unison…


‘Here you go again with your philosophy Will’..I replied…




‘You hurt Chloe’s feelings and brought her self esteem and dignity down to ashes just because you thought all women are like Megan Montenegro, Look at what you are now Alexander,even your staffs call you a goblin!!’..he screamed and i sighed walking away…


‘This isn’t over bruh,we’re gonna finish this talk later!!’..he called out and I gave him the fuck you sign…


No one lectures Alexander Montenegro about Love and Feelings…


Those things are just punishments given to us by God…



Anna’s POV????


I walked down my lawn and found scattered dollars everywhere and an open sprinkler…


What happened here?!!..


‘Chloe!!’..I called from the porch but I got no response..




‘Chloe!!,please come out now!!’..I called again and when I didn’t get a reply I went into the house…


‘Chloe what is..Jesus are you alright?!!’..I screamed when I saw her lying down crying…


Her eyes were so puffy that I almost thought it was an easter egg or something..


‘Jeez baby are you okay,what happened to you?’..I said as I joined her on the bed and she hugged me…


‘Am I a cheap whore Anna?’..she asked over her loud sobs..


’No sweetie you’re not’..


‘Am I a slut?’..she asked again and I shook my head..




‘Tell me Chloe what happened here and why is your eye so puffy??, have you been crying all morning?’…I said and she sobbed harder…


‘He said that I wanted to blackmail him!!,he said I took advantage of him when we had s*x Anna!!!’..She cried and I covered my mouth with my hands in horror….


‘Oh my God Alexander said all that?!!’..I asked and she nodded…


‘I’m gonna give that bastard a fucking piece of my mind!!’..I screamed but Chloe held me back…


‘Please don’t do this Anna,I beg of you’..


‘Why shouldn’t I babe?,the bastard broke your heart into tiny pieces and disgraced you as a woman and you say I should let it go?!!!,Hell no!!!’..I screamed and she held me tighter…






‘Don’t do anything,I can’t allow you loose your job because of my personal matters,please just let it go’..she begged and I sighed…


‘Okay fine I won’t do anything but if he says one annoying word against you I’ll break his nose promise?’…


‘Promise,so now please let me brood’..she said and I smirked..




‘i think I wanna cry more’..


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Alexander’s POV????






‘So that’s the end of the presentation!!’..I finally said and everyone in the conference room clapped with vigor..


‘Wow Alexander you really killed it back there’..William said and I smiled..


‘What about Chloe,I haven’t seen her lately’..he added and I frowned..




‘You had to just ruin the moment did you?’..I said and he laughed so hard..


‘So dude you couldn’t even give her a phone call after breaking her heart and humiliating her?,that’s messed up’.. he said and I sighed..


Truth be told I’ve been thinking about her but I never really got the courage to pick up the phone and call her…


How is she faring now?!!…



Chloe’s POV????


‘Gdbhbjjhbbbbbhhhkhhh!!’..I vomited for the third time today inside the toilet seat..


For the past two days I’ve been feeling under the weather and I think I’m coming up with a cold…


I went outside to take out the trash and a middle aged woman walked up to me…


‘Are you okay dear you seem a little bit pale’..she asked and I nodded…


I turned to leave but she held me back..


‘i beg your pardon?’..


‘Look sweetheart I’ve got five kids already and trust me when I say this’..


‘Say what?’..


‘You’re pregnant sweetheart,have you been feeling any nausea lately?’..she asked and I nodded…


‘Yes but that doesn’t mean anything, I can’t be pregnant’..


‘When last did you see your period?’..she asked again and I flinched…


‘Look I don’t know where you’re going to but I can assure you that it’s none of your business!!’..I lashed at her and she left…


Deep down I know that I haven’t seen my period of two months now..


Maybe it’s stress or maybe…


Oh my God!!!..


I picked my phone and dailed Anna’s number and she picked…


????:Hey babe what’s the problem..




????:Anna are you on your way home??


????;Yeah why??…


????;Please help me get a pregnancy kit from the pharmacy..




????;Just do it please!!!…


I disconnected the call and bit my finger..


Am I really Pregnant?!!…




Could Chloe be truly pregnant?!!..


if she is then….

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